Identification of salt marsh vegetation "fairy circles" using random forest method and spatial-spectral data of unmanned aerial vehicle LiDAR
Abstract:Spatial self-organization is a common phenomenon in many natural ecosystems. The "fairy circle" is a typical spatial self-organization structure that has significant impacts on the ecological functions of the salt marsh vegetation ecosystems. Obtaining the spatial pattern and spatiotemporal changes of the "fairy circle" can provide important scientific support for clarifying its ecological evolution mechanism. In this study, a machine learning method based on random forest is used to intelligently identify and extract the "fairy circle" in salt marsh vegetation using the spatial-spectral information from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) LiDAR. First, the effects of the distance, incident angle, and specular reflection on intensity data are eliminated using the laser radar equation and the Phong model. Second, the corrected intensity data are filtered to separate the vegetation from the ground. Third, a series of spatial features and geometric variables are used to classify the normal vegetation and "fairy circles" using the random forest algorithm. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can accurately extract "fairy circles" from UAV LiDAR 3D point cloud data without requiring manual experience-based parameter settings. The overall accuracy of the proposed method is 83.9%, providing a high-precision method for the spatiotemporal distribution inversion of "fairy circles" and technical references for 3D point cloud data processing based on machine learning.
Key words:
- random forest /
- unmanned aerial vehicle /
- LiDAR /
- spatial self-organization /
- point cloud classification
Overview: Spatial self-organization is a fascinating and widespread phenomenon observed in various natural ecosystems. One such intriguing structure is the "fairy circle", known for its significant influence on the functioning of salt marsh vegetation ecosystems. "Fairy circles" are known to play a crucial role in shaping salt marsh vegetation ecosystems, and their identification and understanding can offer valuable insights into ecological processes and dynamics. Understanding and identifying these "fairy circles" is of utmost importance for ecological research and conservation efforts. To address this, the present study employs a sophisticated machine learning technique called random forest to intelligently identify and extract "fairy circles" within salt marsh vegetation using data from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) LiDAR point clouds. The initial step in this research involves addressing potential complications arising from distance, incident angle, and specular reflection effects on the intensity data obtained from the UAV LiDAR. By applying the laser radar equation and the Phong model, these confounding factors are successfully eliminated to obtain the corrected intensity data. A filtering process is employed on the corrected intensity data to separate the vegetation from the ground points. To effectively distinguish between the normal vegetation and the "fairy circles," a set of spatial features and geometric variables are employed, and a random forest model is constructed using these features and variables. The results demonstrate the extraordinary capability of the proposed method to accurately identify and extract "fairy circles" from UAV 3D point cloud data, achieving an overall accuracy rate of 83.9%. The study represents a groundbreaking advancement in the study of "fairy circles" and paves the way for spatiotemporal distribution inversion of these intriguing structures. Additionally, the application of machine learning, particularly the random forest algorithm, in combination with UAV LiDAR technology, demonstrates the potential of artificial intelligence and remote sensing in ecological research. The implications of this research extend beyond salt marsh ecosystems. The methodological approach presented here can be adapted and applied to other natural ecosystems with spatial self-organization phenomena. By integrating machine learning and advanced remote sensing techniques, researchers can explore and comprehend various spatial structures, contributing to a deeper understanding of ecological patterns and processes on a broader scale.
图 5 (a)文献[13]方法提取结果;(b)本文方法提取结果;(c)去除几何参量提取结果;(d)去除空间坐标提取结果;(e)去除校正强度提取结果
Figure 5. (a) Extracted result obtained by reference [13]; (b) Extracted result obtained by the proposed method; (c) Extracted result obtained by the proposed method without geometric features; (d) Extracted result obtained by the proposed method without spatial coordinates; (e) Extracted result obtained by the proposed method without corrected intensity
表 1 随机森林点云特征
Table 1. Point cloud features in random forests
特征 含义 X 点云数据x坐标 Y 点云数据y坐标 Z 点云数据z坐标 校正强度 式(1)校正后的强度值 粗糙度 该点与最近邻最佳拟合平面之间的距离 密度 指定半径内包含的邻域点数量 全方差 $ \sqrt[3]{{{L_1} \cdot {L_2} \cdot {L_3}}} $ 特征熵 $ -({L}_{1}\cdot\mathrm{ln}\left({L}_{1}\right)+{L}_{2}\cdot\mathrm{ln}\left({L}_{2}\right)+{L}_{3}\cdot \mathrm{ln}\left({L}_{3}\right)) $ 各向异性 $ {L}_{1}-{L}_{3}/{L}_{1} $ 垂直度 $ 1-\left|\left\langle{Z,{e}_{3}}\right\rangle\right| $ 第三特征值 $ {L}_{3} $ 表 2 本文方法与文献[13]方法对比
Table 2. Results comparison between the proposed method and that in reference [13]
方法 总体精度/% 漏分率/% 误分率/% 随机森林方法 83.90 14.29 1.81 文献[13]方法 77.55 18.82 3.63 表 3 消融实验结果
Table 3. Results of the ablation study
消融实验 训练集精度/% 测试集精度/% 去除几何参量 93.57 90.65 去除空间坐标 96.71 93.67 去除校正强度 98.64 96.51 -
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