针对光纤布拉格光栅 (fiber Bragg grating, FBG)在温度测量应用中灵敏度低的问题,本文提出了一种基于高热膨胀系数EpoCore胶裹覆FBG传感器的全新固化增敏方法。采用COMSOL软件构建FBG传感器模型,并对其增敏前后的光栅栅区形变情况进行仿真,结果表明EpoCore胶增敏使FBG传感器的形变量比增敏前提升约10倍。利用紫外曝光技术直接对铥锡共掺光纤进行FBG刻写,并深入研究了EpoCore胶裹覆FBG传感器的固化工艺,当以120 ℃前烘2 h,紫外光照5 h,120 ℃后烘3 h时,EpoCore胶固化增敏型FBG的谐振峰随温度漂移具有较好的线性度,其温度灵敏度为90.45 pm/℃,相较未固化增敏的FBG传感器提升约9倍。采用该增敏型FBG传感器对−20 ℃、30 ℃、60 ℃和100 ℃的环境温度进行测量,均方根差均小于1.3 ℃。与传统金属镀膜和聚合物镀膜封装方法相比,EpoCore胶增敏效果更为显著,这为FBG传感器在温度测量领域的应用提供新的思路。
Abstract:In response to the problem of low sensitivity of fiber Bragg grating (FBG) in temperature measurement applications, this paper proposes a new solidification sensitization method based on an EpoCore adhesive-coated FBG sensor with a high thermal expansion coefficient. A FBG sensor model was constructed using COMSOL software, and the deformation of the grating area before and after sensitization was simulated. The results showed that EpoCore adhesive sensitization increased the deformation of the FBG sensor by about 10 times compared to before sensitization. Using ultraviolet exposure technology to write FBG onto thulium tin co-doped optical fibers directly and conducting in-depth research on the solidification process of EpoCore-coated FBG sensors, the resonant peak of the solidified and sensitized FBG exhibits good linearity with temperature drift when baked at 120 ℃ for 2 hours, irradiated with ultraviolet light for 5 hours, and baked at 120 ℃ for 3 hours. The temperature sensitivity is 90.45 pm/℃, about 9 times higher than the unsolidified and unsensitized FBG sensor. The sensitized FBG sensor is used to measure environment temperatures of −20 ℃, 30 ℃, 60 ℃ and 100 ℃, and the RMSE for these temperatures is less than 1.3 ℃. Compared with traditional metal coating and polymer coating packaging methods, EpoCore adhesive has a more significant sensitization effect, which provides a new idea for the application of FBG sensors in temperature measurement.
Overview: The temperature detection inside power equipment requires high-temperature sensitivity to prevent faults promptly. Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) sensors are widely used in temperature detection due to their low cost, strong resistance to electromagnetic interference, and excellent high-temperature stability. However, the temperature sensitivity of conventional single-mode FBG sensors is only around 10 pm/℃, which makes it challenging to meet the temperature measurement requirements in complex environments. Therefore, to improve the temperature sensitivity of FBG sensors, it is necessary to perform sensitization processing to adapt to more complex and diverse application scenarios. Currently, the sensitization methods for FBG sensors mainly include the metal structure coating method and polymer coating packaging methods. The metal structure coating packaging method is easy to operate and enhances the corrosion resistance of FBG sensors. However, due to the good conductivity of metals, their application in temperature detection inside power equipment is limited. This study aimed to meet the demand for temperature detection inside power equipment and selected polymers with high electrical resistivity as sensitizing materials. Based on the advantages of low optical loss, high resistivity, and good chemical stability of EpoCore adhesive, EpoCore adhesive is used for the solidification and sensitization of the FBG sensors. The FBG sensor model was constructed by COMSOL software, and the deformation of the grating region before and after the sensitization was simulated. The simulation results show that the deformation of FBG sensor is improved by about 10 times by EpoCore adhesive sensitization. The FBG sensor was prepared using the UV laser phase mask method, and the completed FBG sensor was placed inside a resin sleeve made by 3D printing. Conducting in-depth research on the solidification process of EpoCore-coated FBG sensors, the resonant peak of the solidified and sensitized FBG exhibits good linearity with temperature drift when baked at 120 ℃ for 2 hours, irradiated with ultraviolet light for 5 hours, and baked at 120 ℃ for 3 hours. The temperature sensitivity is 90.45 pm/℃, about 9 times higher than the unsensitized FBG sensor. In addition, temperature tests conducted using a fiber grating temperature measurement system at −20 ℃, 30 ℃, 60 ℃, and 100 ℃, and the RMSE for these temperatures is less than 1.3 ℃, which are verified the accuracy and stability of the sensitized FBG sensor. This article uses EpoCore adhesive to solidify and enhance the sensitivity of FBG sensors, and its effect is significantly better than traditional metal coating packaging and polymer coating packaging methods, providing a new idea for applying FBG sensors in the field of temperature measurement.
表 1 固化流程及参数
Table 1. Solidification process and parameters
前烘 紫外固化 后烘 第1次 120 ℃,2 h 1 h 120 ℃,1 h 第2次 / 4 h 120 ℃,2 h 表 2 不同材料的温度灵敏度对比
Table 2. Comparison of temperature sensitivity of different materials
材料类型 温度灵敏度/(pm/℃) 材料特点 EpoCore 90.49 热稳定性可达230 ℃,玻璃化转变温度大于180 ℃,热膨胀系数为6×10−5 /K 双酚A型二甘油酯[18] 48 适用于−180~25 ℃的FBG传感器增敏。热稳定性为200 ℃,
玻璃化转变温度只有80 ℃,热膨胀系数为4.5×10−5 /K左右E51[19] 63.03 适用于−153~55 ℃的FBG传感器增敏。玻璃化转变温度小于120 ℃,热膨胀系数为5×10−5 /K左右 GRC 20 CM[19] 69.4 适用于−153~55 ℃的FBG传感器增敏。玻璃化转变温度小于150 ℃,热膨胀系数为5×10−5 /K左右 PMMA[15] 39 适用于−196~30 ℃的FBG传感器增敏。玻璃化转变温度在105 ℃左右,
热膨胀系数为6.1×10−5 /K,但不能与光纤表面很好结合PDMS[16] 79.5 热膨胀系数大,为1.2×10−4 /K,但黏度高,弹性模量较小,为1 MPa 表 3 温度测量结果(单位: ℃)
Table 3. The first temperature measurement results (Unit: ℃)
1 2 3 4 5 平均值 最大测量误差 30 31.4 31.3 31.4 31.3 31.3 31.34 1.4 60 60.2 60.2 60.1 60.2 59.9 60.12 0.2 -
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