
王定汉, 冯桂兰, 王雄, 等. 基于静脉灰度值特征的图像分割算法研究[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(12): 180066. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180066
引用本文: 王定汉, 冯桂兰, 王雄, 等. 基于静脉灰度值特征的图像分割算法研究[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(12): 180066. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180066
Wang Dinghan, Feng Guilan, Wang Xiong, et al. Research on image segmentation algorithm based on features of venous gray value[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(12): 180066. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180066
Citation: Wang Dinghan, Feng Guilan, Wang Xiong, et al. Research on image segmentation algorithm based on features of venous gray value[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(12): 180066. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.180066


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 冯桂兰(1977-),女,博士,教授,主要从事光电仪器集成,图像处理及其应用的研究。E-mail:fengguilan@cjlu.edu
  • 中图分类号: TP391.41

Research on image segmentation algorithm based on features of venous gray value

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61505192) and Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (LQ15F050004)
More Information
  • 手背静脉图像的采集过程中,由于图像采集设备、光照、皮下脂肪厚度等因素的影响,手背静脉图像的对比度比较低,同时图像噪声严重影响静脉提取。针对此问题,本文提出了一种基于静脉灰度值特征的图像分割与对比度增强算法。首先提取ROI(有效的感兴趣区域)和对ROI进行维纳滤波;然后采用新的图像分割算法对静脉图像进行静脉提取,利用8-邻接内边界跟踪方法和形态学处理方法对静脉二值图像进行去噪;最后将ROI与去噪后的图像进行加权叠加得到对比度增强的静脉图像。实验结果表明,通过采用基于静脉灰度值特征的图像分割算法可以很好地获取到静脉脉络,最终可以获得高对比度的静脉图像。

  • Overview: In the process of collecting hand vein images, due to the influence of image acquisition equipment, illumination and subcutaneous fat thickness, the contrast of hand vein images is relatively low. Meanwhile, vein extraction was seriously affected by image noise. To solve this problem, an algorithm of image segmentation and contrast enhancement based on features of venous gray value is proposed in this paper. The algorithm is divided into the following six steps. 1) The OTSU is used to determine the threshold value of gray level between hand and background. The threshold is 75. According to the threshold of hand vein images, the gray value of the hand is set as 255, and the gray value of the background is set as zero. 2) The gray value distribution of hand is used to determine the centroid coordinates of hand, and the area of region of interest (ROI) is set as one-third of the hand area. ROI is extracted from the hand vein images based on center of mass coordinates and area. 3) Before the image segmentation, Wiener filtering is performed on the ROI by using a 3×3 template. 4) According to the gray value distribution of the ROI images, the ROI image is segmented using a threshold of one and a step size of eight. 5) After segmentation of the ROI images, in addition to containing veins, these noises of spots, holes and burrs are included. The boundary coordinates of the spots and holes and the numbers of pixels on the boundary are obtained by using the 8-adjacent inner boundary tracking method. When the number of pixels is less than 300, the area can be judged as a spot or hole. According to the boundary coordinates, the gray value of all the pixels in the spot are changed as 0, and the gray value of all the pixels in the hole are changed as 250. After removal of spots and holes, morphological treatments are used to remove burrs. 6) After the noise is removed, contrast enhanced venous images are obtained by weight stack of the venous binary and ROI images. The coefficient of the venous binary image is set as -0.04, and the coefficient of the ROI image is set as 1.2. The experiments results show that intravenous veins can be obtained perfectly by using the image segmentation algorithm based on features of the venous gray value. In the end, the high contrast venous images can be obtained by weighted stack of the images.

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  • 图 1  灰度值曲线图。(a) ROI图像;(b)滤波前灰度值曲线图;(c)滤波后灰度值曲线图

    Figure 1.  Gray value curve. (a) ROI image; (b) The gray value curve before filtering; (c) The gray value curve after filtering

    图 2  灰度值分布曲线图

    Figure 2.  Gray value distribution curve

    图 3  内边界跟踪示意图。(a)斑点8-邻接中的搜索顺序;(b)孔洞8-邻接中的搜索顺序

    Figure 3.  Internal boundary tracing diagram. (a) The search order in the neighborhood of the dot 8-adjacenc; (b) The search order in the hole 8-adjacency

    图 4  原始图像

    Figure 4.  Original image

    图 5  滤波后的ROI图像

    Figure 5.  Filtered ROI image

    图 6  各种算法分割后二值图。(a)本文;(b)文献[3];(c)文献[4]; (d)文献[5]; (e)文献[6]

    Figure 6.  Two value images after various algorithms. (a) This paper; (b) Ref. [3]; (c) Ref. [4]; (d) Ref. [5]; (e) Ref. [6]

    图 7  各种算法对比度增强图。(a)本文去噪后二值图;(b)本文对比度增强图;(c) Retinex增强图;(d)直方图均衡化增强图;(e)子块部分重叠直方图均衡化增强图

    Figure 7.  Contrast enhancement images by various algorithms. (a) Two value image after being denoised in this paper; (b) Contrast enhancement image in this paper; (c) Retinex enhancement image; (d) Histogram equalization enhancement image; (e) Partially overlapping sub-block histogram equalization enhancement image

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收稿日期:  2018-02-02
修回日期:  2018-07-02
刊出日期:  2018-12-01


