
李淼,陈诺,安玮,等. 面向事件相机探测无人机的双视图融合检测方法[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(11): 240208. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240208
引用本文: 李淼,陈诺,安玮,等. 面向事件相机探测无人机的双视图融合检测方法[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(11): 240208. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240208
Li M, Chen N, An W, et al. Dual view fusion detection method for event camera detection of unmanned aerial vehicles[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(11): 240208. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240208
Citation: Li M, Chen N, An W, et al. Dual view fusion detection method for event camera detection of unmanned aerial vehicles[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(11): 240208. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240208


  • 基金项目:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目 (62401591,62401589);国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目(61921001)
    *通讯作者: 安玮,anwei@nudt.edu.cn。
  • 中图分类号: TP391

  • CSTR: 32245.14.oee.2024.240208

Dual view fusion detection method for event camera detection of unmanned aerial vehicles

  • Fund Project: Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62401591, 61921001), and the Foundation for Innovative Research Groups of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61921001)
More Information
  • 随着低空无人机的广泛应用,实时检测此类低慢小目标对维护公共安全至关重要。传统相机以固定曝光时间成像获得图像帧,在光照变化时难以自适应,导致在强光照等场景下存在探测盲区。事件相机作为一种新型的神经形态传感器,逐像素感知外部亮度变化差异,在复杂光照条件下依然可以生成高频稀疏的事件数据。针对基于图像的检测方法难以适应事件相机稀疏不规则数据的难题,本文将二维目标检测任务建模为三维时空点云中的语义分割任务,提出了一种基于双视图融合的无人机目标分割模型。基于事件相机采集真实的无人机探测数据集,实验结果表明,所提方法在保证实时性的前提下具有最优的检测性能,实现了无人机目标的稳定检测。

  • Overview: With the proliferation of UAVs in various industries, concerns over airspace management, public safety, and privacy have escalated. Traditional detection methods, such as acoustic, radio, and radar detection, are often costly and complex, limiting their applicability. In contrast, machine vision-based techniques, particularly event cameras, offer a cost-effective and adaptable solution. Event cameras, also known as dynamic vision sensors (DVS), capture visual information in the form of asynchronous events, each containing the pixel location, timestamp, and polarity of an intensity change. This address-event representation (AER) mechanism enables efficient high-speed and high-dynamic-range visual data processing. Traditional cameras capture image frames with a fixed exposure time, which makes it difficult to adapt to changes in lighting conditions, resulting in the detection of blind spots in strong light and other scenes. Event cameras perform well in this situation. The existing object detection algorithms are suitable for synchronous data such as image frames, but cannot handle asynchronous data such as data streams. The proposed method treats UAV detection as a 3D point cloud segmentation task, leveraging the unique properties of event streams. This paper introduces a dual-branch network, PVNet, which integrates voxel and point feature extraction branches. The voxel branch, resembling a U-Net architecture, extracts contextual information through downsampling and upsampling stages. The point branch utilizes multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) to extract point-wise features. These two branches interact and fuse at multiple stages, enhancing feature representation. A key innovation lies in the gated fusion mechanism, which selectively aggregates features from both branches, mitigating the impact of non-informative features. This approach outperforms simple addition or concatenation fusion methods, as demonstrated through ablation studies. The method is evaluated on a custom dataset, Ev-UAV, containing 60 event camera recordings of UAV flights under various conditions. Evaluation metrics include intersection over union (IoU) for segmentation accuracy and mean average precision (mAP) for detection performance. Compared to frame-based methods like YOLOV7, SSD, and FastRCNN, event-based methods like RVT and SAST, and point cloud-based methods like PointNet and PointNet++, the proposed PVNet achieves superior performance, with an mAP of 69.5% and IoU of 70.3%, while maintaining low latency. By modelling UAV detection as a 3D point cloud segmentation task and leveraging the strengths of event cameras, the PVNet model effectively addresses the challenges of detecting small, feature-scarce UAVs in event data. The results demonstrate the potential of event cameras and the proposed fusion mechanism for real-time and accurate UAV detection in complex environments.

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  • 图 1  事件相机与传统相机输出比较

    Figure 1.  Comparison of output between event camera and traditional camera

    图 2  事件相机无人机检测数据集。(a)事件点云,蓝色为背景,红色为无人机目标;(b)可见光图像帧;(c)事件帧,红色框内为目标

    Figure 2.  Event camera drone detection dataset. (a) Event point cloud, with blue background and red drone target; (b) Visible light image frame; (c) Event frame, with the target within the red box

    图 3  点-体素融合分割网络

    Figure 3.  Point-voxel fusion segmentation network

    图 4  事件点云体素化

    Figure 4.  Event point cloud voxelization

    图 5  点-体素特征交互融合模块

    Figure 5.  Point-voxel feature interaction fusion module

    图 6  可视化检测结果对比。红色框为正确检测结果,黄色框为虚警,绿色框为漏检

    Figure 6.  Visual comparison of detection results. The red box represents the correct detection result, the yellow box represents false alarm, and the green box represents missed detection

    表 1  不同算法在Ev-UAV上的实验结果

    Table 1.  Experimental results of different algorithms on Ev-UAV dataset

    方法 框架 $ {P}_{{\mathrm{d}}} $/% $ {P}_{{\mathrm{f}}} $/% AP IoU 推理时间/ms
    SSD 88.3(+8.2) 13.3(−10.1) 62.7(+6.8) 18.7
    FastRCNN 88.7(+7.8) 13.5(−10.3) 63.2(+6.3) 19.5
    YOLOV7 89.8(+6.7) 10.3(−7.1) 65.3(+4.2) 16.5
    RVT 90.3(+6.2) 10.1(−6.9) 65.7(+3.8) 10.5
    SAST 90.1(+6.4) 10.5(−7.3) 65.5(+4.0) 13.2
    DNA-Net 90.5(+6.0) 9.91(−6.7) 65.9(+3.6) 20.3
    OSCAR 90.3(+6.2) 10.2(−7.0) 66.3(+3.2) 25.3
    Pointnet 点云 91.3(+5.2) 8.35(−5.1) 66.1(+3.4) 66.7(+3.6) 19.8
    Pointnet++ 点云 93.5(+3.0) 7.33(−4.1) 67.3(+2.2) 67.5(+2.8) 25.3
    Ours 点云 96.5 3.21 69.5 70.3 15.2
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    表 2  不同视图的影响。V和V+表示不同的体素分辨率: V表示4 pixel×4 pixel×20 ms,V+表示2 pixel×2 pixel×10 ms

    Table 2.  The impact of different views. V and V+ represent different voxel resolutions: V represents 4 pixel × 4 pixel × 20 ms, V+ represents 2 pixel × 2 pixel × 10 ms

    方法 $ {P}_{\rm{d}} $/% $ {P}_{\rm{f}} $/% AP IoU/% 推理时间/ms
    P 89.6 (+6.9) 9.86(−6.65) 66.3 (+3.2) 63.2 (+7.1) 7.2
    V 90.6 (+5.9) 8.98 (−5.77) 65.7 (+3.8) 63.8 (+6.5) 10.2
    V+ 92.5 (+4.0) 5.33 (−2.12) 66.8 (+2.7) 64.7 (+5.6) 12.3
    PV 94.3 (+2.2) 4.32 (−1.11) 67.2 (+2.3) 69.2 (+1.1) 19.2
    PV+ 96.5 3.21 69.5 70.3 20.3
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    表 3  不同融合方法的有效性

    Table 3.  The effectiveness of different fusion methods

    方法 $ {P}_{\rm{d}} $/% $ {P}_{\rm{f}} $/% AP IoU
    Add 90.2 (+6.3) 8.63 (−5.42) 67.3 (+2.2) 66.8 (+3.7)
    Multi 91.8 (+4.7) 7.68 (−4.47) 66.9 (+2.6) 64.2 (+6.1)
    Concat 93.8 (+2.7) 6.38 (3.17) 67.6 (+1.9) 65.3 (+5.0)
    Ours 96.5 3.21 69.5 70.3
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