Multi-scale feature interaction pseudo-label unsupervised domain adaptation for person re-identification
Abstract:To address issues of insufficient receptive fields and weak connections between global and local features in unsupervised domain adaptive person re-identification, a multi-scale feature interaction method was proposed. Firstly, the feature squeeze attention mechanism compressed image features, which were then fed into the network to enhance rich local information representation. Secondly, the residual feature interaction module encoded global information into the features by interaction, while increasing the model's receptive field and enhancing its ability to extract pedestrian features. Finally, a bottleneck module based on partial convolution conducted convolution operations on the part of the input channels, reducing redundant computations and improving spatial feature extraction efficiency. Experimental results on three adaptation datasets demonstrate that the method mAP reached 82.9%, 68.7%, and 26.6%, the Rank-1 reached 93.7%, 82.7%, and 54.7%, the Rank-5 reached 97.4%, 89.9%, and 67.5%, by comparison with baseline, respectively, demonstrating that the proposed method allows for better pedestrian features representation and improved recognition accuracy.
Overview: Person re-identification (ReID) is a computer vision task that matches target persons from images or video sequences and has wide application prospects. Although supervised ReID methods have achieved excellent performance on single-domain datasets by introducing deep learning technologies, they are difficult to apply directly to real scenarios because of the time-consuming and labor-intensive process of collecting and annotating pedestrian images. Furthermore, domain gaps between different datasets significantly degrade the recognition performance of these models. Due to these challenges, unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods have been introduced to the ReID field to reduce the dependency on labeled datasets and enhance generalizability across domains. UDA ReID aims to leverage labeled source domain data to improve model performance on unlabeled target domains. Currently, there are roughly two ways to tackle the problem: generative-based and pseudo-label clustering-based methods. Generative methods mainly use generative adversarial networks to construct new images that bridge domain gaps between datasets or cameras. However, the unstable training process of generative adversarial networks often results in unrealistic or noisy images. In contrast, clustering-based methods employ clustering algorithms or strategies to generate pseudo-labels for target domain data, enabling supervised training. These methods are relatively straightforward in design and achieve outstanding performance among various UDA approaches. Nevertheless, existing clustering-based ReID methods face challenges such as limited receptive fields and weak connections between global and local features, leading to suboptimal feature extraction and recognition accuracy. To address this issue, we propose a multi-scale feature interaction method, which can fully extract features and effectively improve the recognition accuracy. First, the feature squeeze attention mechanism compresses input features along horizontal and vertical axes, enhancing local detail extraction while aggregating global features. Second, the residual feature interaction module expands the receptive field through multi-scale interactions and encodes global contextual information into features, strengthening connections between global and local features. Third, the partial convolution bottleneck module selectively applies convolution operations to a subset of input channels, reducing redundant computations while preserving spatial feature information. The method proposed in this paper was validated on three public datasets, and the results showed that the performance has been significantly improved compared to the baseline method. This method achieved the mAP (mean average precision) of 82.9%, Rank-1 accuracy of 93.7% on the Market-1501 dataset, mAP of 68.7%, and Rank-1 accuracy of 82.7% on the DukeMTMC-reID dataset, and the mAP of 26.6% and Rank-1 accuracy of 54.7% on the MSMT17 dataset. Ablation studies further confirm the independent contributions of various modules and the significant enhancements in feature extraction and computational efficiency achieved by their integration. These results demonstrate its superiority by extracting comprehensive multi-scale features and improving cross-domain recognition accuracy.
表 1 FSA、PCBN、ReFIM在数据集上的消融实验结果(单位: %)
Table 1. Ablation experimental results of FSA,PCBN, and ReFIM on mainstream datasets (Unit: %)
Method Duke-to-Market Market-to-Duke Market-to-MSMT mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 SECRET[5] 79.8 92.3 — 67.1 80.3 — 24.3 49.9 — FSA 81.1 92.8 96.5 68.3 83.5 89.4 24.5 51.8 63.8 PCBN 80.7 92.5 97.4 67.1 80.6 88.7 24.3 50.9 63.5 ReFIM 80.0 92.9 97.2 67.2 80.4 89.2 24.6 51.7 63.9 FSA+PCBN 81.2 92.4 97.1 66.0 80.4 89.2 24.7 51.9 64.1 FSA+ReFIM 81.3 92.8 97.4 64.1 79.0 88.2 25.3 52.3 64.7 PCBN+ReFIM 82.7 93.0 98.0 67.6 80.7 88.2 24.5 52.5 64.3 FSA +PCBN+ReFIM 82.9 93.7 97.4 68.7 82.7 89.8 26.6 54.7 67.5 “—”代表结果未显示 表 2 ReFIM模块中CDC和FIM的消融实验结果(单位: %)
Table 2. Experiments results of the CDC and FIM ablation in the ReFIM module (Unit: %)
Method Duke-to-Market Market-to-Duke Market-to-MSMT mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 SECRET[5] 79.8 92.3 — 67.1 80.3 — 24.3 49.9 — CDC 79.8 92.5 96.9 65.4 79.7 88.8 24.4 50.9 64.1 FIM 79.8 91.8 97.1 66.1 80.1 89.5 24.3 51.4 63.7 ReFIM 80.0 92.9 97.2 67.2 80.4 89.2 24.6 51.7 63.9 “—”代表结果未显示 表 3 PCBN模块的部分卷积计算效率实验
Table 3. Partial convolution efficiency ablation experiments of the PCBN module
Method Evaluation metrics Params/M FLOPs/G Latency/ms Bottleneck (SECRET)[5] 0.5 2.2 23 Conv1_spling 0.5 2.0 20 Conv2_spling 0.4 1.7 17 Conv3_spling 0.3 1.5 12 表 4 FSA注意力模块消融实验(单位: %)
Table 4. Efficiency ablation experiment results of the FSA (Unit: %)
Method Duke-to-Market Market-to-Duke Market-to-MSMT mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 SECRET[5] 79.8 92.3 — 67.1 80.3 — 24.3 49.9 — SE 80.0 92.3 96.3 62.4 81.8 87.0 23.3 48.3 62.5 CBAM 79.8 92.6 96.4 65.3 82.2 88.1 24.4 51.2 63.3 CA 67.7 87.0 95.3 63.2 80.5 86.4 22.5 50.6 62.9 FSA 81.1 92.8 96.5 68.3 83.5 89.4 24.5 51.8 63.8 “—”代表结果未显示 表 5 FSA模块中各部分的消融实验结果
Table 5. Experimental results of different parts in the FSA module
Method Evaluation metrics Horizontal squeeze Vertical squeeze Detail enhancement Params/M FLOPs/G Latency/ms √ √ 1.3 1.6 43 √ √ 1.2 1.5 44 √ 1.4 1.8 47 √ √ √ 1.1 1.3 39 表 6 不同模型在主流数据集上的性能比较(单位: %)
Table 6. Performance comparison among different models on mainstream datasets (Unit: %)
Models Duke-to-Market Market-to-Duke Market-to-MSMT mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 mAP Rank-1 Rank-5 HHL[30] 31.4 62.2 78.8 27.2 46.9 61.0 — — — ECN[31] 43.0 75.1 87.6 40.4 63.3 75.8 10.2 15.2 40.4 UDL[32] 44.7 76.8 88.9 41.3 64.9 77.0 — — — PDA-Net[32-33] 47.6 75.2 86.3 45.1 63.2 77.0 — — — PCB-PAST[34] 54.6 78.4 — 54.3 72.4 — — — — SSG[3] 58.3 80.0 90.0 53.4 73.0 80.6 13.2 31.6 — MMCL[35] 60.4 84.4 92.8 51.4 72.4 82.9 15.1 40.8 — SNR[36] 61.7 82.8 — 58.1 76.3 — — — — ECN++[37] 63.8 84.1 92.8 54.4 74.0 83.7 15.2 40.4 AD-Cluster[38] 68.3 86.7 94.4 54.1 72.6 82.5 — — — MMT[4] 71.2 87.7 94.9 65.1 78.0 88.8 22.9 49.2 63.1 MEB-NET[39] 76.0 89.9 96.0 66.1 79.6 88.3 — — — GCL+ (JVTC+)[40] 76.5 91.6 96.3 68.3 82.6 89.4 27.1 53.8 66.9 UNRN[41] 78.1 91.9 96.1 69.1 82.0 90.7 25.3 52.4 64.7 SECRET[5] (baseline) 79.8 92.3 — 67.1 80.3 — 24.3 49.9 — HQP[42] 80.3 92.3 96.9 68.0 82.6 90.2 23.6 49.8 62.4 DHCL[43] 81.5 92.8 97.2 67.3 81.1 89.3 — — — MSFINet (ours) 82.9 93.7 97.4 68.7 82.7 89.8 26.6 54.7 67.5 “—”代表结果未显示 -
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