
刘靖雨,蔡怀宇,郝文月,等. 结合极坐标建模与神经网络的IVUS图像分割[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(1): 220118. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220118
引用本文: 刘靖雨,蔡怀宇,郝文月,等. 结合极坐标建模与神经网络的IVUS图像分割[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(1): 220118. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220118
Liu J Y, Cai H Y, Hao W Y, et al. Intravascular ultrasound image segmentation combining polar coordinate modeling and a neural network[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(1): 220118. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220118
Citation: Liu J Y, Cai H Y, Hao W Y, et al. Intravascular ultrasound image segmentation combining polar coordinate modeling and a neural network[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(1): 220118. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220118


  • 基金项目:
    血管超声三维实时成像算法研究及软件平台设计 (2021GKF-0422)
    *通讯作者: 蔡怀宇,hycai@tju.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: R54;TP391.41

Intravascular ultrasound image segmentation combining polar coordinate modeling and a neural network

  • Fund Project: Research on Vascular Ultrasound 3D Real-time Imaging Algorithm and Software Platform Design (2021GKF-0422)
More Information
  • 针对现有血管内超声(IVUS)图像分割网络不能保证分割结果之间的拓扑关系符合医学先验知识,影响后续临床参数计算的问题,提出了一种基于极坐标建模和密集距离回归网络的IVUS图像分割方法。首先通过极坐标建模将含有先验知识的二维掩膜编码为一维距离向量;然后构建一个结合残差网络和语义嵌入模块的密集距离回归网络,用于学习IVUS图像和一维距离向量之间的映射关系。同时提出联合损失函数约束网络的学习方向。预测结果最终通过样条曲线拟合被重建为二维掩模。实验结果表明,所提方法在血管、管腔和斑块区域的分割结果拓扑关系100%符合先验知识,Jaccard测量值分别达到0.89、0.87和0.74。该算法适用于一般的IVUS图像分割,分割结果中血管结构定位准确,拓扑关系正确,可提供可靠的临床参数。

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  • 图 1  理想假设示意图。(a) 符合理想假设;(b) 不符合理想假设

    Figure 1.  Ideal hypothesis diagrams. (a) The mask image that meets the ideal hypothesis; (b) The situation that does not meet the ideal hypothesis

    图 2  建模示意图。 (a) IVUS 原图;(b) 建模结果示意图。内膜边界和中-外膜边界分别用红色和绿色曲线标记,管腔区域和斑块区域建模结果分别使用红色和绿色线段标记

    Figure 2.  Modeling schematics. (a) Original image of IVUS; (b) Schematic diagram of modeling result. The intima contour and media contour are marked with red and green curves, respectively. The modeling results of the lumen area and plaque area are marked with red and green line segments, respectively

    图 3  密集距离回归网络结构

    Figure 3.  The proposed dense distance of regression network

    图 4  真值与预测值斑块区域交并情况示意图。注:为便于观察,将真值射线与预测值射线错开一定角度表示,实际二者在同一射线上

    Figure 4.  Schematic diagram of the intersection of the true value and the predicted value patch area. Note: For the convenience of observation, the true value ray and the predicted value ray are staggered by a certain angle, and the two are actually on the same ray

    图 5  JM随射线数量变化曲线图

    Figure 5.  The graph of JM changing with the number of rays

    图 6  不同建模方式分割结果可视化

    Figure 6.  Visualization of segmentation results of different modeling methods

    图 7  分割结果视觉效果对比

    Figure 7.  Comparison of the visual effects of the segmentation results

    图 8  关键临床参数线性回归分析

    Figure 8.  Linear regression analysis of key clinical parameters

    图 9  关键临床参数 Bland-Altman 分析

    Figure 9.  Bland-Altman analysis of key clinical parameters

    表 1  IVUS数据集信息

    Table 1.  Information of the IVUS dataset

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    表 2  不同深度的骨架网络与不同数量SEB模块组合实验结果

    Table 2.  The performance of the proposed method under different depths of backbone and different numbers of SEB modules

    BackboneSEB numJMHD/mmPADTER
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    表 3  不同损失函数下的实验结果

    Table 3.  Experimental results with different loss functions

    Loss functionJMHD/mmPADTER
    IVUS Polar IoU Loss0.89340.87380.74300.17610.13550.07940.10050
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    表 4  不同建模方式下的实验结果

    Table 4.  Experimental results with different modeling methods

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    表 5  不同分割模型的性能比较

    Table 5.  Performance comparison of different segmentation models

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    表 6  关键临床参数线性回归分析结果

    Table 6.  Results of linear regression analysis of key clinical parameters

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    表 7  关键临床参数Bland-Altman分析结果

    Table 7.  Results of Bland-Altman analysis of key clinical parameters

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