
吕胜, 杨风暴, 吉琳娜, 等. 可变元素与矩阵理论结合的双模态红外图像拟态融合[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(12): 180188. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180188
引用本文: 吕胜, 杨风暴, 吉琳娜, 等. 可变元素与矩阵理论结合的双模态红外图像拟态融合[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(12): 180188. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180188
Lv Sheng, Yang Fengbao, Ji Linna, et al. Infrared intensity and polarization image mimicry fusion based on the combination of variable elements and matrix theory[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(12): 180188. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180188
Citation: Lv Sheng, Yang Fengbao, Ji Linna, et al. Infrared intensity and polarization image mimicry fusion based on the combination of variable elements and matrix theory[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(12): 180188. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180188


  • 基金项目:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(61672472, 61702465);中北大学科学研究基金资助项目(XJJ2016024);中北大学电子测试技术重点实验室开放基金资助项目(ZDSYSJ2015005)
    *通讯作者: 杨风暴(1968-),男,博士,教授,主要从事多源信息融合的研究。E-mail: engbao_yang@163.com
  • 中图分类号: TP391

Infrared intensity and polarization image mimicry fusion based on the combination of variable elements and matrix theory

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61672472, 61702465), North University of China Science Research Fund Project (XJJ2016024), and Key Laboratory of Electronic Test Technology of North University of China Open Fund Support Project (ZDSYSJ2015005)
More Information
  • 当前双模态红外图像融合在选取融合方法时,缺乏各要素之间的选取与组合的依据,且融合模型不能针对图像差异特征进行动态调整,造成融合效果不佳。针对上述问题,借鉴生物多拟态特性,提出了一种可变元素与矩阵相结合的双模态红外图像拟态融合算法。首先,将融合模型拆分成融合算法、融合规则、融合参数和融合结构相互独立的四部分,分别建立各部分与图像不同差异特征融合效果的单映射关系。其次,利用拟态变换思想,建立拟态变换融合方法,将融合过程所必要的四部分进行组合,从而派生出新的融合算法。最后,利用差异特征不同的源图像对所得拟态融合算法进行验证。实验结果表明,在图像差异特征不同时,利用该算法可以派生出更适合图像特征的融合方法,实现利用图像差异特征从而主动选择并动态调整融合算法的要求,使得所得到的融合图像中的差异特征可以有效融合,显著提高了原始图像视觉效果。

  • Overview: The infrared intensity image mainly reflects the shape, brightness, and position information of the target. The infrared polarization image mainly reflects the edge and details of the target. The fusion of the two can describe the target information more comprehensively, and plays an important role in the fields of space exploration, target identification, and security detection. Due to the increasingly complex scene information, the traditional fusion algorithm cannot meet the fusion requirements of the difference features between the two types of images, and cannot dynamically adjust the fusion method, resulting in poor fusion or even failure. Therefore, how to dynamically adjust the fusion algorithm based on different image difference features is necessary for dual-modality infrared image fusion. For the improvement of the fusion algorithm, researchers have done a series of studies, but in most cases either the fusion rules are improved or the fusion parameters are optimized, or a combination of multiple algorithms or changes in the fusion structure are performed for a single part. Those improvement cannot make active adjustments based on changes in the difference characteristics. The current dual-mode infrared image lacks the selection and combination basis of each element when constructing the fusion method, and the fusion model cannot dynamically adjust for the image difference feature, resulting in poor fusion effect. Aiming at the above problems, referring to the multi-parameters of biological characters, this paper proposes infrared intensity and polarization image mimicry fusion based on the combination of variable elements and matrix theory. Firstly, the fusion model was divided into four parts: fusion algorithm, fusion rule, fusion parameter and fusion structure. The single mapping relationship between different parts and the difference of image feature fusion is established. Secondly, using the imaginary transformation idea, the imaginary transformation fusion method was established, and the necessary four parts of the fusion process are combined to derive a new fusion algorithm. Finally, it used the different source images with different features to verify the proposed mimetic fusion algorithm. Experimental results show that when the image difference features are different, the fusion method was more suitable for deriving image features, so as to achieve the active selection and adjustment of the fusion algorithm. The fusion method dynamically adjusts the selection of each element in the fusion model using the idea of mimicry transformation, and provides a theoretical basis for its combination, so as to obtain an optimal fusion method. The proposed method gives full play to the advantages of each part and can significantly improve the fusion quality of image difference features, so that the main differences in the source images are well integrated.

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  • 图 1  10种融合算法对不同图像特征的比较融合度。(a)融合算法针对边缘特征有效融合程度;(b)融合算法针对纹理特征有效融合程度;(c)融合算法针对亮度特征有效融合程度

    Figure 1.  Comparison of fusion algorithms for different image features. (a) The fusion degree of fusion algorithm for edge feature; (b) The fusion degree of fusion algorithm for texture features; (c) The fusion degree of fusion algorithm for brightness feature

    图 2  4种低频融合规则对不同图像特征的比较融合度。(a)高频融合规则针对边缘特征融合程度;(b)高频融合规则针对纹理特征融合程度;(c)高频融合规则针对亮度特征融合程度

    Figure 2.  Comparison of four low - frequency fusion rules for different image features. (a) Fusion of high frequency fusion rules for edge feature; (b) High frequency fusion rules for texture feature fusion; (c) High frequency fusion rules for brightness feature fusion degree

    图 3  4种高频融合规则对不同图像特征的比较融合度。(a)低频融合规则针对边缘特征融合程度;(b)低频融合规则针对纹理特征融合程度;(c)低频融合规则针对亮度特征融合程度

    Figure 3.  Comparison of four kinds of high frequency fusion rules for different image features. (a) Low frequency fusion rule for edge feature fusion degree; (b) Low frequency fusion rules for texture feature fusion; (c) Low frequency fusion rule for brightness feature fusion degree

    图 4  融合算法、(低频、高频)融合规则有效融合单映射图。(a)融合算法针对图像缘特征有效融合树形图;(b)低频融合规则针对图像特征有效融合树形图;(c)高频融合规则针对图像特征有效融合树形图

    Figure 4.  Fusion algorithm, (low frequency, high frequency) fusion rule effective fusion mapping. (a) The fusion algorithm is effective for the image edge feature; (b) The low frequency fusion rule is an effective fusion map for image features; (c) The high frequency fusion rule is an effective fusion map for image features

    图 5  融合结构有效性实验结果。(a1)红外光强;(b1)红外偏振;(c1)串行;(d1)并行;(e1)嵌接;(a2)红外光强;(b2)红外偏振;(c2)串行;(d2)并行;(e2)嵌接

    Figure 5.  Experimental results of fusion structure validity. (a1) Infrared light intensity; (b1) Infrared polarization; (c1) Serial; (d1) Paralle; (e1) Embedded; (a2) Infrared light intensity; (b2) Infrared polarization; (c2) Serial; (d2) Parallel; (e2) Embedded

    图 6  优化后所得整体决策树图

    Figure 6.  Optimized multi-set value mapping

    图 7  本文算法流程图

    Figure 7.  The algorithm flow chart

    图 8  实验所用原始图像

    Figure 8.  The original images used in the experiment

    图 9  实验结果

    Figure 9.  Experimental results

    表 1  本文所选取10种常用融合方法

    Table 1.  This paper selected 10 fusion algorithms which were commonly used

    符号表示 分解算法
    T1 离散小波(DWT)
    T2 双树复小波(DTCWT)
    T3 顶帽分解(Top-hat)
    T4 非下采样剪切波(NSST)
    T5 非下采样轮廓波(NSCT)
    T6 曲线波分解(CT)
    T7 鲁棒主成分分析(RPCA)
    T8 稀疏矩阵(SR)
    T9 金字塔变换(LP)
    T10 引导滤波(GFF)
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    表 2  本文所选取8种典型融合规则

    Table 2.  Eight typical fusion rules were selected in this paper

    频带 融合规则 符号表示
    低频子带 加权平均 L1
    邻域归一化梯度 L2
    局部能量匹配 L3
    区域标准差 L4
    高频子带 绝对值取大 H1
    局部特征匹配 H2
    方向梯度算子 H3
    边缘保持 H4
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    表 3  图 5第一组实验图像客观评价数据

    Table 3.  The first group of experimental images objective evaluation data of Fig. 5

    串行式 并行式 内嵌式
    信息熵 5.9839 6.4447 6.3264
    标准差 22.3249 29.5242 28.4864
    边缘强度 32.9473 44.3017 39.4146
    平均梯度 3.1386 4.3687 3.8671
    清晰度 3.3716 4.5031 4.1631
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    表 4  图 5第二组实验图像客观评价数据

    Table 4.  The second group of experimental images objective evaluation data of Fig. 5

    串行式 并行式 内嵌式
    信息熵 6.3279 6.5748 6.1010
    标准差 24.9810 28.2811 23.0067
    边缘强度 74.2576 85.5542 58.1074
    平均梯度 7.3283 8.4076 5.8732
    清晰度 8.5158 9.9143 6.5736
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    表 5  提取的差异特征结果

    Table 5.  The results of the extracted different features

    标准差 粗糙度 Tamura 对比度 均值 空间频率 互信息 平均梯度 信息熵
    (a1), (a2) 18.915 93.786 19.485 99.633 78.892 5.521 10.939 3.243 2.168
    (b1), (b2) 1.378 107.65 4.5292 838.26 18.8577 26.0025 2.0156 7.163 0.4922
    (c1), (c2) 3.5946 174.82 4.1135 504.96 84.2842 21.9329 6.1891 7.5285 0.4183
    (d1), (d2) 16.612 117.21 5.4451 121.96 75.0349 4.8222 6.4946 1.3428 0.7690
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    表 6  归一化后的差异特征结果

    Table 6.  The results of the normalized different features

    标准差 粗糙度 Tamura 对比度 均值 空间频率 互信息 平均梯度 信息熵
    (a1), (a2) 0 -0.463 0 -0.881 -0.064 -0.788 0 -0.569 0
    (b1), (b2) -0.927 -0.384 -0.768 0 -0.776 0 -0.818 -0.822 -0.773
    (c1), (c2) -0.810 0 -0.789 -0.398 0 -0.156 -0.434 0 -0.807
    (d1), (d2) -0.121 -0.329 -0.721 -0.885 -0.110 -0.815 -0.406 -0.049 -0.645
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    表 7  图 9客观评价数据

    Table 7.  Objective evaluation data of Fig. 9

    图 9(a) 图 9(b)
    (a3) (a4) (a5) (a6) 提高率/% (b3) (b4) (b5) (b6) 提高率/%
    信息熵 6.9211 6.3210 6.8033 7.0297 1.57 7.1666 6.9668 7.2179 7.4122 2.69
    标准差 29.8745 41.0471 27.5344 42.4889 3.51 51.2216 41.0466 51.1249 65.9690 28.97
    边缘强度 64.0902 54.1903 69.0921 70.9012 2.62 109.893 95.3092 123.490 124.920 1.16
    平均梯度 9.1023 6.8931 9.5870 9.6891 1.06 20.9031 18.3290 24.0912 24.8901 3.32
    对比度 18.1619 18.3672 20.7563 22.4092 7.96 46.2368 45.0392 45.5714 41.9021 -9.38
    图 9(c) 图 9(d)
    (c3) (c4) (c5) (c6) 提高率/% (d3) (d4) (d5) (d6) 提高率/%
    信息熵 6.4939 6.3939 7.4952 7.5349 0.53 6.6595 6.7921 6.6012 7.0330 3.55
    标准差 24.4735 55.5952 24.4569 55.0460 -0.99 28.4196 38.0187 27.3650 42.6571 12.20
    边缘强度 48.0488 25.8891 46.1415 53.6570 -0.01 61.2338 22.5390 52.8918 60.4923 -1.21
    平均梯度 4.7537 2.4337 4.8260 4.9316 2.19 5.9640 2.1784 5.2294 5.6973 -4.47
    对比度 5.6069 5.6285 5.7833 5.8560 1.26 6.1640 4.0435 6.1783 6.7071 8.56
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收稿日期:  2018-04-13
修回日期:  2018-05-14
刊出日期:  2018-12-01


