Abstract:Rapid identification and detection of gases is a major problem that needs to be solved urgently by researches from worldwide. With the development of optical technology, optical gas detection technology has attracted great attention due to its remarkable advantages of high efficiency, multi-component detection ability and high sensitivity. In this paper, the theoretical foundation of optical gas detection technology is first introduced. Then the working principles and applications of various optical detection technologies for typical gases according to active and passive detection are reviewed. Using these gas detection technologies, dozens of gases have been continuously monitored at long distance with high sensitivity. The measurements of gas composition, concentration, temperature and other parameters in a variety of scenarios are realized, which effectively reduces the occurrence of dangerous accidents. By summarizing and analyzing the technical problems that still exist in the current optical gas detection technology, the future development trend is prospected.
Overview: With the development of economy, human demands for chemical materials are increasing. Although these chemical materials provide great convenience and improvement to our daily lives, gas leakage accidents in various fields happen frequently. Leakage of the commonly used flammable and explosive gases such as liquefied petroleum gas, methane and vinyl chloride may cause explosions or fires. Gas leakage accidents not only cause huge economic losses, but also can cause casualties. In addition, some non-toxic, odorless and seemingly harmless gases can also cause great harm to the environment. For example, SF6 gas, which is commonly used in power systems, and gases such as CO2 emitted in production will cause the greenhouse effect, resulting global warming. Therefore, developing gas detection technology that can achieve rapid, qualitative and quantitative identification and detection of harmful gases in various scenarios has become an urgent problem for researchers. With the development of spectral imaging technology, the spectroscopy method develops rapidly. Compared with the traditional gas detection method, the spectroscopy method does not require sample preparation, and is fast, non-invasive, highly-efficient and dynamic, thus suitable for rapid and continuous detection in various fields. Accordingly, the spectroscopy method has become a hot spot of research and application in various countries.
This paper first introduces the theoretical foundation of optical gas detection technology, and then reviews the working principle and application of various optical detection technologies for typical gases according to active and passive detection. Active detection methods include tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS), differential absorption LiDAR (DIAL), differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), etc. Passive detection methods include remote sensing Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (RS-FTIR) and spectral imaging (SI). This paper focuses on the applications of optical gas detection methods mentioned above. In order to facilitate a deeper understanding of the application fields of each technology, we have detailed the types of gases, accuracy, detection limits, volume and cost that can be detected in each technical, and the latest application results of each technology are introduced in detail. Using these gas detection technologies, continuous and real-time monitoring with long distance and high sensitivity for dozens of gases have been achieved, measurements of composition, concentration, temperature and other parameters of gases in a variety of scenarios have been realized, thus effectively reducing the appearances of dangerous accidents. The future development tendency of optical gas detection technologies is prospected after summarizing and analyzing the existing technologies and their problems.
图 8 基于UCD的激光雷达测量装置[30]
Figure 8. Laser radar measuring device based on upconversion detector[30
图 10 NO2测量法及结果。(a)布加勒斯特地图与测量概述;蓝色线代表测量轨迹,绿色圆点和红色三角形代表测量位置;(b)第一天测得的几何修正后的NO2垂直柱密度;(c)第二天测得的几何修正后的NO2垂直柱密度[34]
Figure 10. Measurement method and results of NO2. (a) Map of Bucharest with an overview of the measurements; Blue lines show the flight tracks, Circles and triangles mark the measurement locations; (b) Vertical column densities measured on first day; (c) Vertical column densities measured on second day[34]
图 12 近地面大气CO2测量系统。(a)车载OP-FTIR光谱仪及应用场景;(b)西南点CO2浓度分布极坐标图;(c)中心点CO2浓度分布极坐标图[50]
Figure 12. Integrative investigations of near-ground surface atmospheric CO2 conditions. (a) Application of the vehicle-mounted OP-FTIR spectrometer in different land; (b) Polar plot of the horizontal distribution of path integrated CO2 concentration measured at the southwestern point; (c) Polar plot of the horizontal distribution of path integrated CO2 concentration measured at the central point[50]
图 16 高分五号载荷及工作谱段。(a)高分五号载荷配置;(b)高分五号对地成像谱段;(c)高分五号大气探测谱段[69]
Figure 16. Payloads configuration and spectral characteristics of GF-5. (a) Payloads configuration of GF-5 satellite; (b) Spectral characteristics of earth imaging instrument for GF-5; (c) Spectral characteristics of atmosphere sounding for GF-5[69]
表 1 典型气体光学检测技术对比
Table 1. Comparison of typical gas optical detection techniques
名称 优点 缺点 工作波段 应用领域 主动式检测 可调谐二极管激光吸收光谱 环境适应性强;
(0.73 μm~3 μm);
(2 μm~15 μm)大气环境监测;
流场诊断差分吸收激光雷达 测量结果偏差较小;
(1.4 μm~4.2 μm)大气气溶胶云映射、云雾测量;
天然气排放检测差分吸收光谱 系统实时性好;
(0.19 μm~0.5 μm);
(0.55 μm~0.7 μm)大气在线监测;
对NOX、SO2和O3检测效果显著被动式检测 被动式遥感傅里叶变换红外光谱 无分光元件;
(0.75 μm~3 μm);
(3.3 μm~40 μm);
(40 μm~330 μm)污染物发射率测量;
挥发性有机物(VOCs)测量光谱成像 光谱分辨率极高;
(0.24 μm~12.5 μm)军事侦察识别;
海洋遥感表 2 三种光谱成像技术比较
Table 2. Comparison of three spectral imaging techniques
多光谱成像 高光谱成像 超光谱成像 波段数 ≤10 10~100 100~1000 光谱分辨率 0.1 cm-1 0.01 cm-1 ≤0.001 cm-1 图谱 分离 合一 合一 通道连续性 不连续 连续 合一 表 3 我国星载高光谱遥感技术
Table 3. Technology of spaceborne-based hyperspectral remote sensing of our country
名称 空间外差光谱仪 碳卫星 风云三号 高分五号 特点 光通量大;
信噪比高相关参数 光谱范围:
6325 cm-1~6360 cm-1;
光谱分辨率:0.27 cm-1;
信噪比:500可工作在760 nm, 1610 nm, 2060 nm特征波段;
光谱分辨率:0.04 nm光谱范围:0.69 µm ~15.0 µm;
地面分辨率:0.25 km~4 km;
扫描范围:±49.5°最高空间分辨率:20 m;
可见光谱段光谱分辨率:5 nm;
红外光谱段光谱分辨率:0.03 cm-1应用范围 大气中CO2的探测 大气中CO2和气溶胶的探测 大气温室气体(CO、CO、CH4等)的探测 陆表生态环境监测、资源调查及地质填图等 时间 2010年 2016年 2017年 2018年 -
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