
柳鸣, 张立中, 李响, 等. 空间轻小型反射镜柔性支撑设计与动力学分析[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(5): 170686. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.170686
引用本文: 柳鸣, 张立中, 李响, 等. 空间轻小型反射镜柔性支撑设计与动力学分析[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(5): 170686. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.170686
Liu Ming, Zhang Lizhong, Li Xiang, et al. Design of flexure support of space compact reflector subassembly and dynamic analysis[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(5): 170686. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.170686
Citation: Liu Ming, Zhang Lizhong, Li Xiang, et al. Design of flexure support of space compact reflector subassembly and dynamic analysis[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(5): 170686. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.170686


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 柳鸣, E-mail: liuming2525775@126.com
  • 中图分类号: TH703.3

Design of flexure support of space compact reflector subassembly and dynamic analysis

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(91338116)
More Information
  • 针对某星载激光通信中光电跟瞄系统的反射镜组件进行研究,对比了三种柔性支撑方案,结合空间载荷实际应用情景综合评估结构的刚度优势和面形精度。分析结果表明,颈口侧壁开槽的柔性支撑方案在重力和温度变化影响下的面形精度(RMS)可达2.05 nm和8.88 nm,基频模态为926.1 Hz,在保证面形精度的柔性要求与高刚度抵御振动损坏的平衡中,这种柔性设计方案最为合理。进一步完成了柔性支撑结构的参数优化设计并进行了动力学分析,频率响应下应力最大值为96 MPa,小于材料的抗拉强度极限;随机振动分析结果表明,反射镜加速度响应均方根为11.14 g RMS,并满足3σ准则。文章最后通过0.2 g正弦扫频试验,验证了有限元模态分析相对误差为2.4%。实验结果表明,分析结果基本准确可靠,柔性环节设计可靠,满足使用要求。

  • Overview: The reflector assembly of a telescopic week scan electro-optical tracking and pointing system for a space borne laser communication system is studied. There are many reflection links in the electro-optical tracking and pointing system, so the requirements for the surface figure and dynamic stiffness of the reflector assembly under the operating conditions are high. The surface figure of neck side grooving flexible support, neck side ring grooving flexible support and underside grooving flexible support with the same grooving width resisting microgravity and thermal environment change are contrasted, and the modes of the three flexible support structures are also analyzed, According to practical applications of space load, the structural stiffness advantage and surface figure of the three flexible support scheme have been evaluated. The analysis results show that the surface figure RMS of neck side grooving flexible support scheme resisting microgravity and thermal environment change can reach 2.05 nm and 8.88 nm, the fundamental frequency mode is 926.1 Hz and there is no dense frequency phenomenon in all modes. In the balance between the surface figure RMS and the higher stiffness resisting he vibration damage, the flexible design is most reasonable. On this basis, the parameterized design of the flexible support structure of the reflector is completed. To further verification of the dynamic stiffness of neck side grooving flexible support structure in space vibration environment, frequency response analysis and random vibration analysis of neck side grooving flexible support are have been done. The frequency response analysis results show that the magnification of the acceleration response is 2.86 times, the maximum stress is 96 MPa under the resonance which is less than the tensile strength limit of the material, the safety factor is 5.35; The frequency response analysis results show that the root mean square of the acceleration response of the reflector assembly is 11.14 g RMS, and the RMS of acceleration response is less than 3 times the input satisfying the 3σ criterion. The mean stress response of the flexible support under random vibration is 191 MPa which is also less than the tensile strength limit of the material, and the safety factor is 2.83. Finally the reliability of the stiffness of the flexible support structure is verified by a 0.2 g sinusoidal sweep test. The experimental results show that the primary natural frequency of the reflector components is 904.3 Hz, and the relative error with the modal analysis results is 2.4%, that is, the analysis results are basically accurate and reliable. So the flexible support design of reflector assembly is reliable to meet the requirements of the use.

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  • 图 1  反射镜组件结构示意图

    Figure 1.  Scheme of reflector subassembly

    图 2  三种柔性支撑衬套结构示意图。(a)底面直线开槽;(b)颈口侧壁开槽;(c)颈口环形深切槽

    Figure 2.  Diagram of three kinds of flexible support bushing. (a) Underside grooving flexible support; (b) Neck side grooving flexible support; (c) Neck side ring grooving flexible support

    图 3  反射镜组件有限元模型

    Figure 3.  Finite element model of reflector subassembly

    图 4  重力影响下反射镜刚体位移云图

    Figure 4.  Rigid body displacement nephograrn of reflector subassembly under gravity

    图 5  温度变化时反射镜组件刚体位移云图

    Figure 5.  Rigid body displacement nephograrn of reflector subassembly under temperature variation

    图 6  反射镜前三阶模态振型。(a)一阶模态振型;(b)二阶模态振型图;(c)三阶模态振型

    Figure 6.  The first 3th order modal of the mirror subassembly. (a) 1st order modal shape; (b) 2nd order modal shape; (c) 3rd order modal shape

    图 7  颈口侧壁开槽柔性支撑结构主要设计参数示意图

    Figure 7.  Main design parameter diagram of flexible support structure of neck side grooving flexible support

    图 8  响应输出点加速度响应曲线

    Figure 8.  Acceleration response curve of the output nodes

    图 9  响应输出点应力响应曲线

    Figure 9.  Stress response curve of the output nodes

    图 10  柔性支撑频率响应等效应力云图

    Figure 10.  Frequency response equivalent stress nephogram of flexible support

    图 11  加速度响应功率谱密度(PSD)

    Figure 11.  Power spectrum density (PSD) of the acceleration response

    图 12  速度响应累积均方根值(CRMS)

    Figure 12.  Cumulative root mean square (CRMS) of the acceleration response

    图 13  随机振动下的柔性支撑等效应力云图

    Figure 13.  Random vibration response equivalent stress nephogram of flexible support

    图 14  反射镜组件面形检测系统

    Figure 14.  System for reflector subassembly surface shape testing

    图 15  不同温度下反射镜面形检测结果

    Figure 15.  Results of reflector subassembly surface shape testing at different temperatures

    图 16  反射镜组件实物

    Figure 16.  Reflector subassembly object

    图 17  主镜组件Z向正弦扫频试验现场

    Figure 17.  Sweep sine response test site of reflector subassembly

    图 18  Z向正弦扫频试验曲线

    Figure 18.  Sweep sine response curve under Z vibration

    表 1  材料属性表

    Table 1.  Material parameters of reflector subassembly

    弹性模量/GPa 密度/(g·cm-3) 柏松比 线膨胀系数/(10-6·℃-1)
    微晶玻璃 90.6 2.52 0.24 0.1
    铟钢 141 8.05 0.36 0.038
    钛合金 114 4.43 0.31 8.9
    环氧胶 0.696 1.22 0.45 236
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    表 2  反射镜面形误差分析结果

    Table 2.  Analysis results of surface shape error of reflector subassembly

    支撑方案 重力释放下的面形误差/nm ΔT=5℃温度变化下的面形误差/nm
    底面直线开槽 11.4 2.29 63.12 14.06
    颈口侧壁开槽 9.21 2.05 39.14 8.88
    颈口环形深切槽 7.66 1.68 43.02 12.88
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    表 3  反射镜组件模态分析结果

    Table 3.  Results of MODAL analysis of reflector subassembly

    模态频率 底面直线开槽 颈口侧壁开槽 颈口环形深切槽
    一阶频率/Hz 1097.4 926.1 793.4
    二阶频率/Hz 1653.5 1521.4 1493.8
    三阶频率/Hz 1882.6 1702.9 1676.8
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    表 4  正弦振动试验条件

    Table 4.  Sine vibration test condition

    条件参数 数值
    频率范围/Hz 10~2000
    振级/g 1
    扫描速率oct/min 4
    加载方向 Z
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    表 5  随机振动加速度功率谱密度

    Table 5.  Power spectrum density (PSD) of the acceleration under random vibration

    频率范围/Hz 鉴定级 总均方根加速度 加载方向
    10~150 +3 dB/oct 3.89 g RMS XYZ
    150~600 0.016 g2/Hz
    600~2000 -6 dB/oct
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