
侯志强, 王利平, 郭建新, 等. 基于颜色、空间和纹理信息的目标跟踪[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(5): 170643. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.170643
引用本文: 侯志强, 王利平, 郭建新, 等. 基于颜色、空间和纹理信息的目标跟踪[J]. 光电工程, 2018, 45(5): 170643. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.170643
Hou Zhiqiang, Wang Liping, Guo Jianxin, et al. An object tracking algorithm based on color, space and texture information[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(5): 170643. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.170643
Citation: Hou Zhiqiang, Wang Liping, Guo Jianxin, et al. An object tracking algorithm based on color, space and texture information[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2018, 45(5): 170643. doi: 10.12086/oee.2018.170643


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 侯志强, E-mail: hou-zhq@sohu.com
  • 中图分类号: TP277

An object tracking algorithm based on color, space and texture information

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61473309)
More Information
  • 为更好地应对跟踪过程中复杂的场景变化问题,提出一种采用多种特征融合进行跟踪的方法。算法在粒子滤波的框架下,通过在跟踪过程中对每一个特征进行不确定性度量,计算动态的特征权值,从而完成了自适应的特征融合。利用颜色、空间和纹理特征的互补特性,提升了算法的跟踪性能。实验结果表明,算法能够很好地适应目标尺度、旋转、运动模糊等复杂场景的变化。与近年来流行的算法相比,所提出的算法具有明显优势,能够很好地完成跟踪任务。

  • Overview: In order to deal with complex scene change problem in the tracking process, we propose a tracking algorithm via multiple feature fusion. Due to the computational convenience, single feature descriptor is widely used in visual tracking for target model expression. However, single feature descriptor is usually not enough to describe the complex characteristics and changes of target. The target representation combined with multiple feature descriptors can improve the overall performance of visual tracking, because different features can provide complementary target information. How to effectively combine multiple features to make the algorithm truly improve performance is the most important issue for the multi-feature fusion algorithm. Therefore, we use a method of uncertainty measurement, by measuring the reliability of feature to determine the influence of it. Under the framework of particle filter, dynamic feature weights are calculated by making an uncertain measure of each feature in the tracking process, which results in adaptive feature fusion. This method adjusts the influence of features on tracking according to the uncertainty of features, so that the reliable feature has a stronger influence. In addition, color feature is robust to changes in rotation, scaling, etc., but difficult to cope with changes in illumination variation. Spatial feature contains the spatial information of target, which can make up for the lack of spatial information in color histogram. Texture feature is not sensitive to changes in illumination variation and not easily affected by local deviations. Therefore, if we fuse these three kinds of complementary features, the target expression can be provided by these features, and it can provide more effective target information. Based on the above discussions, the algorithm uses the complementarity of color, space and texture features to improve the tracking performance. Experimental results show that the algorithm can adapt to complex scene changes such as scale, rotation and motion blur. Compared with traditional algorithms, the proposed algorithm has obvious advantages to complete the tracking task. In order to verify the performance of the algorithm in this paper, we programmed it through MATLAB2009a, and tested a large number of experiments on the computer with 4 GB memory. We chose ACT, ASLA, DLT, DSST, and LLC as contrast algorithm, which have good performance. The figure shows the overall tracking accuracy and success rate of 30 videos in OTB2013 dataset. It can be seen from the figure that the accuracy and success rate of proposed algorithm are the highest of these six algorithms. The overall tracking performance of ours algorithm is the best, which can better adapt to different tracking environment and target changes.

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  • 图 1  LBP(8,1)纹理模式

    Figure 1.  The texture pattern of Local Binary Pattern (8, 1)

    图 2  单一特征与本文算法在Basketball序列的跟踪比较

    Figure 2.  Comparison between the tracking results of single features and ours in Basketball sequence

    图 3  不同特征在Deer序列中的不确定性比较

    Figure 3.  Uncertainty comparison of different features in Deer sequence

    图 4  跟踪算法性能的定性比较。(a) David3系列;(b) Deer系列;(c) Football系列;(d) Lemming系列;(e) Liquor系列;(f) Matrix系列;(g) Mountainbike系列;(h) Skiing系列;(i) Basketball系列;(j) Boy系列

    Figure 4.  Qualitative comparison of the six tracking algorithms. (a) David3 series; (b) Deer series; (c) Football series; (d) Lemming series; (e) Liquor series; (f) Matrix series; (g) Mountainbike series; (h) Skiing series; (i) Basketball series; (j) Boy series

    图 5  整体精度(a)和成功率(b)比较

    Figure 5.  Overall comparison of precision (a) and success rate (b)

    表 1  部分跟踪视频结果比较

    Table 1.  Comparison of partial tracking results

    David3 74.6(9.1) 51.6(87.8) 32.9(107.4) 54.0(88.4) 11.9(286.8) 72.3(16.1)
    Deer 100(5.1) 2.8(160.1) 38.0(49.1) 93.0(8.5) 2.8(216.3) 71.4(15.2)
    Football1 48.7(9.8) 44.6(12.2) 52.4 (10.4) 41.9(20.5) 70.3(15.4) 52.5(11.6)
    Lemming 31.3(90.7) 16.9(178.8) 28.0(128.9) 46.0(81.5) 17.0(158.8) 85.9(15.3)
    Liquor 20.8(326.4) 23.6(146.7) 20.5(153.3) 40.8(99.3) 24.2(180.6) 82.1(28.5)
    Matrix 1.00(79.2) 2.0(65.2) 2.0(171.1) 21.0(59.7) 16.0(63.4) 32.1(38.7)
    Mountain bike 100(6.8) 91.2(9.0) 84.2(13.1) 100(7.8) 100(7.9) 83.7(18.5)
    Skiing 9.9(274.9) 11.1(266.6) 7.4(244.5) 7.4(220.1) 11.1(269.5) 25.7(96.2)
    Basketball 25.9(89.1) 71.6(18.0) 49.7(13.9) 64.0(73.1) 62.5(73.8) 91.3(9.6)
    Boy 71.6(8.8) 48.3(106.7) 100(2.5) 17.1(179.5) 12.6(163.2) 91.5(5.2)
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收稿日期:  2017-11-22
修回日期:  2018-03-13
刊出日期:  2018-05-01


