Abstract:Due to the difficulties of complex backgrounds and large-scale differences between objects during the process of ship multi-object tracking in sea-surface scenarios, an improved CSTrack algorithm for ship multi-object tracking is proposed in this paper. Firstly, as violent decoupling is used in the CSTrack algorithm to decompose neck features and cause object feature loss, an improved cross-correlation decoupling network that combines the Res2net module (RES_CCN) is proposed, and thus more fine-grained features can be obtained. Secondly, to improve the tracking performance of multi-class ships, the decoupled design of the detection head network is used to predict the class, confidence, and position of objects, respectively. Finally, the MOT2016 dataset is used for the ablation experiment to verify the effectiveness of the proposed module. When tested on the Singapore maritime dataset, the multiple object tracking accuracy of the proposed algorithm is improved by 8.4% and the identification F1 score is increased by 3.1%, which are better than those of the ByteTrack and other algorithms. The proposed algorithm has the advantages of high tracking accuracy and low error detection rate and is suitable for ship multi-object tracking in sea-surface scenarios.
Overview: Ship multi-object tracking is an important application scenario in the field of multi-object tracking (MOT), and can be widely applied in both military and civilian fields. The objective of MOT is to locate multiple ship objects and maintain a unique identification (ID) number for each ship object, and record its continuous trajectory. The difficulty of MOT lies in the uncertainty of false positives, false negatives, ID switches, and object numbers. The feature maps obtained by the neck part of the network in CSTrack multi-object tracking algorithm are decomposed into two different feature vectors by decoupling, and are as the input of object detection and Re-identification networks respectively to alleviate the contradiction between these two tasks and improve the performance of multi-object tracking. However, this kind of violent decoupling will bring about the problem of object feature loss, which leads to the deterioration of tracking performance in the case of object occlusion, small objects, or dense objects. To solve this issue, an improved cross-correlation network (CCN) named RES_CCN which can extract fine-grained features is proposed in this paper. This network is composed of an improved Res2net network, coordinate attention, and CCN network, and is inserted between the neck and head modules of the network, so that more fine-grained features can be obtained by increasing the receptive field and inserting more hierarchical residual connection structures into the residual unit before feature decoupling. To meet the requirements of multi-class ship multi-object tracking and improve the detection performance of the algorithm, the decoupled design of the detection head network is used to predict class, confidence, and position of objects, respectively, and binary cross-entropy is used as class loss function and added to the total loss function. Finally, the ablation experimental results on the MOT2016 dataset show that the multiple object tracking accuracy (MOTA) of the proposed algorithm has an improvement of 4.6 compared with that of the original algorithm, and the identification F1 score (IDF1) is increased by 3.4. When tested on the Singapore maritime dataset, the MOTA of the proposed algorithm is improved by 8.4 compared with that of the original CSTrack, and IDF1 is increased by 3.1, which are better than the performance of ByteTrack and other algorithms. The qualitative experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively detect small objects and maintain object IDs in sea-surface scenarios. The algorithm proposed in this paper has the characteristics of high tracking accuracy and low error detection rate, and is suitable for ship multi-object tracking in sea-surface scenarios.
表 1 调整的SMD数据集视频序列相关参数
Table 1. Adjusted SMD dataset video sequence related parameters
SMD视频序列 视频帧数 Ferry Vessel-ship Speed-boat Boat Kayak Sail-boat 调整前 调整后 MVI_1448 600 - 3210 1410 - - - 测试集 - MVI_1474 445 890 3560 - - - - 测试集 - MVI_1484 600 600 1200 - - - - 测试集 - MVI_1486 600 1023 4200 - - - - 测试集 - MVI_1582 540 540 5400 - - - - 测试集 - MVI_1612 261 165 2349 - - - - 测试集 - MVI_1626 556 - 2775 - - - - 测试集 - MVI_1627 600 - 4200 - - - - 测试集 - MVI_1640 310 - 1677 274 - - - 测试集 - MVI_0797 600 - 767 - - - - 测试集 - MVI_1587 600 - 7800 - 600 - - 训练集 测试集 MVI_1592 491 491 2347 - - 791 - 训练集 测试集 MVI_1452 340 - 1360 - - - 340 训练集 测试集 MVI_1469 600 - 3600 941 - - - 验证集 训练集 MVI_1578 505 - 3535 - - - - 验证集 训练集 MVI_0790 600 - 70 - 140 - - 验证集 训练集 MVI_0799 600 - 390 170 - - - - 训练集 表 2 MOT16数据集上不同模块对跟踪性能的影响
Table 2. Influence of different modules on the tracking performance on MOT16 dataset
模型 MOTA↑ IDF1↑ FP↓ FN↓ MT↑ ML↓ IDS↓ Baseline 79.4 77.9 6235 15584 354 29 876 Baseline+Res2net* 82.8 79.7 4714 13966 390 21 616 Baseline+CA 82.4 78.3 4776 14022 377 21 642 Baseline+检测头解耦 82.7 79.2 4628 14318 375 28 571 Baseline* 82.2 75.4 4927 13801 389 23 875 Baseline*+Res2net 83.2 75.8 4459 13350 398 22 758 Baseline*+Res2net* 83.1 80.8 4413 13720 385 23 536 Baseline*+ Res2net* +CA注意力机制(Baseline*+RES_CCN) 83.4 81.9 4335 13434 393 18 571 Baseline*+ Res2net* +CA注意力机制+检测头解耦 84.0 81.3 4000 13107 400 20 480 表 3 不同注意力机制对跟踪性能的影响
Table 3. Influence of different attention mechanisms on tracking performance
模型 MOTA↑ IDF1↑ FP↓ FN↓ MT↑ ML↓ IDS↓ SE 83.0 78.6 4624 13557 394 18 589 CBAM 83.6 80.8 4229 13402 391 20 491 ECA 80.5 79.3 3316 17806 351 29 489 CA 84.0 81.3 4000 13107 400 20 480 表 4 ReID权重参数对跟踪性能的影响
Table 4. Influence of ReID weight parameters on tracking performance
ReID权重参数 MOTA↑ IDF1↑ FP↓ FN↓ MT↑ ML↓ IDS↓ 4X10-2 80.1 83.0 4685 14488 374 28 576 4X10-3 81.1 82.6 4416 13687 388 23 530 4X10-4 84.0 81.3 4000 13107 400 20 480 4X10-5 83.5 80.2 4319 13379 396 22 530 表 5 本文方法与其他先进方法在SMD数据集上跟踪表现的对比结果
Table 5. Comparison of tracking performance between the proposed method and other state-of-the-art methods on SMD dataset
算法 MOTA↑ IDF1↑ FP↓ FN↓ MT↑ ML↓ IDS↓ DeepSORT 31.1 62.3 21678 11082 69 25 224 StrongSORT 42.1 65 13264 17233 63 21 224 ByteTrack 44.8 67.3 9387 17003 57 26 49 CSTrack 38.5 62.6 9760 19617 48 33 109 本文方法 46.9 65.7 6658 16565 43 23 172 -
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