
施辰君,吴旭,彭滟. 太赫兹成像技术在肿瘤检测中的应用[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(5):190638. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190638
引用本文: 施辰君,吴旭,彭滟. 太赫兹成像技术在肿瘤检测中的应用[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(5):190638. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190638
Shi C J, Wu X, Peng Y. Applications of terahertz imaging technology in tumor detection[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(5): 190638. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190638
Citation: Shi C J, Wu X, Peng Y. Applications of terahertz imaging technology in tumor detection[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(5): 190638. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190638


  • 基金项目:
    国家重点研发计划“重大科学仪器设备开发”重点专项(2017YFF0106300);国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金(61922059);上海市青年拔尖人才开发计划; 上海市启明星人才计划(17QA1402500)
    *通讯作者: 彭滟(1982-),女,教授,主要从事太赫兹波的产生和调控,以及太赫兹波在生物医学中的应用。E-mail:py@usst.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TN29; R318.6

Applications of terahertz imaging technology in tumor detection

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Key R & D Plan "Development of Major Scientific Instruments and Equipment" (2017YFF0106300), National Natural Science Foundation--Outstanding Youth Foundation (61922059), Youth Top Talent Development Plan, and Shanghai Rising-Star Program (17QA1402500)
More Information
  • 太赫兹(THz)波是频率位于0.1 THz~10 THz的电磁波。因其具有非电离性,以及可与多数生物分子产生共振响应等特性,在生物医学领域有着巨大应用潜力,尤其在肿瘤检测方面。太赫兹成像技术作为生物医学领域一种新的成像技术,吸引国内外多个研究小组对其开展深入研究。本文列举分析了多种太赫兹成像技术在肿瘤检测的应用,其中可分为太赫兹扫描成像、太赫兹层析成像、太赫兹全息成像以及太赫兹近场成像,介绍了这些成像方式的基本原理以及国内外研究现状,最后对太赫兹成像技术在生物领域的未来做出展望。

  • Overview: Terahertz (THz) wave exhibits many features including non-ionizing, non-invasive, phase-sensitive to polar substances, spectral fingerprinting, relatively good resolution, coherent detection properties, and penetration capabilities. For tumor detection, traditional imaging methods such as magnetic resonance imaging and computerized tomography will cause radiation damage to biotissue, while THz imaging can provide quick, non-destructive, and accurate imaging of biotissue. Two kinds of terahertz sources are mainly used: pulse THz wave source and continuous THz wave source. Pulse THz wave source provides multi-dimensional information for the analysis of sample, while continuous THz wave source can only provide amplitude or phase images for delineation different areas. But imaging system using continuous THz source are more concise compared to that using pulse THz source. Currently, based on these two THz sources, there are four kinds of imaging technologies:

    1) THz far-field scanning imaging is the most commonly used, where THz signal is collected by scanning the sample point by point and then images are constructed by these data. The resolution depends on the spot diameter and step size of the scanning, therefore, long measuring time are required for high-resolution imaging.

    2) THz tomography combined THz far-field imaging system with tomography algorithm. By collecting the THz signal from different angle of sample, and then using the algorithm for analysis, 3D images of sample can be obtained. Internal structure of the sample can be observed by THz tomography. However, it will take much more time to measure the signal from different angle.

    3) For THz holography, different array detectors, such as charge coupled device, pyroelectric detector, and microbolometer, are used in THz far-field imaging system. Instead of point-by-point measurement of common far-field THz imaging system, THz digital holography collects the THz signal of the whole sample at once, which greatly reduce the measurement time.

    4) THz near-field imaging method collects the signal of evanescent field near the sample surface and uses these data to calculate images. So, THz near-field imaging can break the diffraction limit (λ/2) and provides the resolution three magnitudes higher than THz far-field imaging.

    In the paper, we introduced the studies of these four THz imaging technologies done by different groups worldwide. At last, we presented the prospect of terahertz imaging technology applied in biomedical field.

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  • 图 1  四种太赫兹成像技术研究的占比分布情况

    Figure 1.  The proportion of current research on four different terahertz imaging technologies

    图 2  不同肿瘤程度的脑组织成像结果[26]

    Figure 2.  Imaging results of brain tissue with brain tumor of different degrees[26]

    图 3  六个口腔样品的(a)光学图像;(b) -20 ℃的THz图像;(c)室温THz图像;(d)组织病理学图像。THz图像反映样本在0.5 THz的折射率,在组织学图像中癌变区域用蓝色环标记[34]

    Figure 3.  (a) Optical images, (b) frozen and (c) room temperature THz images, and (d) histopathological images of six oral samples. THz images are displayed by the index of refraction at 0.5 THz, and the cancerous areas are marked with blue loops in the histological images[34]

    图 4  脑组织的(a)核磁共振图像;(b)体内视觉图像;(c) THz反射图像;(d)新鲜切片视觉图像;(e)病理学染色图像。其中样本1~3号患有肿瘤,4号没有肿瘤[45]

    Figure 4.  (a) MR, (b) visual of in vivo, (c) THz reflection, (d) visual of fresh excised, and (e) H & E-stained images of whole brain images with (No. 1–3) and without (No. 4) tumors[45]

    图 5  人类肝细胞癌组织的(a)全息数据采集后的样品照片;(b)在选定探测器位置获得的归一化全息图;(c)重构吸收分布a(x, y);(d)重构相移分布φ(x, y)[49]

    Figure 5.  (a) Photo of the sample after holographic data acquisition; (b) Normalised hologram obtained at a selected detector position; (c) Reconstructed absorption distribution a(x, y); (d) Reconstructed phase-shift distribution φ(x, y)[49]

    图 6  结肠组织的THz近场图像以及病理染色切片的相应显微照片[55]

    Figure 6.  THz near-field images of colonic tissues and the corresponding pathologic photomicrograph of hematoxylin-and-eosin-stained sections[55]

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