
葛斌,许诺,夏晨星,等. 四流输入引导的特征互补可见光-红外行人重识别[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(9): 240119. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240119
引用本文: 葛斌,许诺,夏晨星,等. 四流输入引导的特征互补可见光-红外行人重识别[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(9): 240119. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240119
Ge B, Xu N, Xia C X, et al. Quadrupl-stream input-guided feature complementary visible-infrared person re-identification[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(9): 240119. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240119
Citation: Ge B, Xu N, Xia C X, et al. Quadrupl-stream input-guided feature complementary visible-infrared person re-identification[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(9): 240119. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240119


  • 基金项目:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目 (62102003);安徽省自然科学基金资助项目 (2108085QF258); 安徽省博士后基金资助项目(2022B623)
    *通讯作者: 葛斌,bge@aust.edu.cn。
  • 中图分类号: TP391

  • CSTR: 32245.14.oee.2024.240119

Quadrupl-stream input-guided feature complementary visible-infrared person re-identification

  • Fund Project: Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China ( 62102003), Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (2108085QF258), and Anhui Postdoctoral Fund (2022B623)
More Information
  • 目前可见光-红外行人重识别研究侧重于通过注意力机制提取模态共享显著性特征来最小化模态差异。然而,这类方法仅关注行人最显著特征,无法充分利用模态信息。针对此问题,本文提出了一种四流输入引导的特征互补网络(QFCNet)。首先在模态特定特征提取阶段设计了四流特征提取和融合模块,通过增加两流输入,缓解模态间颜色差异,丰富模态的语义信息,进一步促进多维特征融合;其次设计了一个次显著特征互补模块,通过反转操作补充全局特征中被注意力机制忽略的行人细节信息,强化行人鉴别性特征。在SYSU-MM01, RegDB两个公开数据集上的实验数据表明了此方法的先进性,其中在SYSU-MM01的全搜索模式中rank-1和mAP值达到了76.12%和71.51%。

  • Overview: Cross-modal person re-identification is the task of identifying individuals from images of different modalities under non-overlapping camera angles, which has a wide range of practical applications. Different from the previous VV-ReID(visible-visible person reidentification), VI-ReID(visible-infrared person reidentification) aims at image matching between visible and infrared modalities. Due to the imaging differences between visible and infrared cameras, there are huge modal differences between cross-modal images, and traditional person re-identification methods are difficult to apply to this scenario. In view of this situation, it is particularly important to study the pedestrian matching between visible and infrared images. How to realize the mutual recognition between visible and infrared pedestrian images efficiently and accurately has a very great practical value for improving the level of social management, preventing crime, maintaining national security, and so on. Similarly, cross-modal person re-identification technology also involves many challenges. Not only intra-modal variations such as viewpoint, pose, and low resolution need to be considered, but also inter-modal differences caused by different image channel information need to be addressed. Existing VI-ReID methods mainly focus on two aspects: (1) solving cross-modal problems by maximizing modal invariance; (2) Generate intermediate or target images, and transform the cross-modal matching problem into an intra-modal matching task. The first method makes it difficult to guarantee the quality of the modal invariant features, which leads to the loss of indirect information in the image representation of people. The second method inevitably introduces noise, which affects the stability of training and makes the quality of generated images difficult to guarantee. Current visible-infrared person re-identification research focuses on extracting modal shared saliency features through the attention mechanism to minimize modal differences. However, these methods only focus on the most salient features of pedestrians, and cannot make full use of modal information. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a quadrupl-stream input-guided feature complementary method based on deep learning, which can effectively alleviate the differences between modalities while retaining useful structural information. Firstly, a quadrupl-stream feature extraction and fusion module is designed in the mode-specific feature extraction stage. By adding two data enhancement inputs, the semantic information of the modalities is enriched and the multi-dimensional feature fusion is further promoted. Secondly, a sub-salient feature complementation module is designed to supplement the pedestrian detail information ignored by the attention mechanism in the global feature through the inversion operation. The experimental results on two public datasets SYSU-MM01 and RegDB show the superiority of this method. In the full search mode of SYSU-MM01, the rank-1 and mAP values reach 76.12% and 71.51%, respectively.

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  • 图 1  QFCNet结构图

    Figure 1.  QFCNet structure diagram

    图 2  模态重加权恢复模块

    Figure 2.  Modal reweighted recovery module

    图 3  次显著特征互补模块

    Figure 3.  Sub-critical features complementary module

    图 4  通道注意力

    Figure 4.  Channel attention

    图 5  特征分布图和类内类间距离。 (a) 基准特征分布图;(b) QFCNet特征分布图;(c) Baseline类内类间距离;(d) QFCNet类内类间距离

    Figure 5.  Feature distribution diagram and intra-class and inter-class distances. (a) Baseline feature distribution diagram; (b) QFCNet feature distribution diagram; (c) Baseline intra-class and inter-class distances; (d) QFCNet intra-class and inter-class distances

    图 6  热力图可视化

    Figure 6.  Visualization of the heat map

    图 7  SYSU-MM01可视化排序结果

    Figure 7.  Visual sorting results on SYSU-MM01

    表 1  SYSU-MM01数据集比较结果/%

    Table 1.  Comparison results on SYSU-MM01 dataset/%

    Method Publish Setting
    All search Indoor search
    rank-1 rank-10 rank-20 mAP rank-1 rank-10 rank-20 mAP
    AlignGAN[23] ICCV19 42.4 85.0 93.7 40.7 45.9 87.6 94.4 54.3
    ${\rm{D}}^{2}$RL[24] CVPR 19 28.90 70.60 82.40 29.20 - - - -
    X-Modality[15] AAAI 20 49.9 89.8 96 50.7 - - - -
    DDAG[8] ECCV 20 53.61 89.17 95.3 52.02 58.37 91.92 97.42 65.44
    Hi-CMD[9] CVPR 20 34.9 77.6 - 35.9 - - - -
    JSIA-ReID[25] AAAI20 38.1 80.7 89.9 36.9 43.8 86.2 94.2 52.9
    MPANet[5] CVPR 21 70.6 96.2 98.8 68.2 76.2 97.2 99.3 76.9
    AGW[16] TPAMI 21 47.58 84.45 92.11 47.69 54.29 91.14 95.99 63.02
    CAJ[17] CVPR 21 69.9 95.7 98.5 66.9 76.3 97.9 99.5 80.4
    MCLNet[26] ICCV 21 65.4 93.3 97.1 62.0 72.6 97.0 99.2 76.6
    DSCNet[7] TIFS 22 73.89 96.27 98.84 69.47 79.35 98.32 99.77 82.65
    FMCNet[9] CVPR 22 66.3 - - 62.5 68.2 - - 74.1
    PIC[27] TIP 22 57.5 - - 55.1 60.4 - - 67.7
    PMT[28] AAAI 23 67.53 95.36 98.64 51.86 71.66 96.73 99.25 76.52
    MTMFE[29] PR23 62.56 93.85 97.63 60.57 65.06 95.17 98.17 73.86
    AGMNet[30] J-STSP23 69.63 96.27 98.82 66.11 74.68 97.51 99.14 78.30
    CSVI[31] IF24 70.13 96.15 98.79 65.32 71.00 96.96 98.99 75.21
    TMD[32] TMM24 68.18 93.08 96.84 63.96 76.31 97.28 98.91 74.52
    QFCNet Ours 76.12 97.23 99.14 71.51 80.43 98.75 99.58 83.61
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    表 2  RegDB数据集比较结果/%

    Table 2.  Comparison results on RegDB dataset/%

    Method Publish Setting
    Visible to infrared Infrared to visible
    rank-1 rank-10 rank-20 mAP rank-1 rank-10 rank-20 mAP
    AlignGAN[23] ICCV19 57.9 - - 53.6 56.3 - - 53.40
    ${\rm{D}}^{2}$RL[24] CVPR 19 43.40 66.10 76.30 44.10 - - - -
    X-Modality[15] AAAI 20 62.21 83.13 91.72 60.18 - - - -
    DDAG[8] ECCV 20 69.34 85.77 89.98 63.19 64.77 83.85 88.90 58.54
    Hi-CMD[9] CVPR 20 70.9 86.4 - 66.0 - - - -
    JSIA-ReID[25] AAAI20 48.1 - - 48.9 48.5 - - 49.3
    MPANet[5] CVPR 21 83.7 - - 80.9 82.8 - - 80.7
    AGW[16] TPAMI 21 70.05 86.21 91.55 66.37 70.49 87.21 91.84 65.9
    CAJ[17] CVPR 21 84.72 95.17 97.38 78.70 84.09 94.79 97.11 77.25
    MCLNet[26] ICCV 21 80.31 92.70 96.03 73.07 75.93 90.93 94.59 69.49
    DSCNet[7] TIFS 22 85.39 - - 77.3 83.5 - - 75.19
    FMCNet[9] CVPR 22 89.12 - - 84.43 88.38 - - 83.86
    PIC[27] TIP 22 83.6 - - 79.6 79.5 - - 77.4
    PMT[28] PR23 76.10 88.86 92.41 74.39 72.18 87.06 92.38 71.04
    MTMFE[29] AAAI 23 84.83 - - 76.55 84.16 - - 75.13
    AGMNet[30] J-STSP23 88.40 95.10 96.94 81.45 85.34 94.56 97.48 81.19
    CSVI[31] IF24 91.41 97.72 98.92 85.14 90.06 97.46 98.74 83.86
    TMD[32] TMM24 87.04 95.49 97.57 81.19 83.54 94.56 96.84 77.92
    QFCNet Ours 93.28 97.94 99.04 88.89 92.35 97.72 99.14 88.10
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    表 3  SYSU-MM01数据集上的消融实验/%

    Table 3.  Ablation experiments on the SYSU-MM01 dataset/%

    Setting All search Indoor search
    QSFM SFCM rank-1 rank-10 rank-20 mAP rank-1 rank-10 rank-20 mAP
    47.58 84.45 92.11 47.69 54.29 91.14 95.99 63.02
    73.21 96.60 98.90 70.35 79.63 98.20 99.62 82.81
    72.91 96.46 99.06 69.84 79.88 98.17 99.43 82.90
    76.12 97.23 99.14 71.51 80.43 98.75 99.58 83.61
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    表 4  SFCM插入位置在SYSU-MM01数据集下的实验结果/%

    Table 4.  Experimental results of SFCM insertion positions under SYSU-MM01 dataset/%

    在stage3后插入 SFCM72.9169.84
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