Experimental study on short-distance free-space transmission characteristics of OAM beam
实验研究了光轨道角动量(OAM)光束的短距离自由空间传输特性。在实验装置中使用数字微镜器件(DMD)产生OAM光束,传输距离为室内0~50 m。在接收端使用空间光束模场分析仪测量传输后的OAM光束光强分布,实验研究了不同传输距离下OAM光束的模场展宽效应,并通过干涉法研究了传输对OAM光束相位分布特性的影响。在接收端使用一个单路Sagnac干涉仪对传输后OAM光束的各阶模式进行分离检测,实验研究了不同距离下传输导致的OAM光束能量从产生的模式向临近各阶模式的迁移再分配。使用局部加热的方法模拟较强的大气湍流扰动,实验研究了较强湍流对OAM光束模式特性的影响。实验结果表明,在湍流扰动下,OAM光束的拓扑荷值越大传输后模式纯度的劣化越严重。
Abstract:The short-distance free-space transmission characteristics of the optical orbital angular momentum (OAM) beam were experimentally studied. The transmission distance is 0~50 m indoors. A digital micromirror device (DMD) was used in the experimental setup to generate the OAM beam. At the receiver, a spatial beam analyzer was used to measure the intensity pattern of the OAM beam. The beam broadening effect of the OAM beam at different transmission distances was studied. The phase pattern of the OAM beam was studied by the interferometric method. At the receiver, a single path Sagnac interferometer (SPSI) was used to separate and detect the intensity of modes of the OAM beam. The effects of energy migration from the sending mode to the sideband modes of the OAM beam were studied. A heater was used to generate the strong turbulence to simulate the influence to the OAM beam mode transmission characteristics. The experimental results show that the OAM beam with large mode topological charge has more deterioration of the mode purity after transmission in the strong turbulence.
Overview: Orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light as a degree of freedom provides an infinite number of orthogonality states with different mode topological charges. The application of OAM mode multiplexing technology in free space and fiber optical communication has become one of the most active research areas of communication. A huge challenge for OAM beam free space optical communication system is the disturbance of atmospheric turbulence. The effects include beam point jitter, intensity and phase fluctuation, damage beam pattern and crosstalk between OAM modes. Mode purity of OAM beam is very important for free space OAM mode multiplexing optical communication system. Therefore, it is significant to carry out experimental research on the actual free space transmission of OAM beams.
The short-distance free-space transmission characteristics of the OAM beam were experimentally studied. The transmission distance is 0~50 m indoors. The atmospheric environment is weak and stable. A digital micromirror device (DMD) was used to generate the OAM beam in the experimental setup. The DMD model is DLP4500 with micromirror numbers of 912×1140. At the receiver, a spatial beam analyzer was used to measure the intensity pattern of the OAM beam. The beam analyzer uses a 12-bit 1.4 megapixel CCD as the detector. The detection aperture size is 9.5 mm and the pixel size is 6.45 μm×6.45 μm. The beam broadening effect of the OAM beam at different transmission distances was studied. The measured data was compared with the theoretical results of the OAM beam propagation broadening calculated by the Fresnel diffraction model, which verifies they are consistent in trend. The phase pattern of the OAM beam was studied by the interferometric method. At the receiver, a single path Sagnac interferometer (SPSI) was used to separate and detect the intensity of modes of the OAM beam. The SPSI has higher stability than the Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The effects of energy coupling between the sending mode and the sideband modes of the OAM beam were studied. An electric heater was used to generate the strong turbulence to simulate the influence to the OAM beam mode transmission characteristics. The average pointing deviation was characterized turbulence strength approximately.
The experimental results show that the longer transmission distance and stronger turbulence cause larger energy coupling of the OAM beam from the sending mode to the sideband modes, and the OAM beam with larger mode topological charge has more deterioration of the mode purity after transmission in the strong turbulence. The results are helpful for analyzing the bit error rate (BER) characteristics of the OAM mode multiplexed optical communication system.
图 1 OAM光束自由空间传输系统。(a) 50 m的室内OAM光束传输自由空间光路;(b) OAM光束的发射端的实验装置;(c) OAM光束的接收端的实验装置
Figure 1. Experimental setup. (a) 50 m OAM beam indoor free-space link; (b) The transmitter of OAM beam; (c) The receiver of OAM beam. NPBS: Non-polarizing beam-splitter; BE: Beam expander; M: Mirror; HWP: Half wavelength plate; DP: Dove prism; Tx-tel: Transmitter-telescope; Rx-tel: Receiver-telescope; Pol: Polarizer; CBP: Camera beam profiler
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