
沈学利,王嘉慧,吴正伟. 融合空-频域的动态SAR图像目标检测[J]. 光电工程,2025,52(1): 240245. doi: 10.12086/oee.2025.240245
引用本文: 沈学利,王嘉慧,吴正伟. 融合空-频域的动态SAR图像目标检测[J]. 光电工程,2025,52(1): 240245. doi: 10.12086/oee.2025.240245
Shen X L, Wang J H, Wu Z W. Dynamic SAR image target detection by fusing space-frequency domain[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2025, 52(1): 240245. doi: 10.12086/oee.2025.240245
Citation: Shen X L, Wang J H, Wu Z W. Dynamic SAR image target detection by fusing space-frequency domain[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2025, 52(1): 240245. doi: 10.12086/oee.2025.240245


  • 基金项目:
    国家自然科学基金面上项目 (62173171)
    *通讯作者: 王嘉慧,2245414310@qq.com。
  • 中图分类号: TP391.4

  • CSTR: 32245.14.oee.2025.240245

Dynamic SAR image target detection by fusing space-frequency domain

  • Fund Project: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under the Upper Level Program (62173171)
More Information
  • 针对合成孔径雷达 (synthetic aperture radar, SAR)图像样本特征差异大、目标尺度不均衡、背景散斑噪声高所导致的检测精度低、推理速度慢问题,提出一种融合空-频域的动态SAR图像目标检测算法。首先,采用分流感知策略构造空-频域感知单元,结合动态感受野及分数阶Gabor变换法,增强算法对空间多样性特征和频率散射特征的捕获能力与感知力,优化模型对全局上下文信息的保留能力,加快推理速度,降低特征映射模式相似性与背景噪声干扰,有效改善漏检、误检情况。其次,采用重参数学习法设计自适应特征融合模块,优化多尺度特征间的交互与整合,丰富特征的多样性,缓解特征采样引起的差异映射与信息丢失问题,加强小目标信息与关键频率信息在融合过程中的显著性,提高多尺度样本检测精度。最后,引入DY_IoU动态回归损失函数,利用自适应尺度惩罚因子与动态非单调注意力机制解决锚框膨胀和位置偏差问题,进一步增强模型对多尺度目标的定位与检测能力,加快模型收敛速度,减少模型计算量。在公开数据集SAR-Acraft-1.0和HRSID上进行相关实验,实验结果表明:该方法mAP@0.5数值达到了95.9%和98.8%,较基线模型分别提升5.2%和1.2%,且优于其他对比算法。表明该算法显著提升了检测精度,具备良好的鲁棒性与泛化性。

  • Overview: A dynamic SAR image target detection algorithm integrating spatial-frequency domains is proposed to address several challenges inherent to SAR imagery, including significant feature variability, imbalanced target scales, and high speckle noise in background regions. These challenges contribute to decreased detection accuracy and slower inference speeds, posing difficulties for real-time applications. The proposed method is specifically designed to overcome these limitations through multiple innovative components that enhance both detection performance and computational efficiency. The algorithm first employs a dual-stream perception strategy to construct spatial-frequency perception units. This design integrates both dynamic receptive fields and fractional-order Gabor transforms, significantly improving the model’s ability to capture spatial diversity and frequency scattering features. By expanding the receptive fields adaptively, the algorithm captures both local and global contexts, leading to more effective extraction of complex patterns in the input data. Using fractional-order Gabor transforms further enhances the model's sensitivity to fine-grained texture and frequency features, which helps retain important global contextual information. These improvements collectively speed up inference by minimizing redundant feature representations, reducing the interference from background noise, and decreasing the similarity of feature mapping patterns. Consequently, the algorithm effectively addresses common issues such as missed and false detections, are typical in cluttered SAR images. In the next stage, a re-parameterization-based adaptive feature fusion module is introduced to optimize the interaction between multi-scale features. This module facilitates the efficient integration of features across different scales, enriching feature diversity and mitigating the discrepancies introduced during the sampling process. Additionally, the fusion process highlights the salience of small targets and key frequency information, often challenging to detect in traditional SAR detection frameworks. This enhanced multi-scale feature integration improves the detection accuracy, particularly for small and subtle objects, which are crucial in applications like maritime surveillance and remote sensing. To further enhance the algorithm’s effectiveness, a dynamic regression loss function, DY_IoU, is incorporated. This loss function employs adaptive scale penalty factors and a dynamic non-monotonic attention mechanism to address anchor box expansion and positional deviations. By dynamically adjusting the focus during training, the model achieves more precise localization of multi-scale targets. Moreover, the improved loss function facilitates faster convergence, reduces the computational burden, and ensures the algorithm remains lightweight and efficient for practical deployment. The proposed method was evaluated on two publicly available datasets, SAR-Acraft-1.0 and HRSID. Experimental results show that the algorithm achieves mAP@0.5 values of 95.9% and 98.8%, respectively, representing 5.2% and 1.2% improvements over baseline models. Additionally, the proposed approach outperforms other comparison algorithms, demonstrating its superiority. These results confirm that the algorithm not only enhances detection accuracy but also exhibits strong robustness and generalization capabilities, making it suitable for a wide range of real-world applications.

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  • 图 1  YOLOv10s算法结构图

    Figure 1.  YOLOv10s algorithm structure diagram

    图 2  融合空-频域的动态SAR图像目标检测算法结构图

    Figure 2.  Structure of the dynamic SAR image target detection algorithm fusing spatial-frequency domain

    图 3  SFDS结构

    Figure 3.  Structure of SFDS

    图 4  全局空间感知 (GSA)模块结构

    Figure 4.  Global spatial awareness (GSA) module structure

    图 5  频域感知 (FDA)模块结构

    Figure 5.  Structure of frequency domain awareness (FDA) module

    图 6  当前特征融合方法。(a)逐元相加法;(b) 通道拼接法

    Figure 6.  Current feature fusion methods. (a) Element-by-element summation method; (b) Channel splicing method

    图 7  自适应特征融合 (AFF)模块结构

    Figure 7.  Adaptive feature fusion (AFF) module structure

    图 8  DY_IoU与CIoU回归计算可视化。(a) DY_IoU;(b) CIoU

    Figure 8.  Visualisation of DY_IoU and CIoU regression calculations. (a) DY_IoU; (b) CIoU

    图 9  基于锚框质量的梯度调整函数结构图

    Figure 9.  Structure of the gradient adjustment function based on the quality of the anchor frame

    图 10  回归过程比较

    Figure 10.  Comparison of regression processes

    图 11  对比试验可视化结果 (一)。(a) SKG-Net;(b) Center-Net;(c) Faster-RCNN;(d) YOLOv5s

    Figure 11.  Comparison test visualisation results (I). (a) SKG-Net; (b) Center-Net; (c) Faster-RCNN; (d) YOLOv5s

    图 12  对比试验可视化结果 (二)。(a) SFS-CNet;(b) YOLOv8s;(c) YOLOv10s;(d) 所提算法

    Figure 12.  Comparison test visualisation results (II). (a) SFS-CNet; (b) YOLOv8s; (c) YOLOv10s; (d) Proposed algorithm

    表 1  所提算法在SAR-AIRcarft-1.0数据集的消融实验

    Table 1.  Ablation experiments of the proposed algorithm on the SAR-AIRcarft-1.0 dataset

    YOLOV10 SFDS AFF DY_IoU Precision/% Recall/% mAP0.5/% Params/106 GFLOPs
    86.9 89.4 90.7 2.60 8.4
    87.6 92.1 92.9 1.98 6.6
    82.3 90.0 90.8 3.18 9.3
    84.9 90.9 91.7 2.47 7.8
    88.8 94.0 94.5 2.58 8.1
    90.9 95.7 95.1 2.43 7.7
    86.0 92.8 93.1 2.61 8.4
    97.1 91.1 95.9 2.55 8.0
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    表 2  SAR-AIRcarft-1.0数据集对比实验结果

    Table 2.  Results of comparison experiments on the SAR-AIRcarft-1.0 dataset

    Faster R-CNN79.068.575.973.4137.5
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    表 3  HRSID数据集对比实验结果

    Table 3.  Results of comparison experiments on the HRSID dataset

    Faster R-CNN86.381.686.383.9137.5
    下载: 导出CSV
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