
袁志安,谷雨,马淦. 面向多类别舰船多目标跟踪的改进CSTrack算法[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(12): 230218. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230218
引用本文: 袁志安,谷雨,马淦. 面向多类别舰船多目标跟踪的改进CSTrack算法[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(12): 230218. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230218
Yuan Z A, Gu Y, Ma G. Improved CSTrack algorithm for multi-class ship multi-object tracking[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(12): 230218. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230218
Citation: Yuan Z A, Gu Y, Ma G. Improved CSTrack algorithm for multi-class ship multi-object tracking[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(12): 230218. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230218


  • 基金项目:
    浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(LY21F030010, LZ23F030002)
    *通讯作者: 谷雨,guyu@hdu.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP391.41

Improved CSTrack algorithm for multi-class ship multi-object tracking

  • Fund Project: Project supported by Natural Science Foundation of Zhejiang Province (LY21F030010, LZ23F030002)
More Information
  • 针对海面舰船多目标跟踪过程中图像背景复杂、目标尺度差异大等难点,提出了一种改进CSTrack的舰船多目标跟踪算法。首先,针对CSTrack算法使用暴力解耦分解颈部特征造成目标特征损失的问题,提出了一种结合Res2net模块的改进互相关解耦网络RES_CCN,使网络解耦后获得更加细粒度的特征。其次,为提升对多类别舰船的跟踪性能,采用检测头网络解耦设计分别预测目标类别、置信度和位置。最后,采用MOT2016数据集进行消融实验,验证了所提模块的有效性,在新加坡海事数据集上进行测试,所提算法的多目标跟踪精度提升了8.4%,目标识别准确度提升了3.1%,优于ByteTrack等算法。本文所提算法具有跟踪精度高、误检率低等优点,适用于海面舰船多目标跟踪任务。

  • Overview: Ship multi-object tracking is an important application scenario in the field of multi-object tracking (MOT), and can be widely applied in both military and civilian fields. The objective of MOT is to locate multiple ship objects and maintain a unique identification (ID) number for each ship object, and record its continuous trajectory. The difficulty of MOT lies in the uncertainty of false positives, false negatives, ID switches, and object numbers. The feature maps obtained by the neck part of the network in CSTrack multi-object tracking algorithm are decomposed into two different feature vectors by decoupling, and are as the input of object detection and Re-identification networks respectively to alleviate the contradiction between these two tasks and improve the performance of multi-object tracking. However, this kind of violent decoupling will bring about the problem of object feature loss, which leads to the deterioration of tracking performance in the case of object occlusion, small objects, or dense objects. To solve this issue, an improved cross-correlation network (CCN) named RES_CCN which can extract fine-grained features is proposed in this paper. This network is composed of an improved Res2net network, coordinate attention, and CCN network, and is inserted between the neck and head modules of the network, so that more fine-grained features can be obtained by increasing the receptive field and inserting more hierarchical residual connection structures into the residual unit before feature decoupling. To meet the requirements of multi-class ship multi-object tracking and improve the detection performance of the algorithm, the decoupled design of the detection head network is used to predict class, confidence, and position of objects, respectively, and binary cross-entropy is used as class loss function and added to the total loss function. Finally, the ablation experimental results on the MOT2016 dataset show that the multiple object tracking accuracy (MOTA) of the proposed algorithm has an improvement of 4.6 compared with that of the original algorithm, and the identification F1 score (IDF1) is increased by 3.4. When tested on the Singapore maritime dataset, the MOTA of the proposed algorithm is improved by 8.4 compared with that of the original CSTrack, and IDF1 is increased by 3.1, which are better than the performance of ByteTrack and other algorithms. The qualitative experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively detect small objects and maintain object IDs in sea-surface scenarios. The algorithm proposed in this paper has the characteristics of high tracking accuracy and low error detection rate, and is suitable for ship multi-object tracking in sea-surface scenarios.

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  • 图 1  JDE和CSTrack算法流程图。(a) JDE; (b) CSTrack

    Figure 1.  Flowchart of the JDE and CSTrack algorithms. (a) JDE; (b) CSTrack

    图 2  CSTrack网络结构。(a) 总体框架;(b) CCN和RES_CCN网络;(c) SAAN网络;(d) SAM网络;(e) CAM网络

    Figure 2.  Network architecture of the CSTrack. (a) Overall framework; (b) CCN and Res_CCN networks; (c) SAAN network; (d) SAM network; (e) CAM network

    图 3  本文方法总体框图和特征提取网络结构

    Figure 3.  Overall framework and feature extraction network architecture of the proposed method

    图 4  改进的Res2net网络结构

    Figure 4.  Network architecture of the improved Res2net

    图 5  CA网络结构

    Figure 5.  Network architecture of CA

    图 6  解耦检测头网络结构

    Figure 6.  Network architecture of decoupled head

    图 7  级联匹配流程图

    Figure 7.  Flowchart of matching cascade

    图 8  本文方法与基准方法在SMD验证集上的可视化结果对比。(a) 漏检和误检;(b) ID切换和漏检

    Figure 8.  Comparison of visualization results between our method and baseline on SMD validation set. (a) FN and FP; (b) ID switch and FN

    图 9  本文方法与基准方法在MOT验证集上的可视化结果对比。(a) 误检和漏检;(b) ID切换和特定的误检

    Figure 9.  Comparison of visualization results between our method and baseline on MOT validation set. (a) FP and FN; (b) ID switch and special FP

    表 1  调整的SMD数据集视频序列相关参数

    Table 1.  Adjusted SMD dataset video sequence related parameters

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    表 2  MOT16数据集上不同模块对跟踪性能的影响

    Table 2.  Influence of different modules on the tracking performance on MOT16 dataset

    Baseline*+ Res2net* +CA注意力机制(Baseline*+RES_CCN)83.481.943351343439318571
    Baseline*+ Res2net* +CA注意力机制+检测头解耦84.081.340001310740020480
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    表 3  不同注意力机制对跟踪性能的影响

    Table 3.  Influence of different attention mechanisms on tracking performance

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    表 4  ReID权重参数对跟踪性能的影响

    Table 4.  Influence of ReID weight parameters on tracking performance

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    表 5  本文方法与其他先进方法在SMD数据集上跟踪表现的对比结果

    Table 5.  Comparison of tracking performance between the proposed method and other state-of-the-art methods on SMD dataset

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