Sparse reconstruction of interferometric hyperspectral image based on adaptive threshold
Abstract:Interferometric hyperspectral image is a special kind of image source, which contains massive data and is difficult to transmit on a limited bandwidth channel. The traditional method is to compress the data and then encode the transmission. However, the compressed data is still very large, which brings great difficulties to the transmission and storage of data. Nevertheless, the compressed sensing technology can solve this problem well. Based on the original algorithm of compressed sensing, this paper proposes an adaptive threshold-based orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm (ATROMP) which is more suitable for interfering hyperspectral images. The algorithm first uses block processing and then selects the interference fringes. Because the vertical interference fringes have strong unidirectional characteristics, the total variation of the level is larger. Therefore, the interference fringes in the images are extracted from the horizontal total variation values for adaptive sampling. Then, an adaptive threshold is used in this paper to replace the quadratic selection in the ROMP algorithm. Using an adaptive threshold can not only ensure that the atomicity of each selected atom is sufficiently high, but also that multiple atoms can be properly selected each time to ensure sufficient number of cycles, to avoid the follow-up higher degree of atom missing. Compared with the traditional ROMP algorithm, a large amount of experimental data show that the sparse reconstruction accuracy of the method can be significantly improved.
Overview: The interference hyperspectral image data is a three-dimensional image data generated by satellite scanning by a Large Aperture Static Imaging Spectrometer (LASIS) based on the principle of push-scan Fourier transform imaging. The resolution is extremely high, and its massive amount Data poses a certain degree of difficulty for data storage and transmission over limited bandwidth channels. Therefore, it is imperative to design an efficient transmission method suitable for interfering hyperspectral data for its data characteristics. Compressed sensing, as a new theoretical framework, provides new research ideas for signal description and processing. Unlike the existing sampling theorem, the theory samples the signal using a rate much smaller than the Nyquist sampling law, and then reconstructs the original signal with high probability from these small observations. This efficient sampling method greatly reduces the sampling rate, so it has great application prospects in many research fields. Based on the traditional compressed sensing reconstruction algorithm, this paper proposes a reconstruction method for interference hyperspectral image. The interference hyperspectral image is a three-dimensional image with multi-dimensional correlation, and its interference fringes contain abundant spectral information. However, when using traditional ROMP algorithm to reconstruct the image, the absolute value of the inner product of the measurement matrix and the residual needs to be calculated. As the interference hyperspectral image has interference fringes with large fluctuations in the fixed amplitude, the variance of the calculation result of the inner product is large, which will result in too many atoms to be selected in the secondary selection according to the regularization standard in each iteration. The atomic number with higher matching degree in the subsequent phase is not selected, resulting in support. The proportion of atoms with high degree of central matching is low. This will seriously affect the reconstruction quality of interference hyperspectral, especially the interference fringe. To solve the above problems, in this paper we propose an adaptive threshold regularized orthogonal matching pursuit algorithm (ATROMP). The algorithm first uses block processing and then selects the interference fringes. Because the vertical interference fringes have strong unidirectional characteristics, the interference fringes in the images are extracted from the horizontal total variation values for adaptive sampling. Then an adaptive threshold is used in this paper to replace the quadratic selection in the ROMP algorithm. Using an adaptive threshold can not only ensure that the atomicity of each selected atom is sufficiently high, but also that multiple atoms can be properly selected each time to ensure sufficient number of cycles, to avoid the follow-up higher degree of atom missing. Compared with the traditional ROMP algorithm, a large amount of experimental datas show that the sparse reconstruction accuracy of the method can be significantly improved.
图 6 Lasis01的CS重构图像。(a)采样率0.35 ROMP算法;(b)采样率0.5 ROMP算法;(c)采样率0.35 ATROMP算法;(d)采样率0.5 ATROMP算法
Figure 6. CS reconstruction image of Lasis01. (a) Sampling rate 0.35 in ROMP algorithm; (b) Sampling rate 0.5 in ROMP algorithm; (c) Sampling rate 0.35 in ATROMP algorithm; (d) Sampling rate 0.5 in ATROMP algorithm
图 7 Lasis02的CS重构图像。(a)采样率0.35 ROMP算法;(b)采样率0.5 ROMP算法;(c)采样率0.35 ATROMP算法;(d)采样率0.5 ATROMP算法
Figure 7. CS reconstruction image of Lasis02. (a) Sampling rate 0.35 in ROMP algorithm; (b) Sampling rate 0.5 in ROMP algorithm; (c) Sampling rate 0.35 in ATROMP algorithm; (d) Sampling rate 0.5 in ATROMP algorithm
表 1 均匀采样时具体采样数据
Table 1. Specific sampling data for uniform sampling
平均采样率 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.5 干涉条纹块 150/256 160/256 170/256 200/256 非干涉条纹块 72/256 85/256 98/256 123/256 表 2 采样率0.35和0.5时三幅图像不同算法下信噪比和结构相似度(SSIM)对比表
Table 2. Comparison of SNR and reconstruction time of three images under different algorithms at sampling rate 0.35 and 0.5
采样率0.35 采样率0.5 ROMP算法 ATROMP算法 ROMP算法 ATROMP算法 信噪比/dB SSIM 信噪比/dB SSIM 信噪比/dB SSIM 信噪比/dB SSIM Lasis01 26.4556 0.8293 31.0979 0.9232 29.5770 0.9048 32.9129 0.9476 Lasis02 26.7208 0.8321 31.4439 0.9291 29.7985 0.8918 31.7564 0.9354 Lasis03 26.9426 0.8603 31.2438 0.9265 29.8668 0.9077 31.5194 0.9318 -
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