
苟于涛,马梁,宋怡萱,等. 基于多任务学习框架的红外行人检测算法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(12): 210358. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210358
引用本文: 苟于涛,马梁,宋怡萱,等. 基于多任务学习框架的红外行人检测算法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(12): 210358. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210358
Gou Y T, Ma L, Song Y X, et al. Multi-task learning for thermal pedestrian detection[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(12): 210358. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210358
Citation: Gou Y T, Ma L, Song Y X, et al. Multi-task learning for thermal pedestrian detection[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(12): 210358. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210358


    通讯作者: 雷涛(1981-),男,博士,研究员,主要从事基于传统方法及深度学习技术的图像处理与分析、复杂场景下目标检测识别与跟踪等方面的研究。E-mail:taoleiyan@ioe.ac.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP391.41; TN215

Multi-task learning for thermal pedestrian detection

More Information
  • 与高质量可见光图像相比,红外图像在行人检测任务中往往存在较高的虚警率。其主要原因在于红外图像受成像分辨率及光谱特性限制,缺乏清晰的纹理特征,同时部分样本的特征质量较差,干扰网络的正常学习。本文提出基于多任务学习框架的红外行人检测算法,其在多尺度检测框架的基础上,做出以下改进:1) 引入显著性检测任务作为协同分支与目标检测网络构成多任务学习框架,以共同学习的方式侧面强化检测器对强显著区域及其边缘信息的关注。2) 通过将样本显著性强度引入分类损失函数,抑制噪声样本的学习权重。在公开KAIST数据集上的检测结果证实,本文的算法相较于基准算法RetinaNet能够降低对数平均丢失率(MR-2)4.43%。

  • Overview: In recent years, pedestrian detection techniques based on visible images have been developed rapidly. However, interference from light, smoke, and occlusion makes it difficult to achieve robust detection around the clock by relying on these images alone. Thermal images, on the other hand, can sense the thermal radiation information in the specified wavelength band emitted by the target, which are highly resistant to interference, ambient lighting, etc, and widely used in security and transportation. At present, the detection performance of thermal images still needs to be improved, which suffers from the poor image quality of thermal images and the interference of some noisy samples to network learning.

    In order to improve the performance of the thermal pedestrian detection algorithm, we firstly introduce a saliency detection map as supervised information and adopt a framework of multi-task learning, where the main network completes the pedestrian detection task and the auxiliary network satisfies the saliency detection task. By sharing the feature extraction modules of both tasks, the network has saliency detection capability while guiding the network to focus on salient regions. To search for the most reasonable framework of the auxiliary network, we test four different kinds of design from the independent-learning to the guided-attentive model. Secondly, through the visualization of the pedestrian samples, we induce noisy samples that have lower saliency expressions in the thermal images and introduce the saliency strengths of different samples into the classification loss function by hand-designing the mapping function to relieve the interference of noisy samples on the network learning. To achieve this goal, we adopt a sigmoid function with reasonable transformation as our mapping function, which maps the saliency area percentage to the saliency score. Finally, we introduce the saliency score to the Focal Loss and design the Smooth Focal Loss, which can decrease the loss of low-saliency samples with reasonable settings.

    Extensive experiments on KAIST thermal images have proved the conclusions as follows. First, compared with other auxiliary frameworks, our cascaded model achieves impressive performance with independent design. Besides, compared with the RetinaNet, we decrease the log-average miss rate by 4.43%, which achieves competitive results among popular thermal pedestrian detection methods. Finally, our method has no impact on the computational cost in the inference process as a network training strategy. Although the effectiveness of our method has been proven, one still needs to set the super-parameters manually. In the future, how to enable the network to adapt to various detection conditions will be our next research point.

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  • 图 1  KAIST行人样本可视化。

    Figure 1.  The visualization of pedestrian samples in KAIST.

    图 2  网络整体框架示意图

    Figure 2.  The illustration of the network framework

    图 3  文献[13]的方法与本文方法的整体框架对比。

    Figure 3.  Comparison between the method in Ref. [13] and ours.

    图 4  三种独立学习式网络结构设计方案。

    Figure 4.  The illustration of three designed solutions.

    图 5  两种引导注意力式网络结构设计方案。

    Figure 5.  Two design schemes of the guided-attention network.

    图 6  教师网络R3Net的部分显著性检测结果可视化。奇数列为红外图像,偶数列为显著性检测结果

    Figure 6.  The visualization of part of R3Net saliency detection results. Odd-numbered columns are IR images, and even-numbered columns are detection results

    图 7  协同分支的部分显著性检测结果可视化。

    Figure 7.  The visualization of part of saliency object detection results on the auxiliary network.

    图 8  (a) 不同参数下显著性得分因子的映射函数曲线;(b) 部分映射结果可视化。红框为检测label,数字为计算的显著性得分因子Si

    Figure 8.  (a) Mapping function curves of significance score factors with different parameters; (b) Visualization of partial mapping results. The red box refers to the object detection label, and the number refers to the Si

    图 9  不同时段不同模型的MR-FPPI曲线可视化。(a) 全天候;(b)白天;(c) 夜晚

    Figure 9.  The visualization of MR-FPPI curves with various models on different periods within (a) all day, (b) only day, and (c) only night

    图 10  5个场景下真实值及不同模型的检测结果。

    Figure 10.  Partial test results.

    表 1  R3Net显著性检测结果的定量分析

    Table 1.  Quantitative analyses of saliency detection results on R3Net

    Method Fβ QUOTE -Score MAE
    R3Net 0.6875 0.0045
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    表 2  独立学习式框架性能测试

    Table 2.  Individual learning framework contrastive test

    Algorithm Reasonable-all Reasonable-day Reasonable-night
    QUOTE MR-2/(%) mAP/(%) MR-2/(%) mAP/(%) MR-2/(%) mAP/(%)
    RetinaNet(baseline) 24.68 83.20 29.41 80.45 15.41 89.11
    PAR 25.16 84.00 30.35 80.80 13.36 91.43
    CAS 22.15 86.39 27.77 82.75 9.63 94.16
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    表 3  引导注意力式框架性能测试

    Table 3.  Guided-attention framework contrastive test

    Algorithm Reasonable-all Reasonable-day Reasonable-night
    QUOTE MR-2/(%) mAP/(%) MR-2/(%) mAP/(%) MR-2/(%) mAP/(%)
    RetinaNet(baseline) 24.68 83.20 29.41 80.45 15.41 89.11
    Guided(a) 30.01 79.96 34.68 76.86 19.40 87.23
    Guided(b) 21.94 85.74 26.97 82.72 11.86 92.38
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    表 4  不同参数下的检测性能对比实验

    Table 4.  Contrastive testing experiment with different parameters

    Slow w b α Reasonable-all Reasonable-day Reasonable-night
    MR-2/(%) mAP/(%) MR-2/(%) mAP/(%) MR-2/(%) mAP/(%)
    0.75 0.5 0.5 16 20.63 86.50 25.15 83.55 10.63 93.19
    14 21.88 85.57 26.66 82.80 12.67 91.53
    12 22.37 85.30 27.64 81.97 11.25 92.58
    0.7 0.6 0.4 16 22.72 85.36 28.51 81.86 10.84 92.78
    14 20.25 86.13 25.18 82.81 9.57 93.57
    12 21.76 85.82 26.36 82.90 11.46 92.39
    0.65 0.7 0.3 16 21.13 85.89 26.06 82.83 10.37 92.80
    14 22.35 84.58 27.04 81.62 12.52 91.30
    12 21.05 86.15 24.99 83.63 12.18 91.97
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    表 5  KAIST红外行人检测算法性能测试对比,其中+SM表示采用文献[13]的方式引入显著图

    Table 5.  Contrastive experiments on various thermal pedestrian detection methods, where +SM represents introducing Saliency Map in the way of Ref. [13]

    Detectors MR-2-all MR-2-day MR-2-night
    Faster RCNN-T[13] 47.59 50.13 40.93
    Faster RCNN+SM[13] 30.4 21
    Bottom up[25] 35.2 40 20.5
    TC-thermal[14] 28.53 36.59 11.03
    TC-Det[14] 27.11 34.81 10.31
    RetinaNet(baseline) 24.68 29.41 15.41
    RetinaNet+SM 23.47 30.30 9.85
    Ours(CAS) 22.15 27.77 9.63
    Ours(CAS+Smooth FL) 20.25 25.18 9.57
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