
黄莉,吕天琪,武迎春,等. 基于双路引导更新的光场图像超分网络[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(12): 240222. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240222
引用本文: 黄莉,吕天琪,武迎春,等. 基于双路引导更新的光场图像超分网络[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(12): 240222. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240222
Huang L, Lv T Q, Wu Y C, et al. Two-way guided updating network for light field image super-resolution[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(12): 240222. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240222
Citation: Huang L, Lv T Q, Wu Y C, et al. Two-way guided updating network for light field image super-resolution[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(12): 240222. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240222


  • 基金项目:
    国家自然科学青年科学基金项目 (61601318);山西省专利转化计划项目 (202405009);山西省自然科学研究面上项目 (202103021224278,202103021224272)

Two-way guided updating network for light field image super-resolution

  • Fund Project: Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61601318), the Patent Conversion Program of Shanxi Province (202405009), and the Fundamental Research Program of Shanxi Province (202103021224278, 202103021224272)
More Information
  • 基于双平面模型的四维光场表示形式,光场相机以牺牲图像空间分辨率为代价,实现了三维场景空间信息和角度信息的同步记录。为了提高光场图像的空间分辨率,本文搭建了基于双路引导更新机制的光场图像超分辨率重建网络。网络前端以不同形式的图像阵列为输入,构建残差串并联卷积实现了空间、角度信息解耦合。针对解耦合后的空间、角度信息,设计了双路引导更新模块,采用逐级增强、融合、再增强的方式,完成空间信息与角度信息的交互引导迭代更新。最后将逐级更新后的角度信息送入简化后的残差特征蒸馏模块,实现数据重建。对比实验表明,所提网络在有效控制复杂度的基础上,获得了更好的超分性能。

  • Overview: Based on the two-plane representation model, the light field camera captures both spatial and angular information of a three-dimensional scene, which causes the spatial resolution decline of the light field image. To improve the spatial resolution, a two-way guided updating super-resolution network is constructed in this work. In the shallow layers of the network, a double-branch structure is adopted. A series-parallel convolution (RSPC) block based on the atrous spatial pyramid is designed in each branch to decouple the spatial and angular information from different forms of image arrays. Then, based on the ideas of enhancement, fusion, and re-enhancement, a two-way guide updating (TGU) module is designed to complete the iterative update of the decoupled spatial and angular information. Finally, the updated angular information at different layers is fed into the simplified residual feature distillation (SRFD) module to realize data reconstruction and upsampling. Based on effectively controlling complexity, this network adopts a two-way guided updating mechanism to collect light field features of different levels, achieving better super-resolution results. The design concepts for each part of the network are as follows:

    1) When decoupling spatial information and angular information, different forms of image arrays are used as inputs to extract the inherent features of each sub-aperture image and the overall parallax structure of the 4D light field through the RSPC block. The RSPC initially employs three atrous convolutions with varying atrous rates in parallel to achieve feature extraction at different levels. Subsequently, it cascades three convolutions of differing sizes to enhance feature extraction. Finally, a residual structure is introduced to mitigate network degradation.

    2) In the middle part of the network, TGU module is repeatedly used to iteratively update the decoupled spatial information and angular information. The angular features are first enhanced by TGU module, then fuse with the spatial features and feed into a multi-level perception residual module to obtain the updated angular features. The updated angular features are integrated with the original spatial features, then channel reduction is performed to obtain the updated spatial features.

    3) The SRFD module is presented to facilitate data reconstruction. In comparison to the residual feature distillation (RFD) network, SRFD uses channel attention to replace the CCA layer in the RFD, which results in fewer parameters and better performance.

    Numerous experimental results on public light field datasets have confirmed that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance both in qualitative analysis and quantitative evaluation.

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  • 图 1  LF-TGUnet结构图。(a)整体网络结构图;(b) SE模块;(c) TGU模块; (d) SAF模块;(e) MLPR模块

    Figure 1.  An overview of our diagram. (a) Overall network architecture diagram; (b) SE module; (c) TGU module; (d) SAF module; (e) MLPR module

    图 2  SFRD与FRD对比。 (a) SRFD模块; (b) RFD模块

    Figure 2.  Comparison between SFRD and FRD. (a) SRFD module; (b) RFD module

    图 3  “Origima”与“Bicycle”场景的2倍超分的视觉效果对比

    Figure 3.  Visual results of the “Origima” and “Bicycle” scene with 2×SR

    图 4  “Bedroom”与“LEGO Knights”场景的4倍超分的视觉效果对比

    Figure 4.  Visual results of the “Bedroom” and “LEGO Knights” scene with 4×SR

    图 5  2倍超分任务下5×5子孔径图像PSNR值分布的可视化

    Figure 5.  A visualization of PSNR distribution among different perspectives on 5×5 LFs for 2×SR

    图 6  各个模块的变体。(a) RSPC无并联卷积;(b) RSPC无串联卷积;(c) RSPC无残差结构;(d) 单支路TGU

    Figure 6.  Variations of each module. (a) RSPC w/o parallel convolution; (b) RSPC w/o series convolution; (c) RSPC w/o residual; (d) Half TGU

    图 7  TGU个数的最优选择。(a) PSNR、网络参数量随TGU个数增长的曲线;(b) SSIM、FLOPs随TGU个数增长的曲线

    Figure 7.  Optimal selection of the number of TGUs. (a) PSNR and the number of parameters values increase with the number of TGUs; (b) SSIM and FLOPs values increase with the number of TGUs

    表 1  2倍超分和4倍超分任务下不同算法得到超分图像的PSNR/SSIM值

    Table 1.  PSNR/SSIM values by different methods for 2×SR and 4×SR

    Method Scale Dataset Average
    EPFL HCInew HCIold INRIA STFgantry
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    表 2  不同算法的参数量、每秒浮点运算次数与运行时间对比

    Table 2.  Comparisons of the number of parameters (#Params), FLOPs, and running time

    Method EDSR[32] RCAN[33] ResLF[15] LFSSR[12] LF-Internet[21] LF-DFnet[13] LF-IInet[22] DPT[20] LF-ADEnet[17] LF-MDFnet[18] LF-TGUnet
    #Params/M 38.62 15.31 6.35 0.81 4.80 3.94 4.84 3.73 12.74 5.37 4.37
    38.89 15.36 6.79 1.61 5.23 3.99 4.89 3.78 12.80 5.42 4.42
    FLOPs/G 39.56×25 15.59×25 37.06 25.70 47.46 57.22 56.16 57.44 238.92 135.65 78.84
    40.66×25 15.65×25 39.70 128.44 50.10 57.31 57.42 58.64 240.51 136.91 80.11
    Running time
    0.21 1.45
    4.85 3.53 3.02
    0.16 0.47
    1.75 1.77 0.81
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    表 3  各模块的有效性验证

    Table 3.  Validity verification of each module

    Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4 Case 5 Case 6 Case 7
    Spatial and
    angular information
    RPSC w/o parallel
    RPSC w/o series
    RPSC w/o residual
    Spatial and
    angular features
    guided updating
    half TGU
    TGU w/o MLPR
    Data reconstruction RFD
    #Params/M 4.30 4.34 4.42 4.46 4.41 5.70 4.42
    Dataset EPFL 28.83/0.9184 29.01/0.9196 25.26/0.8324 27.82/0.8856 28.87/0.9195 29.18/0.9175 28.96/0.9189
    HCInew 31.40/0.9214 31.40/0.9216 27.71/0.8517 29.64/0.8869 31.37/0.9212 31.23/0.9193 31.42/0.9215
    HCIold 37.55/0.9730 37.57/0.9731 32.58/0.9344 35.12/0.9536 37.51/0.9732 37.30/0.9720 37.63/0.9734
    INRIA 30.89/0.9512 30.97/0.9516 26.95/0.8867 29.79/0.9264 31.02/0.9520 31.08/0.9505 31.28/0.9529
    STFgantry 31.35/0.9510 31.35/0.9511 26.09/0.8452 28.78/0.9091 31.29/0.9512 31.07/0.9486 31.36/0.9511
    Average (PSNR/SSIM) 32.00/0.9430 32.06/0.9434 27.72/0.8701 30.23/0.9123 32.01/0.9434 31.97/0.9416 32.13/0.9436
    Deviation −0.13/−0.0006 −0.07/−0.0002 −4.41/−0.0735 −1.90/−0.0313 −0.12/−0.0002 −0.16/−0.0020 0/0
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收稿日期:  2024-09-18
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录用日期:  2024-12-03
刊出日期:  2024-12-25


