针对1550 nm波段铟镓砷探测器小光敏面无法有效接收MEMS较大扫描视场回波的问题,设计了一种适用于近程宽视场的接收装置。接收端光学系统利用像方远心结构作为接收天线,通过仿真在1 mm的光敏面下实现了36°的接收视场,整体相对照度超过95%,集光性能和通光性能较好。同时,接收电路采用T型网络放大结构,结合时刻鉴别电路,利用TDC7200实现高精度时间测量。实验结果表明,飞行时间测量精度在200 ns量程下小于120 ps,在8 m范围内测距精度优于2 ns,能够满足近程探测的需要。
Abstract:To address the ineffective reception of larger scanning field echoes by the small photosensitive area of the indium gallium arsenide InGaAs detector in the 1550 nm wavelength band, a receiver device suitable for near-range wide field-of-view applications has been designed. The optical system at the receiving end utilizes an afocal telecentric structure as the receiving antenna, achieving a reception field-of-view of 36° at a photosensitive area of 1 mm. The relative illuminance exceeds 95%, demonstrating excellent light collection and transmission characteristics. Additionally, the receiver circuit adopts a T-network amplification structure combined with a moment identification circuit, utilizing the TDC7200 to achieve high-precision time measurements. The flight time measurement accuracy is less than 120 ps within a range of 200 ns, and the experimental results demonstrate ranging accuracy better than 2 ns within an 8 m distance, meeting the requirements for near-range detection.
Overview: Compared to detection methods such as cameras and millimeter-wave radar, LiDAR (light detection and ranging) utilizes a highly collimated laser beam to obtain target distance, azimuth, shape, and motion information, providing superior three-dimensional perception capabilities. In the early days, LiDAR was primarily used in military, surveying, environmental monitoring, and other fields, given its large size and high cost. However, LiDAR has gradually integrated into the consumer market and played an increasingly crucial role in autonomous driving and intelligent perception, becoming a hot research topic in recent years. The primary functions of LiDAR can be divided into scanning imaging modules. As weight, size, and power consumption become crucial for platforms such as automobiles and drones, traditional mechanical LiDAR systems are evolving toward solid-state scanning approaches. Among various scanning devices, MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) mirrors have become a hot direction in LiDAR scanning due to their small size, low power consumption, and high angular resolution. With the advancement of LiDAR technology, the scanning field of view of MEMS devices continues to increase, resulting in increasingly stringent requirements for matching the emission and reception fields of view.
The influence of MEMS deflection angle on the received power was derived based on the laser radar equation in this study. Detailed design specifications for the lidar system were analyzed, along with the achievable detection distance range. A suitable receiving scheme for MEMS-based short-range laser radar was proposed, where a single-piece non-spherical mirror was used for beam collimation at the transmitting end, and a small sensitive area InGaAs detector operating at 1550 nm was employed at the receiving end to address the problem of inefficient echo reception for larger scanning fields of the MEMS system. A receiver device suitable for near-range wide field-of-view applications has been designed. The optical system at the receiving end utilizes an afocal telecentric structure as the receiving antenna, achieving a reception field-of-view of 36° at a photosensitive area of 1 mm. The relative illuminance exceeds 95%, demonstrating excellent light collection and transmission characteristics. Additionally, the receiver circuit adopts a T-network amplification structure combined with a moment identification circuit, utilizing the TDC7200 to achieve high-precision time measurements. The flight time measurement accuracy is less than 120 ps within a range of 200 ns, and the overall experimental results demonstrate ranging accuracy better than 2 ns within an 8 m distance, meeting the requirements for near-range detection.
表 1 光学接收系统指标
Table 1. Optical receiver system specifications
参数 指标 工作波段 1550 nm 全视场角 $ \geqslant $30° 全像高 $ \leqslant $1 mm F数 $ \leqslant $1.4 入瞳直径 $ \geqslant $3 mm 全视场相对照度 $ \geqslant $90% 天线接收增益 $ \geqslant $9.4 系统长度 $ \leqslant $50 mm 表 2 时间测量数据(时间单位:ns)
Table 2. Time measurement data (time unit: ns)
标准时间间隔 最大测量值 最小测量值 测量平均值 测量误差 标准差 100 100.838 99.292 100.103 0.103 0.092 110 110.603 109.637 110.128 0.128 0.077 120 120.646 119.663 120.137 0.137 0.084 130 130.323 129.969 130.135 0.135 0.107 140 140.388 139.988 140.174 0.174 0.109 150 150.580 149.775 150.178 0.178 0.101 160 160.361 159.979 160.185 0.185 0.107 170 170.469 169.857 170.179 0.179 0.115 180 180.471 179.882 180.186 0.186 0.108 190 190.842 189.607 190.195 0.195 0.117 200 200.853 199.463 200.219 0.219 0.120 表 3 修正后的实际测距结果
Table 3. Revised actual ranging results
测量距离/m 时间真实值/ns 时间标准差/ns 均值误差/cm 2.5 16.981 0.452 4.71 3 19.811 0.559 2.84 4 26.382 0.649 4.28 5 33.754 0.736 6.31 6 39.354 0.871 9.68 7 47.051 1.236 5.76 表 4 100 kHz回波测试结果
Table 4. Results of 100 kHz echo test
微镜扫描角度/(°) 回波幅度/mV 测距值/m 实际误差/m +14.5 286 — — +12.6 317 7.82 0.25 +10.6 324 7.75 0.22 +8.5 335 7.68 0.20 +6.4 1277 3.05 0.03 +4.3 1397 3.03 0.02 +2.2 1716 3.02 0.02 0 957 3.03 0.03 -
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