
李岸然,邵光存,靳凤宇,等. 高精度相位式激光雷达测距系统的设计[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(3): 230246. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.230246
引用本文: 李岸然,邵光存,靳凤宇,等. 高精度相位式激光雷达测距系统的设计[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(3): 230246. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.230246
Li A A R, Shao G C, Jin F Y, et al. Design of high precision phase laser radar ranging system[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(3): 230246. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.230246
Citation: Li A A R, Shao G C, Jin F Y, et al. Design of high precision phase laser radar ranging system[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(3): 230246. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.230246


    *通讯作者: 蔡恩林,caienlin@qdu.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TN959.3

Design of high precision phase laser radar ranging system

More Information
  • 现代科技中,激光雷达在自动导航、工业测绘等领域扮演关键角色,但传统相位测距系统普遍存在测量精度低和结构复杂等问题。本文提出了一种新型的高精度相位式激光雷达测距系统。该系统采用激光控制同频参比的相位差检测方法,包括对激光发射和接收模块的光学结构优化,以及对接收电路的放大滤波与差分混频处理,最终制作出了一个基于AD8302的高分辨率鉴相系统。实验结果显示,该系统测量精度为毫米级别,简便实用且能满足广泛的实际应用需求。这一研究为激光雷达技术在高精度距离测量方面提供了可行的解决方案。

  • Overview: With the advent of the intelligent era, laser ranging is widely used in remote sensing, and the development and research of radar technology has been attached to great importance in the world. Phase ranging is one of the most favourite ranging ways at present, and the phase LiDAR ranging technology has a wide application prospect in modern science and technology, especially in the fields of automatic driving, robot navigation, three-dimensional mapping and so on. Compared with traditional ranging methods, phase LiDAR ranging technology can achieve higher accuracy and resolution. However, despite significant progress in phase LiDAR ranging technology, there are still some not solved troubles. For example, the measurement accuracy and performance stability problems in complex environments, and the cost of high-precision phase ranging systems is usually higher, which restricts its widespread application in certain fields. The objective of this study is to design and develop a high-precision phase LiDAR ranging system. To improve the measurement accuracy and stability of phase ranging and reduce the cost of the laser ranging system. Firstly, Based on the principle of phase laser ranging, the transmitting and receiving parts of the optical system are designed and selected to ensure the stable transmission and reception of the laser. Then the receiver circuit of the hardware system is processed with signal amplification, filtering and mixing structure. In the case of large high-frequency phase discrimination errors, the method of mixed-frequency phase identification is used to improve the accuracy of the system. Finally, The AD8302 module is used as a foundation to improve the measurement accuracy of the system, simplify the hardware design of the system, and reduce the need for traditional complex signal processing algorithms. At the same instant, the technology of multi-ruler joint measurement is adopted. The high precision advantage of high frequency is used to improve the accuracy of the measured distance, and the wide range advantage of low frequency is used to expand the range of the measured distance to meet the long-distance requirements of high precision. Through the performance evaluation of the system, the system meets the design requirements. The experimental result manifests that the measurement system not only has high measurement accuracy and strong stability, but also reduces the complexity and cost of the system and meets the practical application requirements.

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  • 图 1  相位激光测距原理

    Figure 1.  Principle of phase laser ranging

    图 2  相位式激光测距系统框图

    Figure 2.  Block diagram of phase laser ranging system

    图 3  APD探测原理框图

    Figure 3.  APD detection principle block diagram

    图 4  接收光学系统图

    Figure 4.  Receiving optical system diagram

    图 5  LT5560混频器电路图

    Figure 5.  LT5560 mixer circuit diagram

    图 6  AD8302方案框图

    Figure 6.  Block diagram of AD8302 scheme

    图 7  系统测距实验装置图

    Figure 7.  System-ranging experimental device diagram

    图 8  示波器中采集的系统中关键信号。(a)主振信号;(b)本振信号;(c)差频回波信号

    Figure 8.  Key signals in the system collected from the oscilloscope. (a) Main oscillator signal ; (b) Local oscillator signal; (c) Differential frequency echo signal

    表 1  国外主要测距仪器参数列表

    Table 1.  List of main distance measuring instrument parameters abroad

    生产厂家Velodyne LiDARLeica ScanStationLuminar Technologies
    仪器型号HDL-64ELeica ScanStation C10Luminar Iris
    激光等级Class 1Class 3Class 1
    距离不确定度(k=2)<1 mm@25 m<2.5 mm@15 m<3 cm@280 m
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    表 2  测尺长度和测尺精度表

    Table 2.  Scale length and accuracy table

    100 Hz1.50.001
    10 Hz150.01
    1 Hz1500.1
    100 kHz15001
    10 kHz1500010
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    表 3  25 ℃下HSLD650-5的光电特性

    Table 3.  Photoelectric characteristics of HSLD650-5 at 25 ℃

    峰值波长λpPo=10 mW--nm
    工作电流IopPo=10 mW-40mA
    工作电压VopPo=10 mW-2.5V
    PD监控电流ImPo=10 mW,VRD=5 V0.050.3mA
    平行发散角θPo=10 mW610deg
    垂直发散角θPo=10 mW3036deg
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    表 4  0.3 m到3 m内的测量结果

    Table 4.  Measurement results within 0.3 m to 3 m

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    表 5  3 m到100 m内的测量结果

    Table 5.  Measurement results within 3 m to 100 m

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收稿日期:  2023-10-07
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录用日期:  2024-01-15
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