
马帅,王宁,朱里程,等. 基于边框加权角相关的光场深度估计算法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(12): 210405. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210405
引用本文: 马帅,王宁,朱里程,等. 基于边框加权角相关的光场深度估计算法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(12): 210405. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210405
Ma S, Wang N, Zhu L C, et al. Light field depth estimation using weighted side window angular coherence[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(12): 210405. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210405
Citation: Ma S, Wang N, Zhu L C, et al. Light field depth estimation using weighted side window angular coherence[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(12): 210405. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210405


  • 基金项目:
    四川省科技计划资助(2020JDRC0001);国家自然科学基金(61805251, 61875203, 62005285);中国科学院青年创新与促进会(2017429)
    *通讯作者: 许冰(1960-),男,硕士,研究员,主要从事自适应光学与光场成像技术的研究。E-mail:bing_xu_ioe@163.com
  • 中图分类号: TP391.41; O439

Light field depth estimation using weighted side window angular coherence

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More Information
  • 光场成像能同时记录光线的强度信息与方向信息且具备估计场景深度的能力。然而,深度估计的精度却容易受光场遮挡的影响。因此,本文提出一种边框加权角相关的深度估计方法来解决该问题。首先,该方法将光场角度域图像分成四个边框子集并分别度量这些子集中像素的相关性来构建四个代价体积,以此解决不同类型的遮挡。其次,该方法提出加权融合策略来融合四个代价体积,进一步增强算法的鲁棒性,同时保留算法的抗遮挡能力。最后,融合后的代价体积利用引导滤波对其进行优化,以提升深度估计的精度。实验结果表明,提出的方法在量化指标上优于现有的方法。同时,在绝对深度测量实验中,提出的方法能实现高精度的测量。

  • Overview: Compared with traditional imaging techniques, the light field imaging technique can recode the intensity information and direction information of rays at the same time, which is favored by both scientific research and commercial fields. Meanwhile, the equipment of recoding light field has also been greatly developed, such as programmable aperture light field, camera array, the gantry system, and micro-lens-array based light field cameras. Due to the characteristics of light field imaging, it is also applied to many fields, such as refocus, 3D reconstruction, super-resolution, object detection, light field edit, and depth estimation. Among them, depth estimation is a key step in the application of light field to high-dimensional vision, such as 3D reconstruction. However, the accuracy of depth estimation is easily influenced by the light field occlusion.

    In this paper, we proposed a method of weighted side window angular coherence to solve different types of occlusion problems. Firstly, the angular patch image is divided into four different patterns of side window subsets and the pixels in these subsets are measured respectively to construct four cost volumes. The side window subset which only contains the pixels from the occluded point will exhibit the photo consistency when the depth label represents the true depth label. Then, the true depth can be obtained by the cost volume corresponding to the subsets only containing the occluded pixels, which can deal with the occlusion problem well. Secondly, we proposed a weighted strategy to fuse four cost volumes into one cost volume. According to the characteristics of four side window subsets, the cost volume corresponding to four side window subsets is given by different weighted values, which can enhance the robustness of the proposed algorithm and retain its ability to resist different types of occlusions. Finally, the fused cost volume is optimized by the guided filter to further improve the quality of the depth map. Experimental results in both synthetics and real scenes show the proposed method can handle the occlusion problem well and outperform the existing methods, especially near occlusion boundaries. In synthetic scenes, the proposed method is nearly as good as the other methods in the quantitative index of some scenes, which further proves the effectiveness of our method. In the real scene captured by our light field camera, combined with the calibration parameters of the light field camera, our method can accurately measure the surface size of the standard part, which proves the robustness of our method.

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  • 图 1  光场参数化。(u, v) 表示角度坐标,(s, t) 表示空间坐标

    Figure 1.  Light field parametrization. (u, v) represent the angular coordinates, and (s, t) represent the spatial coordinate

    图 2  遮挡与非遮挡情况下的角度域图像。

    Figure 2.  The angular image under occlusion and non-occlusion cases.

    图 3  提出的边框抗遮挡方法。

    Figure 3.  A side window anti-occlusion method.

    图 4  加权融合代价体的可视化结果。

    Figure 4.  Visualized results of weighted fusion cost volume.

    图 5  本文获得的实验结果与其他方法的对比。

    Figure 5.  Comparison of results between the proposed method and other methods.

    图 6  采用不同策略融合代价体积的性能对比

    Figure 6.  Performance comparison of fusion cost volume among different common strategies

    图 7  绝对深度测量的实验图。

    Figure 7.  The experimental image of the absolute depth measure.

    图 8  标准件平面尺寸。

    Figure 8.  The plane dimension of the standard part.

    图 9  视差图与深度图。

    Figure 9.  The disparity map and depth map.

    表 1  使用WTA策略与加权融合策略处理代价体积的性能在BadPix(0.07)指标上的对比

    Table 1.  Comparison of results in BadPix(0.07) under WTA and weighted strategy

    Method Backgammon Boxes Cotton Sideboard Pyramids Stripes
    WTA 4.24 19.48 4.63 19.71 2.40 26.43
    Proposed 4.13 16.97 2.72 12.73 1.81 5.43
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    表 2  使用WTA策略与加权融合策略处理代价体积的性能在MSE指标上的对比

    Table 2.  Comparison of results in MSE under WTA and weighted strategy

    Method Backgammon Boxes Cotton Sideboard Pyramids Stripes
    WTA 4.70 7.34 0.99 1.20 0.07 2.53
    Proposed 4.92 7.76 1.93 1.00 0.05 1.80
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    表 3  提出方法绝对深度测量结果

    Table 3.  The results of absolute depth measurement by the proposed method

    Plane Ground truth/mm Proposed/mm
    ①—② 50 58
    ②—③ 50 47
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收稿日期:  2021-11-22
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