Research progress of pulse position modulation technology in optical wireless communication
Abstract:Modulation and demodulation are key technologies to improve the transmission efficiency of optical wireless communication. Different modulation methods have different performances. This paper summarizes the research progress of various types of pulse position modulation at home and abroad, and then introduces the research from the Xi’an University of Technology in the area of pulse position modulation. For on-off keying, pulse position modulation, multiple pulse position modulation, differential pulse position modulation, overlapping pulse position modulation, dual duration position modulation, dual-amplitude pulse position modulation, digital pulse interval modulation, double-headed pulse interval modulation, dual-pulse interval modulation, dual-amplitude pulse interval modulation, fixed-length digital pulse interval modulation, fixed-length dual-amplitude pulse interval modulation, shorten pulse position modulation and separated double pulse position modulation, the performance of the symbol structure, bandwidth requirement, average transmit power, time slot error rate and average channel capacity are analyzed and compared. Finally, the development direction of pulse-like position modulation is prospected.
Overview: Optical wireless communication is using an optical carrier for information transmission. It has the advantages of high transmission rate, anti-electromagnetic interference, and high reliability. It has a good application prospect in solving the "last kilometer" problem, emergency communication, and satellite (satellite ground) communication. Quasi pulse position modulation refers to PPM, DPPM, their combinations and various pulse position modulation modes evolved from them. However, when the laser beam propagates through the atmospheric channel, the error control performance of the optical communication system will become worse due to various factors such as atmospheric attenuation and turbulence. In order to improve the efficiency of communication, a series of modulation technologies have been studied. Advanced modulation format and corresponding demodulation technology are selected to ensure high-efficiency transmission and low bit error rate, so as to reduce the interference of the atmospheric environment to the communication system. Therefore, the research on modulation is one of the important topics in the field of wireless optical communication. In order to select the appropriate modulation mode, Ke Xizheng made a systematic analysis of quasi pulse position modulation. Ding Deqiang analyzed the performance of PPM and realized it through hardware. Zhao Li studied DPPM and analyzed its performance. Qin Ling studied the symbol structure and constellation of MPPM and realized MPPM through hardware. Huang Lei analyzed the basic principle and performance of OPPM. Ma Lina organically combined PPM and polarization modulation. Sun Changmei analyzed the symbol structure, power spectral density and bandwidth requirements of DAPPM. Jia Chao analyzed the performance of DHPI. Liu Meiping systematically studied the symbol structure, power spectral density and bit error rate of pulse-like position modulation. Shi Biyao studied the quadrature amplitude modulation and demodulation program and analyzed the results. Tian Xiaochao discussed the adaptive threshold detection model and analyzed its performance. Pei Guoqiang studied multi-beam emission and multi-aperture reception methods to suppress turbulence and improve communication performance. Liu Zhaohui studied and optimized the response characteristics of semiconductor lasers and photodetectors to improve the modulation rate of the communication system. This paper makes a comprehensive analysis and comparison of the performance of more than ten modulation modes, obtains the best modulation mode in a certain performance, selects the matching modulation mode for different channels, and finds out the shortcomings of these modulation modes, so as to provide a theoretical basis for selecting the appropriate modulation mode in different occasions.
表 1 各调制方式的平均符号长度、带宽需求、平均发射功率
Table 1. The average symbol length, bandwidth requirement and average transmit power
调制方式 平均符号长度 带宽需求 平均发射功率 OOK $ M $ $ {R_{\rm{b}}} $ $ \dfrac{{{P_{\rm{c}}}}}{2} $ PPM ${2^M}$ $\dfrac{{{2^M}{R_{\rm{b}}}}}{M}$ $\dfrac{{{P_{\rm{c}}}}}{{{2^M}}}$ MPPM n(含p个脉冲) $\dfrac{{n{R_{\rm{b}}}}}{M}$ $\dfrac{{p{P_{\rm{c}}}}}{n}$ DPPM $\dfrac{{{2^M} + 1}}{2}$ $\dfrac{{{2^M} + 1}}{{2M}}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{2}{{{2^M} + 1}}{P_{\rm{c}}}$ DDPPM ${2^{M - 1}} + \alpha - 1$ $\dfrac{{{2^M} + 2\alpha - 2}}{{\alpha M}}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{ {3\alpha } }{ { { {2^{M + 1} } + 4\alpha - 4} } }{P_{\rm{c} } }$ DAPPM ${2^{M - 1}}$ $\dfrac{{{2^{M - 1}}}}{M}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{{1 + \beta }}{{{2^M}}}{P_{\rm{c}}}$ PIM $\dfrac{{{2^M} + 1}}{2}$ $\dfrac{{{2^M} + 1}}{{2M}}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{2}{{{2^M} + 1}}{P_{\rm{c}}}$ DPIM $\dfrac{{{2^M} + 3}}{2}$ $\dfrac{{{2^M} + 3}}{{2M}}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{2}{{{2^M} + 3}}{P_{\rm{c}}}$ DHPIM $\dfrac{{{2^{M - 1}} + 2\alpha + 1}}{2}$ $\dfrac{{{2^{M - 1}} + 2\alpha + 1}}{{\alpha M}}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{{3\alpha }}{{ {{2^M} + 4\alpha + 2} }}{P_{\rm{c}}}$ DPPIM $ {2^{M - 1}} + \alpha $ $\dfrac{{{2^M} + 2\alpha }}{{\alpha M}}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{{4 + 3\alpha }}{{{2^{M + 1}} + 4\alpha }}{P_{\rm{c}}}$ DAPIM $\dfrac{{{2^{M - 1}} + 3}}{2}$ $\dfrac{{{2^{M - 1}} + 3}}{{2M}}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{{1 + \beta }}{{{2^{M - 1}} + 3}}{P_{\rm{c}}}$ FDPIM $ {2^M} + 4 $ $\dfrac{{{2^M} + 4}}{M}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{3}{ { {2^M} + 4} }{P_{\rm{t}} }$ FDAPIM $ {2^M} + 3 $ $\dfrac{{{2^M} + 3}}{M}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{{1 + \beta }}{{{2^M} + 3}}{P_{\rm{c}}}$ SPPM $1 + {2^{M - 1}}$ $\dfrac{{{2^{M - 1}} + 1}}{M}{R_{\rm{b}}}$ $\dfrac{3}{{{2^M} + 2}}{P_{\rm{c}}}$ SDPPM ${n_{\rm{s}}}$ ${{{n_{\rm{s}}}{R_{\rm{b}}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{{n_s}{R_{\rm{b}}}} M}} \right. } M}$ $ {{2{P_{\rm{c}}}} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{2{P_{\rm{c}}}} {{n_{\rm{s}}}}}} \right. } {{n_{\rm{s}}}}} $ -
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