z 轴方向以及y 轴方向上实现微位移的高灵敏度测量。本文所提出的三维超材料传感器能为功能集成化传感在太赫兹领域的应用提供了新的思路。Abstract:The versatility of sensors, as a crucial part of integrated devices, is receiving increasing attention. Here, a terahertz metamaterial multifunctional sensor based on the coupling of a two-layer 3D resonant structure is introduced. The sensor consists of an upper and lower polyimide film substrate, a graphite layer attached to the lower polyimide film substrate, and a periodic double-layer 3D toothed coupling resonant structure between the graphite layer and the upper polyimide film substrate, which consists of a symmetric mountain-shaped structure in the lower layer and a symmetric concave structure in the upper layer. The three-dimensional metamaterial can achieve multifunctional measurements: the refractive index change of the liquid medium can be detected with high sensitivity by measuring the resonant frequency of the structure. Therefore, it is possible to detect the liquid medium with such a design. Meanwhile, in terms of micro displacement sensing, a high micro displacement measurement sensitivity can be realized in both the
z -axis andy -axis directions, respectively. The 3D metamaterial sensor proposed in this paper provides an idea for the design of a functionally integrated sensor in the terahertz region. -
Overview: Sensors are increasingly valued for their versatility as a crucial part of integrated devices. With the advancement of technology facing diverse environmental challenges, there is a growing need for multifunctional integration in the sensing field. Metamaterials are the combination of artificial periodic arrays with subwavelength resonant structures, and terahertz metamaterials sensors have a wide range of applications in biomacromolecule sensing and other trace precision detection fields due to their high penetration, specific fingerprint, low photon energy, high sensitivity and high resolution. At present, researchers in this field are increasingly demanding the highly sensitive performance of metamaterial sensors. Traditional metamaterial sensors have already enabled various sensing applications, but most of these sensors are designed for single detection targets and functions. Integrating sensors with multiple detection functions remains one of the challenges in the current research on metamaterial sensors. Moreover, the existing reported metamaterial sensors are primarily based on two-dimensional metasurfaces. A common issue with these sensors is their relatively low sensitivity and resolution, which limits the application of metamaterial sensors in high-precision detection.
In this paper, a terahertz metamaterial multifunctional sensor based on the coupling of a two-layer 3D resonant structure with high sensitivity is introduced. The sensor consists of an upper and lower polyimide film substrate, a graphite layer attached to the lower polyimide film substrate, and a periodic double-layer 3D toothed coupling resonant structure between the graphite layer and the upper polyimide film substrate, which consists of a symmetric mountain-shaped structure in the lower layer and a symmetric concave structure in the upper layer. The three-dimensional metamaterial can achieve multifunctional measurements with high sensitivity: the refractive index change of the liquid medium can be detected with a high sensitivity by measuring the resonant frequency of the structure. Therefore, it is possible to detect the liquid medium with such a design. Meanwhile, in terms of micro displacement sensing, a high micro displacement measurement sensitivity can be realized in both the z-axis and y-axis directions, respectively. Compared with other reported metamaterial sensors, the proposed design achieves multifunctional sensing ability. Moreover, it also outperforms metamaterial sensors based on two-dimensional metasurfaces in terms of sensitivity and resolution. The 3D metamaterial sensor proposed in this paper paves a new way for the design of functionally integrated sensor with high sensitivity at terahertz frequencies.
图 1 (a)双层三维超材料传感器的示意图;(b)传感器多层结构的侧视图;(c)下层山形立体结构平面俯视图;(d)上层凹形立体结构平面仰视图Fig.1 (a) Schematic diagram of a dual-layer stereo metamaterial sensor; (b) Side view of the multilayer structure of the sensor; (c) Plan view of the lower layer gabled stereo structure; (d) Plan view of the upper layer concave stereo structure
图 6 双层三维谐振结构用于(a) z轴向微位移传感的反射光谱及其(b)灵敏度拟合,(c) y轴向微位移传感的反射光谱及其(d)灵敏度拟合
Figure 6. Reflectance spectra of the dual-layer 3D structure for (a) the z-axis micro-displacement sensing and (b) its fitted sensitivity. (c) Reflectance spectra of the y-axis micro-displacement sensing and (d) its fitted sensitivity
表 1 传感器性能对比
Table 1. Comparison of sensor performance
Ref Structure Intended detection medium Resonance frequency
/(GHz/RIU)Q-factor FOM [24] Single/2D Heavy metal ion 0.36 113.92 11.22 3.15 [25] Single/2D Glucose 0.40 23.30 — — [26] Dual/2D Ethanol oil sucrose 0.49 120.60 82.30 20.10 This work Dual/3D Liquid 0.52 258.00 118.70 58.90 Ref Structure Displacement Resonance frequency
/(GHz/μm)Q-factor FOM [27] Dual/2D y-axis 0.27 0.30 40.10 0.045 This work Dual/3D y-axis 0.52 1.20* 118.70 0.27 z-axis 1.40* 0.12 *The results were obtained with linear fitting -
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