Multi-frame blind deconvolution of solar images via second-order total generalized variation
Abstract:Blind deconvolution is one of the commonly used post-reconstruction methods for adaptive optics images. In order to improve the reconstruction performance of blind deconvolution on solar (adaptive optics) images, a space-variant multi-frame blind deconvolution model based on second-order total generalized variation is proposed. It first solves the proposed space-invariant blind deconvolution model via second-order total generalized variation by the alternating minimization and half-quadratic splitting method. Then, according to the characteristics of wide field-of-view solar images which are anisoplanatic, the space-variant in the proposed algorithm is implemented by overlapping image segmentation and weighted stitching. Finally, the reconstruction experiment and analysis are carried out on the real solar images observed by the one-meter New Vacuum Solar Telescope (NVST). The results show that the proposed algorithm has good image reconstruction performance in both subjective visual effects and objective indexes.
图 4 不同输入帧数的重建结果。(a) 输入序列的其中1帧;(b) ~ (g) 分别对应输入1、2、3、5、10、20帧的重建结果;(h) 斑点重建
Figure 4. Reconstruction results of different input frames. (a) One frame in the input sequence; (b) ~ (g) The reconstruction results corresponding to input 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 and 20 frames respectively (h) Speckle reconstruction
表 1 重建结果定量评价(PSNR(dB)/SSIM)
Table 1. Quantitative evaluation of reconstruction results (PSNR(dB)/SSIM)
体质量最好帧TVBD S-TGV OBD M-TGV 米粒1 32.68/0.9060 32.05/0.9058 32.27/0.9127 32.70/0.9082 32.79/0.9173 米粒2 33.63/0.9198 33.60/0.9269 33.45/0.9302 34.00/0.9219 34.48/0.9396 半影 29.41/0.8434 29.00/0.8424 29.57/0.8576 29.70/0.8542 30.38/0.8785 本影 29.65/0.8771 29.68/0.8721 30.08/0.8927 30.09/0.8843 30.30/0.8975 整帧图像 31.06/0.8806 30.77/0.8793 30.96/0.8892 31.25/0.8855 31.31/0.8969 表 2 算法运行时间
Table 2. Running time of different algorithms
算法 TVBD S-TGV OBD M-TGV 时间/s 715.37 12.35 156.61 27.68 -
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