
王媛媛, 何益, 魏凌, 等. 双压电片变形镜的人眼像差拟合能力分析[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(12): 180103. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180103
引用本文: 王媛媛, 何益, 魏凌, 等. 双压电片变形镜的人眼像差拟合能力分析[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(12): 180103. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180103
Wang Yuanyuan, He Yi, Wei Lin, et al. Analysis on fitting capability to human aberrations of bimorph deformable mirrors[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(12): 180103. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180103
Citation: Wang Yuanyuan, He Yi, Wei Lin, et al. Analysis on fitting capability to human aberrations of bimorph deformable mirrors[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(12): 180103. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180103


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 何益(1984-),男,博士,副研究员,主要从事生物光子学的研究。E-mail:heyi_job@126.com
  • 中图分类号: TH74;O439

Analysis on fitting capability to human aberrations of bimorph deformable mirrors

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Science Foundation of China (61605210), the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016YFC0102500), and the National Instrumentation Program (2012YQ120080)
More Information
  • 针对三种不同空间分辨率的双压电片变形镜(Bimorph DM),采用仿真实验分析其对3~35项Zernike静态像差和实际人眼(包括疾病人眼)像差的拟合能力。实验表明,Bimorph变形镜特别适用于校正低阶像差,拟合误差小于0.15,随着空间分辨率的增加,Bimorph变形镜对Zernike像差和人眼像差的拟合能力总体表现为增强的趋势,其中,35单元的Bimorph变形镜的像差拟合能力最优,对前20项Zernike像差的拟合误差稍优于传统分立式压电变形镜。通过对Bimorph变形镜像差拟合能力的实验分析,为人眼视网膜高分辨率系统的Bimorph变形镜选型提供了分析方法,也为进一步提升Bimorph变形镜的像差校正能力奠定了研究基础。

  • Overview: For the three kinds of bimorph deformable mirrors (DM) with different spatial resolutions developed by the Institute of Optics and electronics, CAS, a numerical simulation is used to analyze the fitting ability of 3~35 Zernike static aberration firstly in this article. The numerical results shown that all those Bimorph DMs have a certain ability to correct the Zernike static aberrations and perform well for the correction of low-order aberrations particularly. With the increase of the spatial resolution of the Bimorph DM, the aberration fitting capability appeared to increase as well. According to the limitation to 15% of the normalized error of the Zernike aberration fitting, there are 3 items of Zernike aberrations which can be fitting well by Bimorph-9, and 7 items by Bimorph-20, and 14 items by Bimorph-35; Therefore, Bimorph-35 DM with the highest spatial resolution has the strongest aberration correction ability among the three kinds of Bimorph DMs. Next, we analyzed the aberration correction of the human eyes (including the diseased eyes) and found that three kinds of Bimorph DMs have a certain ability to correct aberrations in human eyes with different types of diseases. The Bimorph-9 DM didn't correct human eye aberration obviously, and Bimorph-35 has the strongest aberration correction ability for human eye aberrations, nearly reaching to the diffraction limit (λ/14). Therefore, the Bimorph DM is one kind of feasible wavefront correctors for high-resolution imaging of human retina through the aberration fitting analysis of Bimorph DMs, especially for human eye aberrations fitting analysis. The Bimorph DM has the advantage of high precision in fitting low-order aberrations. Compared to the conventional discrete piezoelectric DM, the Bimorph-35 DM has a better fitting precision except for the 31~33 item of Zernike aberrations, especially for the first 20 Zernike aberrations. In conclusion, if only a single Bimorph DM is used to correct human eye aberrations, the Bimorph-35 DM is the best choice. In the future, the spatial resolution of Bimorph-35 DM can be further improved by reducing the optics aperture, reducing the size of the driving electrode, and adding an independent defocusing electrode layer to improve the fitting ability of the rotation symmetry aberration. If double DMs are used to correct the human eye aberrations, the combination of the Bimorph-9 and the discrete piezoelectric DM is an optimal choice, with the simplest structure, low cost, high stability and large stroke for the Bimorph-9 DM.

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  • 图 1  标准Zernike排布(OSA推荐)

    Figure 1.  Standard Zernike distribution(OSA推荐)

    图 2  三种Bimorph变形镜电极排布

    Figure 2.  Distribution of discrete electrodes of the three types of Bimorph DMs

    图 3  三种Bimorph变形镜的Zernike像差校正拟合能力

    Figure 3.  Zernike aberration fitting ability of three types of Bimorph DMs

    图 4  三种Bimorph变形镜对实际人眼像差的拟合能力

    Figure 4.  Human aberrations fitting ability of three types of Bimorph DMs

    表 1  三种Bimorph变形镜参数

    Table 1.  Parameters of three types of Bimorph DMs

    Bimorph-2020±20< 204
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收稿日期:  2018-03-05
修回日期:  2018-04-18
刊出日期:  2018-12-01


