Abstract:Spatial heterodyne spectroscopy (SHS) has been rapidly developed and widely used in recent years as a new type of super-spectral resolution of spectrum analysis technology. According to the structure and principles of SHS, various kinds of interference and distortion of SHS application system which influence the interferogram are analyzed in this paper and a correction scheme of SHS interferogram for the suppression of the interference is proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed method can correct the interferogram effectively, and make the recovered spectrum reflect the input spectral information well and improve the inversion accuracy of the SHS.
Abstract: Spatial heterodyne spectroscopy (SHS) is a new spectral analysis technique for super-spectral resolution which is developed rapidly and used widely. At present, common applications include atmospheric microelement detection, atmospheric water vapor detection, laboratory astrophysics observation and other weak target identification. However, in practical applications, there are distortions of the collected interferogram which affect the detection accuracy of the system because of bad splitting effect of beam splitter, contaminated grating surface, unbalanced interferometer arms, uneven detector response spectrum, electronic circuit error, the dust in the test environment, test platform instability and other factors. Therefore, the noise removal and interference suppression of the interferogram generated by spatial heterodyne spectroscopy are one of the hot issues in the current academic research. Basic structure and principle of SHS were analyzed in detail and the interference and distortion of SHS application system which could influence the interferogram were analyzed and a correction scheme of SHS interferogram with strong robustness was proposed according to the existing interferogram processing scheme. The correction scheme includes noise suppression, baseline removal, flatness correction, apodization, phase correction and so on. Then, the SHS experimental platform was constructed by using helium-neon laser and sodium lamp respectively and the collected interferogram was analyzed by the scheme mentioned above. Finally, compared the two restoration spectrums got by the original interferogram and the correction interferogram respectively, it is found that the proposed scheme can not only effectively eliminate the interference information in the interferogram, but also reflect the input spectral information well and improve the inversion accuracy of the SHS system (The resolution limit error of the experimental platform 1 is 0.0004 mm-1 and the resolution limit error of the experimental platform 2 is 0.016 mm-1, indicating that the actual resolution of the platform has good agreement with the theoretical resolution). The effectiveness and superiority of the scheme are verified. In addition, the proposed correction scheme for interferogram does not impose additional requirements on the application environment and equipment of the system so the scheme has high universality and provides some support for SHS research.
表 1 实验平台1/2的相关性能参数.
Table 1. Relevant performance parameters of the experimental platform 1/2.
参数 实验平台1 实验平台2 光源 氦氖激光器
(632.8 nm)钠光灯
(589/589.6 nm)Littrow波长/nm 631 589.7 Littrow角/(°) 22.25 20.72 分辨极限/mm-1 0.1499 0.1605 分辨能力 10596 10596 光谱范围/mm-1 76.7488 82.1760 -
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