An automatic object detection method for microscopic images based on
attention mechanism
显微图像普遍具有背景复杂、细胞多重叠的特点,传统的图像处理方法由于其技术局限性,无法实时准确地完成识别任务。针对上述问题,本文提出一种采用注意力机制的显微图像智能检测方法,该方法对目标检测模型DETR进行改进,利用分组卷积机制对输入特征进行降维并分别训练不同卷积核实现特征提取,从而提高模型对于显微图像中目标物体的注意力,并增加了检测准确率。本文以阴道炎致病微生物检测为应用场景,实验结果表明,改进的模型平均查准率均值mAP为96.3%,比原模型提高约10%。同时,本方法在细胞重叠、粘连以及背景杂质繁多等场景下,仍具有高鲁棒性和强检测能力。每张显微图像检测耗时约为88.8 ms,可以满足实时检测的需求。因此,本文提出的模型可实时准确地对常见的阴道炎致病微生物进行实时高效自动检测,可满足显微镜检临床使用的实际需求。
Abstract:The microscopic image has the characteristics of complex background and overlapping cells. Due to the technical limitations, traditional image processing methods cannot accurately complete the real-time recognition task. To address the above-mentioned problems, we propose an automatic detection method for microscopic images using attention mechanism. This method improves the original DETR architecture by introducing a split-transform-merge mechanism, which reduces the dimensionality of input features and trains multiple groups of convolution kernels for feature extraction, thereby effectively improving the model's feature extraction ability for the targets and increasing the accuracy of model detection rate. The experimental results show that the mAP of the improved model was 96.3%, which is 10% higher than that of the original model DETR. Meanwhile, the proposed method has superior detection capabilities for scenarios such as cell overlap, adhesion, and complex background. Moreover, the detection time for each leucorrhea image was about 88.8 ms, which can satisfy the requirement of real-time microscopy examination.
Key words:
- microscopic image /
- attention mechanism /
- deep learning /
- vaginitis /
- automatic detection
Overview: The microscopic image has the characteristics of complex background and overlapping cells. The traditional microscopy examination is performed by experienced doctors, and usually takes long time. Vaginitis is a common and potentially harmful gynecological disease. It can significantly increase the risk of women being infected with pelvic inflammatory disease, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), and premature birth. Routine leucorrhea examination is a common early screening method for vaginitis, but traditional microscopic examination takes a long time, and the test results are largely affected by the subjectivity of the doctor. Due to the technical limitations, traditional image processing methods cannot accurately complete the real-time recognition task. To address the above-mentioned problems, we propose an automatic object detection method for microscopic images based on attention mechanism and perform it on the scenario of vaginitis screen. This method can achieve real-time and efficient detection of three common cells, which are mildews, trichomonas and clue cells. The proposed framework uses DETR architecture based on the self-attention mechanism for detection. Different from the commonly used object detection deep learning models, DETR employs Hungarian bipartite match algorithm to assign the prediction and ground truth based on the least cost, which saves the procedure of generating anchor boxes and region of interest proposal. The self-attention mechanism is also used in DETR to generate the global connection of the targets and the whole image, which enables the model to detect the overlapped targets more accurately. In our scenario of microscopic images with complex background, to achieve better performance in image feature extraction section, we replaced the original CNN backbone with a CNN architecture with a split-transform-merge mechanism. It reduces the dimensionality of input features and trains multiple groups of convolution kernels for feature extraction, thereby effectively improving the model's feature extraction ability for the targets and increasing the accuracy of model detection rate. The experimental results show that the mAP of the improved model was 96.3%, which is 10% higher than that of the original model DETR. Meanwhile, the proposed method has superior detection capabilities for scenarios such as cell overlap, adhesion, and complex background. Moreover, the detection time for each leucorrhea image was about 88.8 ms, which can satisfy the requirement of real-time detection. Therefore, this model can accurately identify pathogenic microorganisms in real time and meet the needs of actual clinical use for leucorrhea routine examination. In addition, this method has high transferability and robustness, which can be quickly migrated to microscopic clinical applications such as routine fecal microscopy, urine composition analysis, blood routine analysis, etc.
表 1 数据集具体划分情况
Table 1. The details of dataset split
数据集类别 图像张数 标注细胞总数 霉菌个数 滴虫个数 线索细胞个数 训练集 653 1844 1757 63 24 验证集 218 593 562 21 10 测试集 218 620 582 30 8 表 2 原始模型和改进模型的mAP和AP指标对比
Table 2. The comparison of mAP and AP results of the original model and the proposed model
模型 mAP/% 霉菌AP/% 滴虫AP/% 线索细胞AP/% 原始DETR 87.5 87.0 85.9 89.7 本文改进模型 96.3 93.0 95.8 100.0 表 3 原始模型和改进模型的查准率和召回率指标对比
Table 3. The comparison of precision and recall results of the original DETR and the proposed improved DETR
评价指标 模型 霉菌 滴虫 线索细胞 查准率(precision)/% 原始DETR 85.3 90.0 100 本文改进模型 88.0 100 100 召回率(recall)/% 原始DETR 85.0 90.0 75.0 本文改进模型 91.0 93.0 100 -
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