为了实现对微小位移的高精度非接触测量,设计了一种基于线阵CCD的高精度位移传感器前端模块。运用激光三角测量法设计了光学镜头,利用FPGA产生线阵CCD所需的驱动时序,CCD输出的一维视频信号经过前置电路处理后得到稳定的模拟信号,供数字电路进行处理。系统具有结构简单、体积小、输出信号稳定、分辨率高、测量精度高等特点。实验测试表明,该传感器前端模块输出模拟信号稳定,干扰小,计算得到最大量程为±15 mm,精度可达到20 μm,能广泛应用于微小位移的精密测量。
Abstract:In order to achieve the high-precision non-contact measurement for tiny displacement, a high-precision displacement sensor front-end module is designed based on linear array CCD. An optical lens is designed using the principle of laser triangulation, and the system uses the FPGA to generate the drive timing required for the linear array CCD. The one-dimensional video signal output by CCD is handled to obtain a stable analog signal through the front circuit, and the signal is available for digital circuitry. The system has the characteristics of simple structure, small volume, stable output signal, high resolution and high precision. Experimental tests show that the sensor front-end module outputs are stable with small interference analog signal after calculation, the maximum range is ±15 mm, and the accuracy can reach 20 μm. The system can be widely used in the precise measurement of tiny displacement.
Key words:
- displacement sensor /
- linear array CCD /
- laser triangulation /
- drive timing /
- signal processing
Abstract: The laser displacement measurement system has great demand in the field of measurement in China, but the domestic measurement of displacement equipment are different from foreign products in the miniaturization and performance, existing large volume, low accuracy, limit of application environment and other issues. Moreover, the research on displacement measurement system based on CCD still remains in the laboratory stage and cannot be manufactured. In order to achieve the high-precision non-contact measurement for tiny displacement, a high-precision displacement sensor front-end module is designed based on linear array CCD. The laser is used as a displacement signal transmission medium. The principles of laser triangulation and 〝Scheimpflug〞 theorem are used to design an optical lens. The light spot reflected by the measured surface is focused on the photoelectric sensor. According to the structure of linear array CCD and drive timing analyses, the system uses the FPGA to generate the drive pulse timing required for the linear array CCD, and the inverter to improve the driving ability to drive linear array CCD normally. The CCD pixel outputs the one-dimensional video signal and compensation signal after the spot is illuminated. Differential amplifier circuit and low-pass filter circuit are applied to eliminate the reset pulse crosstalk and high frequency noise interference, and a stable analog signal is output, which is available for digital circuits for high frequency sampling to obtain digital signals. Thereby the size and position of the spot center are obtained through the image processing algorithm. When the measured surface moves, the position of the spot center on the CCD also moves. According to the laser triangulation principle, we can calculate the displacement of the measured surface in the direction of the optical axis. The system has the characteristics of simple structure and small volume. The design of integrated circuit meets the measurement requirements, such as stable output signal, high resolution and high precision. Moreover, the designed optical structure meets the requirements, and linear array CCD driving circuit is simple and applicable, aiming at the front-end acquisition and amplification. Experimental tests show that the sensor front-end module outputs are stable with small interference analog signal after calculation. The maximum range is ±15 mm, and the accuracy can reach 20 μm after image processing. The system can be widely used in the precise measurement of tiny displacement, and has a strong practicality and guidance for engineering design. In the future, the system should be further designed and improved in terms of analog signal acquisition, A/D conversion, digital signal processing and image processing. So that it can make a complete and accurate measurement of the displacement and be suitable for practical applications and the need for production.
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