
李雄, 马晓亮, 罗先刚. 超表面相位调控原理及应用[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(3): 255-275. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.03.001
引用本文: 李雄, 马晓亮, 罗先刚. 超表面相位调控原理及应用[J]. 光电工程, 2017, 44(3): 255-275. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.03.001
Li Xiong, Ma Xiaoliang, Luo Xiangang. Principles and applications of metasurfaces with phase modulation[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(3): 255-275. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.03.001
Citation: Li Xiong, Ma Xiaoliang, Luo Xiangang. Principles and applications of metasurfaces with phase modulation[J]. Opto-Electronic Engineering, 2017, 44(3): 255-275. doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1003-501X.2017.03.001


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    *通讯作者: 罗先刚, E-mail: lxg@ioe.ac.cn
  • 中图分类号: TB383

Principles and applications of metasurfaces with phase modulation

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  • 超构表面是一种基于亚波长结构的功能膜层器件,也称超表面或二维超构材料。超构表面可在平面化的亚波长结构内产生异常的相位突变,从而为包括大口径平面成像、电磁虚拟赋形、大视场全息显示等应用提供有效手段。与传统的光学器件相比,超构表面器件具有亚波长尺度相位、振幅、偏振任意调控,轻薄、易集成、低损耗、表面可共形设计等诸多优点,因而受到广泛关注。本文对超构表面的相位调控原理进行分析,并据此对现有的超构表面进行分类,同时介绍了各类超构表面器件的特点和应用,最后对超构表面领域面临的挑战及有待进一步拓展的方向进行展望。

  • Abstract:Conventional refractive optical components such as lenses and prism modifying the wavefronts rely on light propagation over distances much larger than the wavelength, which makes them bulky and weighty. To address this issue, binary optics was proposed in the end of 1980s. Secondary waves created by binary optical components such as holograms diffract in free space and interfere in the far-field to form complex optical patterns. The phase of the secondary waves is modulated through propagation delay in a discrete and planar way. However, the chromatism in diffraction and the limited field of view due to the relatively large scale of phase modulation, limit the applications of the binary optical components. Recently, a type of flat, ultrathin optical components called ‘metasurfaces’ was proposed. Metasurfaces, seen as the two-dimensional equivalents of metamaterials, are thin-film functional devices constructed by subwavelength structures. Benefiting from their simplified fabrication process of planar profiles and low electromagnetic energy loss compared to metamaterials, metasurfaces are promising for integration with on-chip nanophotonic devices. Abrupt phase changes can be obtained in the planar metasurface structures over the scale of the wavelength, which provide a new avenue to enable a variety of applications including large scale planar imaging, electromagnetic virtual shaping and holographic display in larger field of view. The arbitrary modulation abilities of phase, amplitude and polarization at the subwavelength scale, also the integratable and conformable design make the metasurfaces very attractive. The devices based on metasurface can be designed to possess many required properties replacing bulky optical components. In this paper, we give a brief introduction of the development of the metasurface in an historical perspective. We focus on recent developments of the flat, ultrathin optical and electromagnetic components based on metasurfaces. The physical mechanism of the phase modulation in metasurfaces is analyzed and classified. These types of phase modulation in metasurface, i.e., transmission phase modulation, circuit-type phase modulation, and geometric (or Pancharatnam- Berry) phase modulation, are comprehensively introduced. The unique properties and the applications of each type of metasurface are detailedly discussed. We also review some newly designed novel metasurfaces which make use of merging phase modulation. Furthermore, the magnitude modulation, and the polarization modulation accompanied in the phase modulation of metasurfaces are introduced. At last, we summarize the challenges faced by metasurfaces with an eye toward the promising future directions in this field.

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  • 图 1  表面等离子体传播常数随狭缝宽度变化曲线.插图为结构示意图.

    Figure 1.  Dependence of propagation constant of SP in the slit on the slit width. The inset is the schematic of the structure.

    图 2  传输相位型超构表面器件. (a)偏折器[23]. (b)聚焦器件设计[22]. (c)聚焦器件实验验证[36]. (d)涡旋光产生器[40].

    Figure 2.  Metasurface devices based on transmission phase modulation. (a) Deflector [23]. (b) Lens [22]. (c) Experimental measurement of the lens [36]. (d) Optical vortex generator [40].

    图 3  (a) SP波导型消色差超构表面结构及不同波长下的聚焦特性[32]. (b)介质型消色差超构表面结构及不同波长下的聚焦特性[45]. (c)等效折射率调制型超构表面及不同波长下的聚焦特性[31].

    Figure 3.  (a) Achromatic metasurface based on SP waveguide and its focusing properties at different wavelengths [32]. (b) Achromatic dielectric metasurface and its focusing properties at different wavelengths [45]. (c) Metasurface based on modulation of effective refraction index and its focusing properties at different wavelengths [31].

    图 4  (a) 透射型超构表面等效电路模型图. (b)反射型超构表面等效电路模型.

    Figure 4.  Schematic of the equivalent circuit for (a) transmissive metasurfaces, and (b) reflective metasurfaces.

    图 5  亚波长结构及等效电路模型. (b)不同间隙宽度g对应的相位延迟,px=5.2 mm,py=7.4 mm,w=2 mm,w1=0.1 mm,t=0.035 mm,介质基底折射率为1.58,d=6 mm[46].

    Figure 5.  (a) Equivalent circuit of subwavelength structure. (b) Dependence of phase shift on the gap g, px=5.2 mm, py=7.4 mm, w=2 mm, w1=0.1 mm, t=0.035 mm, the refraction index nd=1.58, d=6 mm [46].

    图 6  双层透射式电路型相位超构表面单元结构(a)及其光束整形(b)[48].三层透射式电路型相位超构表面结构(c)及其电磁偏折(d) [50].

    Figure 6.  (a) Unit cell of double layered transmissive metasurface based on circuit-type phase modulation. (b) Beam shaping by the double layered transmissive metasurface [48]. (c) Schematic of triple layered transmissive metasurface based on circuit-type phase. (d) Beam deflection by the triple layered transmissive metasurface [50].

    图 7  反射式电路型相位超构表面器件.偏折器件结构(a)和场分布(b)[46].表面波定向耦合器件结构(c)和场分布(d)[58].全息器件结构(e)和全息效果图(f)[61].

    Figure 7.  Reflective metasurface devices based on circuit-type phase modulation. (a) Schematic of the deflector and (b) its field distribution [46]. (c) Picture of directional coupler of surface wave. (d) Field distributions on surface of the coupler [58]. (e) SEM image of metasurface hologram. (f) Schematic of holographic projection [61].

    图 8  基于色散调控宽带电路型相位超构表面器件.宽带吸收器件单元结构(a)和吸收谱(b)[54].微波段一维色散调控偏振转化器件结构(c)和反射谱(d)[47].太赫兹波段一维色散调控偏振转化器件结构(e)和反射谱(f)[62].二维色散调控偏振转化器件结构(g)和反射谱(h)[56].

    Figure 8.  Broadband metasurface devices based on circuit-type phase modulation through dispersion engineering. (a) Unit cell of broadband absorber. (b) Absorption spectrum of the broadband absorber [54]. (c) Broadband microwave polarization transformer through one dimensional dispersion engineering and (d) its reflection spectrum [47]. (e) Broadband THz polarization transformer through one dimensional dispersion engineering and (f) its reflection spectrum [62]. (g) Broadband polarization transformer through two dimensional dispersion engineering and (h) its reflection spectrum [56].

    图 9  几何相位的庞加莱球表示.

    Figure 9.  Illustration of the principle of geometric phase by use of the Poincaré sphere.

    图 10  各向异性材料所在的局域坐标系.

    Figure 10.  Localized coordinate system of the anisotropic materials.

    图 11  (a) 金属矩形狭缝结构. (b)几何相位透射效率调控.

    Figure 11.  (a) Schematic of the rectangular metallic slit. (b) Geometric phase and transimittance modulation as functions of the orientation angle.

    图 12  基于几何相位超构表面器件.偏折器件结构(a)和偏折角与入射角关系(b)[67].表面波定向耦合器件结构(c)和耦合场分布(d)[73].聚焦器件结构(e)和聚焦场分布(f)[71].

    Figure 12.  Metasurface devices based on geometric phase modulation. (a) Schematic of deflector. (b) Dependence of deflective angle on the incident angle [67]. (c) Schematic of directional coupler. (d) Field distributions on surface of the coupler [73]. (e) Schematic of metasurface lens. (f) Field distribution in the metasurface lens [71].

    图 13  基于几何相位复杂光场超构表面器件.超振荡透镜结构SEM图(a)和聚焦场分布(b)[74].聚焦涡旋光产生器结构SEM图(c)和场分布(d)[77].全息器件结构SEM图(e)和全息场成像场分布(f)[86].

    Figure 13.  Metasurface devices for complex optical field generation based on geometric phase modulation. (a) SEM image of superoscillatory lens. (b) Field distribution at the focal plane [74]. (c) SEM image of optical vortex lens. (d) Meso-field distribution of the optical vortex lens [77]. (e) SEM image of meta-hologram. (f) Far-field light-intensity distribution of the holographic image [86].

    图 14  超构表面彩色全息器件. (a)基于几何相位彩色全息成像原理. (b) 3D彩色全息成像[81]. (c)基于SP谐振型彩色全息成像方案和成像结果[87]. (d)基于散射振幅型彩色全息成像方案和成像结果[88].

    Figure 14.  Metasurface devices for multicolor holographic imaging. (a) Schematic of multicolor meta-holographic imaging based on geometric phase and (b) its 3D multicolor holographic image [81]. (c) Schematic of multicolor meta-holographic imaging based on SP resonance [87] and its multicolor holographic image [87]. (d) Schematic of multicolor meta-holographic imaging based on amplitude modulation and its multicolor holographic image [88].

    图 15  (a) 悬链线超构单元示意图和SEM图. (b)悬链线相位调控特性. (c)悬链线超构单元产生光自旋霍尔效应[90].

    Figure 15.  (a) Schematic and the SEM image of the catenary aperture. (b) Phase distributions of the catenary (red), parabola (orange), crescent (blue), and discrete antennas (black dot) for LCP illumination. (c) Angular Spin Hall effect observed in a single catenary aperture [90].

    图 16  悬链线器件. (a)悬链线偏折器[94]. (b)悬链线平面透镜[90]. (c)悬链线涡旋光产生器[66]. (d)悬链线贝塞尔光束产生器[95].

    Figure 16.  Catenary devices. (a) Catenary deflector [94]. (b) Catenary lens [90]. (c) Catenary optical vortex generator [66]. (d) Catenary Bessel beam generator [95].

    图 17  相干照明提高超构表面能量利用率[94]. (a)相干照明光路图. (b), (c) 532 nm波长(b)和632.8 nm波长(c)入射,相干与非相干照明情况对比.

    Figure 17.  Efficiency enhancement by coherent illumination [94]. (a) Experimental configuration of coherent illumination. Measured results of the abnormal transmission and reflection at (b) λ= 532 nm and (c) λ= 632.8 nm.

    图 18  反射式几何相位型超构表面器件. (a)全息器件效率谱及成像结果[102]. (b)平面虚拟赋形器件及其反射谱[101]. (c)电磁幻象器件及其隐身效果[104].

    Figure 18.  Reflective metasurface devices based on geometric phase modulation. (a) Efficiency spectrum of the holographic device and the holographic image [102]. (b) Schematic of virtual shaping by planar metasurface and the measurement results of the reflectance spectra for TE and TM polarization illuminations [101]. (c) Schematic of electromagnetic illusion by metasurface and the optical reflection images when the metasurface cloak is "on" and "off" [104].

    图 19  介质型几何相位超构表面. (a) GaAs材料红外透镜[110]. (b) TiO2透镜[108]. (c) Si材料贝塞尔光束产生器[109].

    Figure 19.  Dielectric metasurface devices. (a) GaAs infrared lens [110]. (b) TiO2 lens [108]. (c) Silicon Bessel beam generator [109].

    图 20  Ⅴ形天线相位调控. (a)单元结构散射相位[24]. (b)可见光波段异常偏折[24]. (c)近红外波段异常偏折[113].

    Figure 20.  Phase modulation by Ⅴ-shaped antennas. (a) Scattering phase of the antennas [24]. (b) Deflector in visible light [24]. (c) Deflector in near infrared [113].

    图 21  Ⅴ形天线超构表面器件. (a) Ⅴ形金属结构聚焦透镜[116]. (b) Ⅴ形狭缝结构聚焦透镜[119]. (c)双层Ⅴ形结构偏折器[121]. (d) Ⅴ形变形结构(C形结构)偏折器[123].

    Figure 21.  Metasurface devices based on Ⅴ-shaped antennas. (a) Lens based on Ⅴ-shaped metallic particles [116]. (b) Lens based on Ⅴ-shaped metallic slits [119]. (c) Deflector based on double layered Ⅴ-shaped structures [121]. (d) Deflector based on C-shaped structures [123].

    图 22  传输相位和几何相位同时调控型介质超构表面器件. (a)涡旋光束产生其结构及其远场分布[111]. (b)可切换全息结构和光场图[124].

    Figure 22.  Dielectric metasurface devices based on the merge of transmission phase and geometric phase modulations. (a) Optical vortex generator and its far-field distribution [111]. (b) Polarization-switchable hologram and its holographic image [124].

    图 23  传输相位和几何相位同时调控型金属超构表面器件. (a)涡旋光束产生结构示意图. (b)产生的拓扑荷l=2和l=1.5漩涡光束场分布[125].

    Figure 23.  Metallic metasurface devices based on the merge of transmission phase and geometric phase modulations. (a) Schematic of the generation of optical vortex. (b) Field distribution of optical vortex for topological charge l=2 and l=1.5 [125].

    图 24  振幅和相位同时调控超构表面器件. (a) 二阶振幅加相位型超构表面及其全息成像,振幅“1”, “0”离散化[126]. (b) 二阶振幅加相位型超构表面及涡旋光分束,振幅“1”, “0.5”离散化[128]. (c) 二阶相位加振幅调控型超构表面及其多级衍射[127].

    Figure 24.  Metasurface devices based on the merge of amplitude and phase modulations. (a) Meta-hologram based on phase and two-level amplitude modulations and its holographic image, “1” and “0” discretion for amplitude [126]. (b) Metasurface optical vortex beam splitter based on phase and two-level amplitude modulations and its field distribution, “1” and “0.5” discretion for amplitude [128]. (c) Metasurface based on amplitude and two-level phase modulations and its multi-order diffraction [127].

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