Remote sensing image detection algorithm integrating visual center mechanism and parallel patch perception
针对遥感图像存在复杂背景干扰、目标多尺度差异和微小目标提取难的问题,本文基于YOLOv7-tiny模型提出一种融合视觉中心机制和并行补丁感知的遥感图像检测算法。该算法一是引入显式视觉中心机制,构建像素点间的长距离依赖关系,丰富图像的整体语义信息,同时提升对目标纹理的提取性能;二是改进并行补丁感知模块,调整特征提取感受野,以适应不同目标尺度;三是设计多尺度特征融合模块,实现对多层特征的高效融合,提升模型推理速度。在公共数据集RSOD上进行实验,所提算法的准确率、召回率和平均准确率均值相较YOLOv7-tiny分别提升1.5%、2.4%和2.4%,此外在NWPU VHR-10和DOTA数据集上进行泛化性验证,结果表明本文算法具备较强的泛化性能。通过与不同算法对比分析,进一步体现本文算法性能的优越性。
- 遥感图像 /
- 目标检测 /
- YOLOv7-tiny /
- 显式视觉中心机制 /
- 并行补丁感知
Abstract:To address the challenges of complex background interference, multi-scale differences in targets, and the difficulty in extracting small targets from remote sensing images, this paper proposes a remote sensing image detection algorithm based on the YOLOv7-tiny model that integrates the visual center mechanism and parallel patch perception. Firstly, the algorithm introduces an explicit visual center mechanism to establish long-distance dependencies between pixels, enriching the overall semantic information of the image and improving the extraction performance of target textures. Secondly, it improves the parallel patch perception module by adjusting the feature extraction receptive fields to adapt to different target scales. Thirdly, a multi-scale feature fusion module is designed to efficiently fuse multi-layer features, thereby improving the model's inference speed. Experimental results on the RSOD dataset show that the proposed algorithm achieves improvements over YOLOv7-tiny in terms of precision, recall, and mean average precision by 1.5%, 2.4%, and 2.4%, respectively. Additionally, validation on the NWPU VHR-10 and DOTA datasets confirms the strong generalization performance of the proposed algorithm. Comparative analysis with other algorithms further demonstrates the superior performance of the proposed approach.
Overview: In response to challenges posed by complex background interference, multi-scale variations of targets, and difficulties in extracting small targets in remote sensing images, this paper proposes a novel remote sensing image detection algorithm based on the YOLOv7-tiny model. The algorithm integrates a visual centering mechanism and parallel patch perception to enhance target detection performance. The algorithm introduces three main innovations. Firstly, it introduces an explicit visual centering mechanism that uses a lightweight multi-layer perceptron to establish long-distance dependencies between pixels, focusing on capturing central features of contextual information to enrich the overall semantic information of images, including scene structures and contextual details. Simultaneously, a trainable visual centering mechanism aggregates local area information within layers to capture locally representative feature representations, thereby further improving the extraction performance of target textures. This approach effectively extracts and utilizes the overall semantic information of images, accurately capturing global features of targets to enhance recognition of target textures and shapes during detection. Secondly, the algorithm improves the parallel patch perception module by dynamically adjusting the feature extraction receptive field to adapt to different target scales and capture diverse scale feature information, effectively handling varied backgrounds. In practical applications, targets in remote sensing images often exhibit different scales and complex environmental backgrounds, where traditional methods may struggle to distinguish or ignore these differences. By dynamically adjusting the receptive field, the algorithm flexibly perceives targets of different scales while maintaining high accuracy and low error rates in complex background scenarios. Finally, the algorithm designs a multi-scale feature fusion module to efficiently integrate multi-level and multi-scale feature information, comprehensively capturing diverse representations of targets and further enhancing model inference speed while meeting high-precision detection requirements. This fusion method significantly enhances the algorithm's effectiveness in static image detection tasks. Experimental results on the RSOD dataset demonstrate improvements in accuracy, recall, and mean average precision by 1.5%, 2.4%, and 2.4%, respectively, compared to YOLOv7-tiny. Additionally, generalization validation on the NWPU VHR-10 and DOTA datasets shows commendable results, with average precision mean values increasing by 3.0% and 1.3%, respectively, compared to baseline models. These findings illustrate the algorithm's outstanding performance not only on the RSOD dataset but also on datasets encompassing diverse types and scenes, highlighting its robust generalization capability. Through comparative analysis with different algorithms, the superiority of the proposed algorithm's performance is further underscored.
表 1 参数设置
Table 1. Parameter setting
参数 参数值 输入图像分辨率 640×640 初始学习率 0.01 动量参数 0.937 权重衰减系数 0.0005 训练轮次 300 批量大小 16 表 2 不同注意力对比实验
Table 2. Experiments on contrasting attentional differences
注意力 参数量/M FPS mAP@0.5/% CBAM 11.3 92 96.1 SE 11.1 90 93.4 CA 11.1 92 96.2 EMA 11.1 93 95.6 LSK 11.5 92 96.5 表 3 大内核分解为两个深度可分离卷积的有效性
Table 3. Effectiveness of decomposing a large kernel into two sequences of depth-wise separable kernels
(k1, d1) (k2, d2) RF FPS mAP@0.5/% (3, 1) (5, 2) 11 104 92.0 (5, 1) (7, 3) 23 105 95.0 (7, 1) (9, 4) 39 88 94.7 表 4 MFFM与ELAN对比实验
Table 4. Comparison of experiments between MFFM and ELAN
模块 参数量/M FPS mAP@0.5/% ELAN 6.0 88 94.6 MFFM 4.8 126 94.2 表 5 消融实验数据
Table 5. Ablation experimental data
模型 准确率P/% 召回率R/% 平均准确率AP/% 平均准确率均值
mAP@0.5/%飞机 油桶 立交桥 操场 M1 90.3 93.1 97.9 97.8 85.0 97.7 94.6 M2 92.6 91.2 97.7 98.5 88.5 98.4 95.8 M3 92.0 95.2 97.8 98.8 91.4 99.5 96.9 M4 91.8 95.5 97.7 98.6 93.0 98.8 97.0 表 6 不同算法检测数据对比
Table 6. Comparison of detection data from different algorithms
模型 参数量/M FPS 平均准确率AP/% 平均准确率均值
mAP@0.5%飞机 油桶 立交桥 操场 Faster R-CNN 72.0 10 71.0 98.0 85.0 100.0 88.5 SSD 24.4 43 79.0 98.0 73.0 100.0 87.5 YOLOv3-tiny 12.1 104 94.2 96.4 76.9 98.5 91.5 YOLOv4-tiny 6.1 50 70.7 97.3 61.7 99.1 82.4 YOLOv5s 9.1 90 97.4 97.8 87.4 99.3 95.5 YOLOv5m 25.0 56 97.0 96.8 89.4 99.2 95.6 YOLOv7-tiny 6.0 88 97.9 97.8 85.0 97.7 94.6 YOLOv8s 11.1 97 97.6 97.2 82.8 99.4 94.3 YOLOv8m 25.8 53 97.2 98.1 84.3 99.5 94.8 ours 11.5 85 97.7 98.6 93.0 98.8 97.0 表 7 NWPU VHR-10数据集上检测结果对比
Table 7. Comparison of detection results on NWPU VHR-10 dataset
模型 准确率P/% 召回率R/% 参数量/M FPS mAP@0.5/% YOLOv7-tiny 88.7 88.4 6.0 83 90.7 Ours 92.5 87.6 11.5 79 93.7 表 8 DOTA数据集上检测结果对比
Table 8. Comparison of detection results on DOTA dataset
模型 准确率P/% 召回率R/% 参数量/M FPS mAP@0.5/% YOLOv7-tiny 78.2 70.4 6.0 82 74.7 Ours 80.0 71.2 11.5 77 76.0 -
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