An optimized high-performance technique for adaptive optics static aberration correction
非共光路误差是限制自适应光学系统(adaptive optics, AO)的成像性能达到衍射极限的关键因素,同时AO系统共光路部分也会不可避免地引入静态像差,尤其是在自适应光学系统与望远镜配合使用进行科学观测时。因此,本文提出了一种基于焦面优化的改进型AO系统静态像差校正技术。该方法通过迭代优化算法将单模光纤生成的完美点扩散函数复制到自适应光学系统中来校正系统中的静态像差。相比于我们之前提出的焦面校正法,本文提出的改进型焦面优化技术获得全局优化结果的速度更快,并且在系统初始静态误差极大的情况下,拥有更好的校正性能。当部署于天文或其他需要高质量成像的自适应光学系统中时,该改进型焦面优化技术相较于传统校正法也更加便捷。
Abstract:For adaptive optics (AO) systems, Non-Common Path Aberration (NCPA) is considered as a critical issue to limit its diffraction-limited imaging performance and the static aberration will inevitably be introduced in the common path of the AO system inevitably at the same time, especially when it is coupled to telescopes intended for scientific observation. This paper presents an optimized focal-plane-based static aberration correction technique, which can copy a perfect point-spread function (PSF) generated by a single-mode fiber to the AO system via iteration optimization algorithm and static aberration in the AO system can be rapidly corrected. Compared with the focal-plane approach we proposed before, this optimized approach can achieve a global optimization result rapidly and deliver better performance when the AO system has a large initial static wavefront error. This technique can be implemented more conveniently in the AO system than other traditional correction methods for achieving an extremely high imaging performance in astronomy or other fields.
Key words:
- adaptive optics /
- aberration correction /
- high angular resolution
Table 1. Experiment results of different metric functions
Metric function RMS/nm SR Time/min Jo 55 0.739 140 Jlg 28 0.924 60 J 7 0.995 40 -
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