
纪轶男,李海峰,刘旭. 大视场单镜片计算成像系统图像分割学习方法[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(5): 210371. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210371
引用本文: 纪轶男,李海峰,刘旭. 大视场单镜片计算成像系统图像分割学习方法[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(5): 210371. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210371
Ji Y N, Li H F, Liu X. Image segmentation learning method for large field single lens computational imaging system[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(5): 210371. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210371
Citation: Ji Y N, Li H F, Liu X. Image segmentation learning method for large field single lens computational imaging system[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(5): 210371. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210371


    *通讯作者: 李海峰,lihaifeng@zju.edu.cn 刘旭,liuxu@zju.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP391

Image segmentation learning method for large field single lens computational imaging system

More Information
  • 为了提升大视场单镜片计算成像系统的最终成像质量,本文提出了一种可行的图像训练思路和方法。首先将图像按照视场环切成中心和边缘两部分,然后将两部分分别做成两个数据集并分别训练两个数据集,之后用同样的分割方法将测试图像分成中心和边缘两部分并将其输入对应的网络,最后将两个网络输出结果拼接成完整的图片得到最终结果。通过主观观感和客观指标评价后,使用本文新思路得到的图像比直接训练得到的图像有明显的质量提升,成功实现了对大视场单镜片计算成像系统的改进和优化。

  • Overview: This paper presents an improved and optimized scheme for a large field of view single lens computational imaging system. In 2018, Peng Y F et al. proposed a single-lens computational imaging system with large field of view. This system solved the problem that the field of view of a single-lens computational imaging system could only be limited to 10 degrees. However, we noticed that after adopting the mixed PSF method of Peng Y F et al., the PSF learned by the network was not actually the accurate PSF of the image. This PSF error would have a bad effect on the final network output, resulting in the degradation of the quality of the restored network image. In order to solve the above-mentioned problem and make the imaging results of wide-field single-lens computational imaging system have better quality for human eyes to see, we proposed a processing method for wide-field PSF and its corresponding image training idea. Firstly, we divided the image into two parts, including the center and edge areas, according to the field of view. The center part corresponds to the field of view within 10 degrees, and the edge part corresponds to the field of view between 10 degrees and 53 degrees. In order to avoid segmentation traces after splicing, we adopted a segmentation method that can leave a gaussian gradient boundary. Then, the segmented images were made into two training sets, which were put into different networks for training. Under this situation, the PSF after the network training would be closer to the real PSF in the picture, which would greatly reduce the influence of PSF error, so that the quality of network training results would be better. After the training, the image to be restored was divided into two parts by the same method, and then the two parts of the image were restored in the corresponding neural network respectively. Finally, the output results of the two networks were spliced into a complete image to obtain the final result. For the same group of different pictures, we used the idea proposed by Peng Y F et al. and our new idea to restore and compared the results of the two methods. From the subjective perception of human eyes, the pictures obtained by using our new idea are more natural, clearer, and better than those obtained by using the methods of Peng Y F and others. In terms of objective evaluation indicators, our method is comparable to the method of Peng Y F et al. in terms of PSNR value. In terms of SSIM value, our method is much better than that of the Peng Y F et al. Therefore, in general, our idea does improve and optimize the large field of view single lens computational imaging system, and makes its imaging results higher quality and more suitable for human eyes.

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  • 图 1  不同视场PSF放大图[18]

    Figure 1.  Amplification of PSF with different fields of view[18].

    图 2  新思路具体实施流程

    Figure 2.  The concrete implementation process of the new idea

    图 3  整体硬件系统(红色方框内为传感器)

    Figure 3.  Overall hardware system (sensors in the red box)

    图 4  图像拍摄配准流程

    Figure 4.  Image shooting and registration process

    图 5  中心部分数据集示例(左侧为拍摄图,右侧为原始图)

    Figure 5.  Sample of center partial dataset (shot image on the left, original image on the right)

    图 6  边缘部分数据集示例(左侧为拍摄图,右侧为原始图),中间留洞原因详见后文

    Figure 6.  Sample of edge partial dataset (shot image on the left, original image on the right). The reasons for leaving holes in the middle are detailed in the following article

    图 7  测试集恢复结果示例,每张图片下方列出了用红框选出的两处细节。

    Figure 7.  Sample of test set after restoration, with two details highlighted in red boxes are listed below each image.

    图 8  实拍图恢复结果示例,每张图上方或下方列出了用红框选出的一处细节。

    Figure 8.  Sample of real pictures after restoration, with a detail selected in a red box is listed above or below each image.

    表 1  PSNR评价结果对比

    Table 1.  Comparison of PSNR evaluation results

    Peng et al.Our figure 1Our figure 2Our figure 3Our figure 4Our average
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    表 2  SSIM评价结果对比

    Table 2.  Comparison of SSIM evaluation results

    Peng et al.Our figure 1Our figure 2Our figure 3Our figure 4Our average
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