
田小永, 尹丽仙, 李涤尘. 三维超材料制造技术现状与趋势[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(1): 69-76. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.01.006
引用本文: 田小永, 尹丽仙, 李涤尘. 三维超材料制造技术现状与趋势[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(1): 69-76. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.01.006
Xiaoyong Tian, Lixian Yin, Dichen Li. Current situation and trend of fabrication technologies for three-dimensional metamaterials[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(1): 69-76. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.01.006
Citation: Xiaoyong Tian, Lixian Yin, Dichen Li. Current situation and trend of fabrication technologies for three-dimensional metamaterials[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(1): 69-76. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.01.006


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Current situation and trend of fabrication technologies for three-dimensional metamaterials

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  • 三维超材料是具有三维空间特定排布的亚波长人工周期结构,具有自然材料不具备的超常规物理性能。本文以三维超材料的电磁调控技术为线索,简要论述了近年来三维超材料在基础研究和制造工艺方面的研究现状;梳理了目前三维超材料的制造方法,包含印刷电路板及组装的方法、机械加工方法、3D打印技术、微纳制造工艺;选取电磁隐身罩、透镜天线、吸波器、柔性超材料等代表性应用类别,简述了三维超材料器件的电磁调控方法与实现手段,所涉及的超材料种类包括左手超材料、渐变折射率超材料、智能超材料等。基于目前三维超材料研究领域待解决的问题,对今后三维超材料的发展趋势进行了探讨。

  • Abstract: Three dimensional (3D) metamaterials are artificial micro-structures periodically arranged in three-dimensional space. The lattice constant of metamaterial is much smaller than the wavelength of the incident EM wave, so the metamaterial can be treated as an artificial effective medium for the propagating of the EM waves. By controlling the geometrical parameters of its lattice, the metamaterials can be developed with properties never found in nature, which can be utilized to manipulate the propagation of EM waves, such as blocking, absorbing, capturing, or bending waves. With these magic properties, 3D metamaterials get bright prospects for applications in stealth technology, communication technology, optical imaging and sensing technology.

    The principles for metamaterials are firstly discussed. There are two kinds of metamaterials with difference in the electromagnetic responses. They are metallic resonant metamaterials and dielectric non-resonant metamaterials. Metallic resonant metamaterials are normally constructed by split-ring resonator, metal continuous line, metal break line and so on, to get negative effective permeability and negative permittivity by magnetic and electric resonance. Non-resonant dielectric metamaterials obtain their arbitrary permeability and permittivity by specific distribution of the dielectric materials.

    The recent developments of the structure design and manufacturing process in 3D metamaterials are sorted out, which include printing circuit board and assembly technology, machining and assembly technology, micro-nano manufacturing technology and 3D printing technology. Printing circuit board and assembly technology are suitable for metallic resonant metamaterials. Machining and assembly technology are fit for dielectric non-resonant microwave metamaterials. Micro/nano-manufacturing technology can be used to fabricate simple and small scale optical metamaterials. 3D printing technology can be used in fabricating metamaterials from gigahertz to terahertz, and its process capability in fabricating complex micro and macro-structure is very useful for metamaterials.

    The representative devices of 3D metamaterials are also discussed to show how the 3D metamaterials control the electromagnetic-wave, including electromagnetic cloaks, lens antennas, absorbing structure and flexible metamaterials. According to the problems in manufacturing process and structure innovation, several developments trends have been predicted, such as trans-scale manufacturing technology for complex micro/macro-structure, multi/material manufacturing technology, manufacturing technology for multi-function coupling structures, smart metamaterials design and fabricating with 4D printing technology etc.

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  • 图 1  多种超材料单元结构[14].

    图 2  基于印刷电路板工艺的超材料三维结构[18]. (a)整体结构. (b)单元结构.

    图 3  机械加工制造的陶瓷全介质超材料. (a)切削加工成型的陶瓷超材料单元[24-25]. (b)嵌入基底的全介质超材料阵列结构[25].

    图 4  采用电子束刻蚀工艺制造的超材料[27].

    图 5  激光直写工艺制造的超材料[31].

    图 6  光固化工艺制造的三维超材料结构[35]. (a)电磁黑洞内核. (b)电磁黑洞外壳.

    图 7  微波段三维地毯式隐身罩[19].

    图 8  微波段三维伊顿透镜[46].

    图 9  平板型和圆环型三维超材料雷达吸波结构蒙皮.

    图 10  变形超材料波导[54]. (a)单元结构示意图. (b)弯曲后波导结构.

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收稿日期:  2016-10-13
修回日期:  2016-12-30
刊出日期:  2017-01-20


