本文提出了一种基于压缩感知和倾斜光纤光栅的双通道加密自由空间光通信系统,不仅可以大量减少数据采集量,还可以对自由空间传输的数据进行加密,提高了系统的安全性。此外,我们的方案可以采用低带宽和低成本的光电探测器和模数转换器,降低了数据采集量和数据通信的成本。同时,本方案采用了一种倾斜角度为45°的倾斜光纤光栅同时作为空间光发射器、空间光侧面衍射器件和偏振敏感器件,加强了系统的集成度,降低了系统体积,同时提高了系统的能量利用效率。经实验表明,利用频率为1 GHz和3 GHz的正弦射频信号进行3.9 m的数据传输,在时域和频域的数据压缩比为16%和8%。
Abstract:A dual channel encrypted free-space optical communication system based on compressive sensing and tilted fiber grating is proposed. This approach not only greatly reduces the data acquisition volume, but also enhances the security of the system since the data transmitted in the free-space is encrypted. Besides, our proposal adopts low-bandwidth and low-cost photodetectors and analog-to-digital convertors, decreasing the data acquisition volume and the cost of data transmission. Also, the approach utilizes the tilted fiber grating with a 45° tilted angle as the free-space light emitter, free-space light lateral diffraction device, and polarization-sensitive device, simultaneously. The utilization of 45° tilted fiber grating greatly enhances the systematic integration, reduces the volume of the system and improves the energy efficiency of the system. A demonstration shows that two 1 GHz and 3 GHz sinusoidal signals are employed for the 3.9 m free-space data transmission with data compression ratios of 16% and 8% achieved both in the time domain and frequency domain.
Overview: To achieve a data-efficient and high-efficiency free-space optical communication system, a dual channel encrypted free-space optical communication system based on compressive sensing and 45° tilted fiber grating is proposed. The utilization of compressive sensing not only greatly reduces the data acquisition volume, and mitigates the big data problem in the high throughput transmission system, but also enhances the security of the system thanks to the data transmitted in the free-space being encrypted. Besides, the application of compressive sensing also allows the employment of low-bandwidth and low-cost photodetectors and analog-to-digital converters in the high-speed optical communication system, which decreases the data acquisition volume and the cost of data transmission. What’s more, the 45° tilted fiber grating has the benefits of high-efficiency, high stability, compactness, and low insert loss thanks to its feature of compatibility with fiber links. In the proposed optical communication system, the 45° tilted fiber grating acts as the key role of (a) lateral light emitter thanks to its special radiative structure, which allows incident light to radiate from the fiber core into free-space via the fiber cladding, (b) high efficient in-fiber polarizer due to its polarization-sensitive feature and thus obtaining polarization control, and (c) high-efficiency in-fiber diffraction grating resulting from its wavelength-dependent lateral diffraction characteristic, which realizes a point-to-point privacy channel for secure data transmission. The employment of 45° tilted fiber grating drastically augments the stability, efficiency, and integration of the system, and decreases the volume of the system. A demonstration of a 3.9 m dual channel encrypted free-space optical communication system is performed using an original sinusoidal RF signal with a frequency of 1 GHz and 3 GHz. A PD with a bandwidth of 1 GHz is utilized to detect the final received signal. The two optical carriers with wavelengths of 1540 nm and 1550 nm are employed to act as the remote two users. In the proposed system, the experimental results give the compression ratios of 16% and 8%, respectively. Also, the reconstructed RF signals and the original RF signal show good consistency whether in the spectral domain or in the temporal domain in varied wavelength carriers and varied compression ratios. Besides, a random RF signal with varied frequency components is utilized for free-space optical communication and data compression ratios of 30%, 20%, and 10% are obtained in the temporal domain. The reconstructed dual channel RF signals and random RF signals and their original RF signals have good consistency both in the temporal domain and the spectral domain. The employment of compressive sensing and 45° tilted fiber grating in the proposed system paves the way for overcoming the data efficiency, energy efficiency and compact issues in the traditional optical communication system. The proposal has the benefits of being compact, stable, secure, efficient, and data-efficient, which is particularly promising in underwater and secured indoor data communication.
图 5 (a) 1540 nm时域;(b) 1540 nm频域;(c) 1550 nm时域;(d) 1550 nm频域的原始射频信号(蓝线)与数据压缩比为16% (红线),8% (绿线)的重构射频信号结果图
Figure 5. The original RF signals (blue lines) and their reconstruction results with data compression ratios of 16% (red lines) and 8% (green lines) in the 1540 nm temporal domain (a), and the 1540 nm spectral domain (b), and 1550 nm temporal domain (c), and 1550 nm spectral domain (d)
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