
张莹,黄影平,郭志阳,等. 基于点云与图像交叉融合的道路分割方法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(12): 210340. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210340
引用本文: 张莹,黄影平,郭志阳,等. 基于点云与图像交叉融合的道路分割方法[J]. 光电工程,2021,48(12): 210340. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210340
Zhang Y, Huang Y P, Guo Z Y, et al. Point cloud-image data fusion for road segmentation[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(12): 210340. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210340
Citation: Zhang Y, Huang Y P, Guo Z Y, et al. Point cloud-image data fusion for road segmentation[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2021, 48(12): 210340. doi: 10.12086/oee.2021.210340


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 黄影平(1966-),男,教授,主要从事汽车电子、计算机视觉的研究。E-mail:huangyingping@usst.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP391.41

Point cloud-image data fusion for road segmentation

  • Fund Project: the Shanghai Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, China (20ZR14379007), and National Natural Science Foundation of China (61374197)
More Information
  • 道路检测是车辆实现自动驾驶的前提。近年来,基于深度学习的多源数据融合成为当前自动驾驶研究的一个热点。本文采用卷积神经网络对激光雷达点云和图像数据加以融合,实现对交通场景中道路的分割。本文提出了像素级、特征级和决策级多种融合方案,尤其是在特征级融合中设计了四种交叉融合方案,对各种方案进行对比研究,给出最佳融合方案。在网络构架上,采用编码解码结构的语义分割卷积神经网络作为基础网络,将点云法线特征与RGB图像特征在不同的层级进行交叉融合。融合后的数据进入解码器还原,最后使用激活函数得到检测结果。实验使用KITTI数据集进行评估,验证了各种融合方案的性能,实验结果表明,本文提出的融合方案E具有最好的分割性能。与其他道路检测方法的比较实验表明,本文方法可以获得较好的整体性能。

  • Overview: Road detection is an important content of environmental identification in the field of automatic driving, and it is an important prerequisite for vehicles to realize automatic driving. Multi-source data fusion based on deep learning has become a hot topic in the field of automatic driving. RGB data can provide dense texture and color information, LiDAR data can provide accurate spatial information, and multi-sensor data fusion can improve the robustness and accuracy of detection. The latest fusion method uses convolutional neural network (CNN) as a fusion tool to fuse the LiDAR data and RGB image data, and semantic segmentation to realize road detection and segmentation. In this paper, different fusion methods of LiDAR point cloud and image data are adopted by encoder-decoder structure to realize road segmentation in traffic scenes. Aiming at the fusion methods of point cloud and image data, this paper proposes a variety of fusion schemes at pixel level, feature level, and decision level. In particular, four kinds of cross-fusion schemes are designed in feature level fusion. Various schemes are compared and studied to give the best fusion scheme. As for the network architecture, we use the encoder with residual network and the decoder with dense connection and jump connection as the basic network. The input image is RGB-D, and the LiDAR depth map is processed into a normal map by a surface normal estimator. The normal map features and RGB image features are fused at different levels of the network. The features are extracted through two input signals generated by two encoders, restored by a decoder, and finally road detection results are obtained by using sigmoid activation function. KITTI data set is used to verify the performances of various fusion schemes. The contrast experiments show that the proposed fusion scheme E can better learn the LiDAR point cloud information, the camera image information, the correlation of cross added point cloud, and image information. Also, it can reduce the loss of characteristic information, and thus has the best road segmentation effect. Through quantitative analysis of the average accuracy (AP) of different road detection methods, the optimal fusion method proposed in this paper shows the advantages of average detection accuracy, and has good overall performance. Through qualitative analysis of the performance of different detection methods in different scenarios, the results show that the fusion scheme E proposed in this paper has good detection results for the boundary area between vehicles and roads, and could effectively reduce the false detection rate of road detection.

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  • 图 1  网络基础结构图

    Figure 1.  Network infrastructure diagram

    图 2  解码器结构图

    Figure 2.  Decoder structure diagram

    图 3  表面法线估计器

    Figure 3.  Surface normal estimator

    图 4  采用不同融合策略的网络结构

    Figure 4.  Network structure with different fusion strategies

    图 5  交叉融合方法。

    Figure 5.  Cross fusion method.

    图 6  不同融合方式实验结果示例

    Figure 6.  Examples of experimental results of different fusion methods

    图 7  KITTI数据集实验结果示例

    Figure 7.  Example of KITTI dataset experimental results

    表 1  不同融合方式之间的性能比较

    Table 1.  Performance comparison between different fusion methods

    Loss Accuracy Precision Recall F1-score IoU
    像素级融合 融合A 0.049 0.984 0.959 0.948 0.954 0.911
    融合B 0.065 0.982 0.941 0.951 0.946 0.897
    特征级融合 融合C 0.050 0.985 0.943 0.969 0.956 0.915
    融合D 0.047 0.983 0.951 0.946 0.948 0.902
    融合E(ours) 0.022 0.994 0.979 0.988 0.984 0.968
    决策级融合 融合F 0.058 0.982 0.934 0.962 0.948 0.901
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    表 2  KITTI道路基准测试结果

    Table 2.  The KITTI road benchmark results

    方法类型 MaxF/% AP/% Precision/% Recall/%
    UM 基于图像的语义分割方法 OFA Net[8] 92.08 83.73 87.87 96.72
    MultiNet[9] 93.99 93.24 94.51 93.48
    RBNet[10] 94.77 91.42 95.16 94.37
    Multi-task CNN[11] 85.95 81.28 77.40 96.64
    基于点云—图像融合的语义分割方法 SNE-RoadSeg[20] 96.42 93.67 96.59 96.26
    LidCamNet[13] 95.62 93.54 95.77 95.48
    融合E(ours) 95.72 95.12 95.87 95.59
    UMM 基于图像的语义分割方法 OFA Net[8] 95.43 89.10 92.78 98.24
    MultiNet[9] 96.15 95.36 95.79 96.51
    RBNet[10] 96.06 93.49 95.80 96.31
    Multi-task CNN[11] 91.15 87.45 85.08 98.15
    基于点云—图像融合的语义分割方法 SNE-RoadSeg[20] 97.47 95.63 97.32 97.61
    LidCamNet[13] 97.08 95.51 97.28 96.88
    融合E(ours) 96.71 95.79 96.33 97.10
    UU 基于图像的语义分割方法 OFA Net[8] 92.62 83.12 88.97 96.58
    MultiNet[9] 93.69 92.55 94.24 93.14
    RBNet[10] 93.21 89.18 92.81 93.60
    Multi-task CNN[11] 80.45 75.87 68.63 97.19
    基于点云—图像融合的语义分割方法 SNE-RoadSeg[20] 96.03 93.03 96.22 95.83
    LidCamNet[13] 94.54 92.74 94.64 94.45
    融合E(ours) 95.38 93.23 94.95 95.83
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收稿日期:  2021-10-30
修回日期:  2021-12-13
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