
孙博宇, 乔红超, 赵吉宾, 等. 水导激光切割技术研究现状[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(11): 1039-1044. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.001
引用本文: 孙博宇, 乔红超, 赵吉宾, 等. 水导激光切割技术研究现状[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(11): 1039-1044. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.001
Sun Boyu, Qiao Hongchao, Zhao Jibin, et al. Current status of water-jet guided laser cutting technology[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(11): 1039-1044. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.001
Citation: Sun Boyu, Qiao Hongchao, Zhao Jibin, et al. Current status of water-jet guided laser cutting technology[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(11): 1039-1044. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.11.001


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    *通讯作者: 乔红超.E-mail: hcqiao@sia.cn
  • 中图分类号: TN305.1

Current status of water-jet guided laser cutting technology

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More Information
  • 水导激光切割技术是一项利用水束导引激光到加工平面的新型切割技术,由于其热影响区小、加工精度高、无污染等优点受到了众多研究者的广泛关注。本文首先阐述了水导激光切割利用激光在空气和水交界面发生全发射的原理及其相对于传统激光切割的优势,其次从理论与工艺两个方面综述了水导激光切割的国内外研究进展,总结了水导激光设备的发展现状,最后针对水导激光切割的技术难点进行分析并且展望了该技术未来发展的趋势

  • In the field of parts cutting, compared with the traditional mechanical cutting and high-pressure water jet cutting, laser cutting has significant superiorities in processing efficiency, precision and environmental protection. However, the thermal damage on the material caused by laser cutting will affect the performance and working life of the parts which limits the development of laser cutting. In order to solve this problem, water-jet guided laser cutting technology is invented. Water-jet guided laser cutting technology is a composite processing method which uses the water jet to guide the laser beam for cutting the workpiece. For the difference between the refractive indexes of water and air, when the laser beam passes through the water and air interface at a certain angle, the laser will be totally reflected without refraction if the incident angle is less than the total reflection critical angle. This phenomenon can be utilized to propagate the laser in the water jet and guide it to the machined surface for cutting. The advantages of this technology are small heat affected zone, high precision, no pollution and so on. Because of the superiorities of the water-jet guided laser cutting technology, the domestic and international researchers are increasingly interested in the relevant principles and key technology of the water-jet guided laser cutting. Their researches provided theoretical basis of the water-jet guided laser which promotes its development and application. The domestic and international research progress of water-jet guided laser cutting is reviewed from two aspects: theory and process. For example, Li Ling studied the water-jet guided laser technology by the experiment, finding the relationship about the laser energy attenuation and water jet stability. Besides, the cutting parameters about pulse energy, processing speed, and working distance for processing silicon were also optimized. The processed silicon wafer has little burrs, cracks, heat affected zone, and the surface quality is good. At last, the development status of water-jet guided laser equipment is summarized. The future development direction of the water-jet guided laser cutting is larger energy and finer water jet. But at the current stage of research, there are many technical difficulties in terms of nozzle orifice manufacture, coupling control system and process research. In the future, theoretical and experimental researches on water-jet guided laser cutting should be studied to accelerate the development of equipment and reduce the gap between the domestic and abroad.

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  • 图 1  水导激光切割加工的基本原理[4].

    Figure 1.  The basic principle of water-jet guided laser cutting[4].

    图 2  激光切割与水导激光切割的加工示意图[8]. (a)传统激光(热损伤区大). (b)水导激光(热损伤区极小).

    Figure 2.  Processing sketch diagram of Laser cutting and water-jet guided laser cutting[8]. (a) Conventional laser cutting (large thermal damage area). (b) Water-jet guided laser cutting (small thermal damage area).

    图 3  激光切割与水导激光切割加工不锈钢对比图[23]. (a)传统激光切割. (b)水导激光切割.

    Figure 3.  Processing stainless steel comparison of laser cutting and water-jet guided laser cutting[23]. (a) Conventional laser cutting. (b) Water-jet guided laser cutting.

    图 4  微细电火花加工与水导激光切割加工不锈钢表面形貌对比图[24]. (a)微细电火花加工. (b)水导激光切割

    Figure 4.  Stainless steel surface morphology comparison of micro EDM and water-jet guided laser cutting[24]. (a) Micro EDM. (b) Water-jet guided laser cutting

    图 5  Synova公司LCS300微水导激光加工机床[37]

    Figure 5.  The Synova's LCS300 laser-microjet machine[37]

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收稿日期:  2017-08-21
修回日期:  2017-10-24
刊出日期:  2017-11-15


