
叶世杰,王永雄. 基于图神经网络的WSI癌症生存预测方法[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(4): 240011. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240011
引用本文: 叶世杰,王永雄. 基于图神经网络的WSI癌症生存预测方法[J]. 光电工程,2024,51(4): 240011. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240011
Ye S J, Wang Y X. Graph neural network-based WSI cancer survival prediction method[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(4): 240011. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240011
Citation: Ye S J, Wang Y X. Graph neural network-based WSI cancer survival prediction method[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2024, 51(4): 240011. doi: 10.12086/oee.2024.240011


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 王永雄,wyxiong@usst.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP18

Graph neural network-based WSI cancer survival prediction method

  • Fund Project: Project supported by Natural Science Foundation of Shanghai (22ZR1443700)
More Information
  • 全切片图像(Whole slide imaging, WSI)是癌症诊断和预后的关键依据,具有尺寸庞大、空间关系复杂以及风格各异等特点。由于其缺乏细节注释,传统的计算病理学方法难以处理肿瘤组织环境中的空间关系。本文提出了一种新型的基于图神经网络的WSI生存预测模型BC-GraphSurv。首先,采用迁移学习的预训练策略,构建WSI的病理关系拓扑结构,实现了对病理学图像特征和空间关系信息的有效提取。然后,采用GAT-GCN双分支结构进行预测,在图注意力网络中加入边属性和全局连接模块,同时引入图卷积网络分支补充局部细节,增强了对WSI风格差异的适应能力,能够有效利用拓扑结构处理空间关系,区分微病理环境。在WSI数据集TCGA-BRCA和TCGA-KIRC上进行的实验表明,BC-GraphSurv模型的一致性指数为0.7950和0.7458,相比于当前先进的生存预测模型提升了0.0409,充分证明了模型的有效性。

  • Overview: In this study, we present BC-GraphSurv, an innovative model for breast cancer survival prediction utilizing Whole Slide Imaging (WSI). Given the challenges of large size, complex spatial relationships, and diverse styles in WSIs, BC-GraphSurv addresses these issues through a novel approach that integrates transfer learning and feature extraction using the HF-Net. The model consists of four steps: transfer learning with HF-Net, compression and fusion of similar features, construction of graph structure features, and learning with WA-GAT and MP-GCN. The model commences with a transfer learning pre-training strategy, utilizing HF-Net to construct the pathological relationship topology of WSIs. This strategy facilitates the effective extraction of features and spatial relationship information. HF-Net, trained on a breast cancer tumor classification dataset, is crucial for adapting a general backbone network to the complexity of tumor structures and tissue texture features. This network reduces noise in non-cancerous regions and enhances differentiation between cancerous and non-cancerous areas. The feature extraction network, combining Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and self-attention mechanisms, benefits from transfer learning to enhance pathology feature recognition via a feature transfer module. This module, coupled with spatial correlation and semantic similarity integration, enables compressed graph modeling and extraction of crucial contextual features for survival prediction. To overcome specific challenges in WSI tasks, BC-GraphSurv introduces improvements to the Graph Attention Network (GAT) in the form of the Whole Association Graph Attention Network (WA-GAT). This prediction branch employs cross-attention on node and edge features, a global perception module, and a Dense Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) for fine-grained details. The integration of WA-GAT and GCN enhances the model's adaptability to diverse WSI styles and spatial differences, effectively processing spatial information and improving analytical capabilities. Experimental validation involves ablation experiments assessing the impact of different modules and improvements. Comparative experiments with various models and visual analyses confirm the effectiveness of BC-GraphSurv. In conclusion, BC-GraphSurv provides a comprehensive solution for breast cancer survival prediction using WSIs. Experimental results on the TCGA-BRCA dataset showcase its effectiveness, with a consistency index of 0.795, surpassing current state-of-the-art models. The model's innovations effectively tackle the challenges inherent in WSI survival prediction, demonstrating robustness and superiority.

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  • 图 1  BC-GraphSurv模型架构,主要包括WSI预处理,以及(a)特征提取和生成图结构,(b) WA-GAT分支,(c) MP-GCN分支、(d)特征融合等模块

    Figure 1.  Architecture of the BC GraphSurv model mainly including modules such as WSI preprocessing, (a) Feature extraction and graph structure generation, (b) WA-GAT branch, (c) MP-GCN branches, and (d) Feature fusion

    图 2  HF-Net示意图

    Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of HF-Net

    图 3  WA-GAT示意图

    Figure 3.  Schematic diagram of WA-GAT

    图 4  几种常用方法的KM曲线及P值对比

    Figure 4.  Comparison of KM curves and P-values of several commonly used methods

    图 5  不同IG值图像块对比

    Figure 5.  Comparison of patchs with different IG values

    图 6  部分WSI病理环境可视化

    Figure 6.  Visualization of WSI pathological environment

    表 1  特征提取网络实验结果对比

    Table 1.  Comparison of experimental results of feature extraction network

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    表 2  消融实验结果对比

    Table 2.  Comparison of ablation experiment results

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    表 3  不同算法对比试验1

    Table 3.  First comparison experiments of different methods

    MethodBRCA KIRC
    MLP0.61760.027 0.58620.019
    Attention-MIL[26] (2018)0.70910.0520.65900.044
    WSISA[8] (2017)0.68020.0830.61510.057
    DeepGraphSurv[12] (2018)0.74020.0120.69450.045
    Patch GCN[13] (2021)0.75140.0360.67750.067
    H2-MIL[27] (2022)0.73380.0550.69150.024
    Tea-Graph[28] (2022)0.75410.0210.71090.023
    HEAT[3] (2023)0.75290.0090.70110.018
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    表 4  不同算法对比试验2

    Table 4.  Second comparison experiments of different methods

    MethodBRCA KIRC
    MLP0.61760.027 0.58620.019
    MIL-Transformer[29] (2021)0.69050.0460.66420.029
    SurvTRACE[30] (2022)0.73820.0190.69740.027
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