
张小雪,王雨,吴思远,等. 基于级联稀疏查询机制的轻量化火灾检测算法[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(10): 230216. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230216
引用本文: 张小雪,王雨,吴思远,等. 基于级联稀疏查询机制的轻量化火灾检测算法[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(10): 230216. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230216
Zhang X X, Wang Y, Wu S Y, et al. An improved lightweight fire detection algorithm based on cascade sparse query[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(10): 230216. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230216
Citation: Zhang X X, Wang Y, Wu S Y, et al. An improved lightweight fire detection algorithm based on cascade sparse query[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(10): 230216. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230216


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 孙帮勇,sunbangyong@xaut.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TN911.73

An improved lightweight fire detection algorithm based on cascade sparse query

  • Fund Project: Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62076199), Key Research and Development Program of Shaanxi (2022ZDLGY01-03), Open Fund of the State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonic Technology (SKLST202214), Key Scientific Research Program of Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education (23JY063), and Scientific Research Program of Xi’an (22GXFW0088)
More Information
  • 针对现有火灾检测算法仍存在的模型复杂、检测速度慢、误检率高等问题,提出一种基于级联稀疏查询机制的轻量化火灾检测网络LFNet。首先,建立了轻量化的图像特征提取模块ECDNet,其通过在YOLOv5s主干网络中嵌入轻量化注意力模块ECA (efficient channel attention),用于解决火灾检测中火焰与烟雾的多尺度难点;其次,利用深层特征提取模块FPN+PAN,对不同层级的特征图进行深度处理和多尺度融合;最后,利用嵌入轻量化的级联稀疏查询模块CSQ (cascade sparse query)提升对早期火灾中的小火焰与薄烟雾的检测准确率。实验表明,本文方法在mAP和Precision等客观指标上的综合表现达到最优,同时在实现较高检测精度时的参数量也较低,能够满足实际场景的火灾检测要求。

  • Overview: The Visual Fire Detection task is designed to detect flames and smoke using visual algorithms from images and videos to achieve fire alarms. In recent years, fire detection algorithms based on convolutional neural networks have greatly improved the detection accuracy of flames and smoke. However, the following questions still exist in the current methods: 1) The generalization ability of the model still needs to be improved; 2) Low fire detection accuracy for small objects; 3) The tradeoff between the detection accuracy and speed fails to achieve. In order to overcome the above problems, a lightweight fire detection algorithm is proposed based on cascading sparse query mechanism, called LFNet. In this study, firstly, a lightweight feature extraction module ECDNet is established to extract more fine-grained features in different levels of feature layers by embedding the lightweight attention module ECA (Efficient Channel Attention) in YOLOv5s backbone network, which is used to solve the multi-scale of flame and smoke in fire detection. Secondly, deep feature extraction module FPN+PAN is adopted to improve multi-scale fusion of feature maps at different levels. Finally, the Cascade Sparse Query embedded lightweight cascade sparse query module is applied to enhance the detection accuracy of small flames and thin smoke in early fires. Furthermore, to further decrease the parameters and calculation of the model, the Slimming pruning algorithm is adopted to change the size of the model. The experimental results on the three fire datasets of SF-dataset, D-fire and FIRESENSE show that the comprehensive performance of the proposed method on objective indicators such as mAP and Recall is best. On the SF-dataset dataset, the LFNet achieves the best mAP and Recall, which are 71.76% and 52.98%, respectively. On the D-fire dataset, the mAP of our method reachs 71.76%, which is far superior to other fire detection methods. On the FIRESENSE dataset, our method achieves 70.61% mAP. Our method effectively alleviates the main problems of current fire detection algorithms, such as low detection accuracy, high missed detection rate for small objects, and difficulty in balancing speed and accuracy. The network trains and builds a fire detection model on self-built datasets and other fire datasets. The experimental results show that on the condition that the model size is suitable and the speed is relatively fast, our method achieves an optimal detection effect on both the self-built fire dataset and the public fire datasets, and will potentially promote the application of deep learning-based fire detection methods in industries.

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  • 图 1  LFNet网络架构图

    Figure 1.  Network architecture of LFNet

    图 2  ECA注意力模块原理示意图

    Figure 2.  Efficient channel attention module

    图 3  (a)原图;(b)注意力热力图

    Figure 3.  (a) Original; (b) Attention mechanism heat map

    图 4  级联查询机制模块原理示意图

    Figure 4.  Cascade sparse query module

    图 5  头部预测原理示意图

    Figure 5.  Cascade sparse query head module

    图 6  SF-dataset数据集上聚类实验结果

    Figure 6.  Clustering experiment results on SF-dataset

    图 7  聚类结果。(a) SF-dataset; (b) D-fire;(c) FIRESENSE

    Figure 7.  Clustering results. (a) SF-dataset; (b) D-fire; (c) FIRESENSE

    图 8  SF-dataset数据集比较实验检测结果。(a) Images;(b) Ours;(c) EFDNet;(d) Y-Edge;(e) M-YOLO;(f) Fire-YOLO;(g) YOLOX-Tiny;(h) PicoDet;(i) PP-YOLOE;(j) YOLOv7

    Figure 8.  Comparison experiment detection results for the SF-dataset. (a) Images;(b) Ours;(c) EFDNet;(d) Y-Edge;(e) M-YOLO;(f) Fire-YOLO;(g) YOLOX-Tiny;(h) PicoDet;(i) PP-YOLOE;(j) YOLOv7

    图 9  D-fire数据集比较实验检测结果。(a) Images;(b) Ours;(c) EFDNet;(d) Y-Edge;(e) M-YOLO;(f) Fire-YOLO;(g) YOLOX-Tiny;(h) PicoDet;(i) PP-YOLOE;(j) YOLOv7;

    Figure 9.  Comparison experiment detection results for the D-fire dataset. (a) Images;(b) Ours;(c) EFDNet;(d) Y-Edge;(e) M-YOLO;(f) Fire-YOLO;(g) YOLOX-Tiny;(h) PicoDet;(i) PP-YOLOE;(j) YOLOv7;

    图 10  FIRESENSE数据集比较实验检测结果。(a) Images;(b) Ours;(c) EFDNet;(d) Y-Edge;(e) M-YOLO; (f) Fire-YOLO;(g) YOLOX-Tiny;(h) PicoDet;(i) PP-YOLOE;(j) YOLOv7

    Figure 10.  Comparison experiment detection results for the FIRESENSE dataset. (a) Images;(b) Ours;(c) EFDNet;(d) Y-Edge;(e) M-YOLO;(f) Fire-YOLO;(g) YOLOX-Tiny;(h) PicoDet;(i) PP-YOLOE;(j) YOLOv7

    图 11  在SF-dataset数据集上训练数据集样本比例、Batch size、模型输入尺寸以及迭代次数epoch实验结果(a)训练数据集样本比例;(b) Batch size;(c)模型输入尺寸;(d)迭代次数epoch

    Figure 11.  Parameters experiment of percentage of training samples, batch size and patch size on the Santa Barbara dataset (a) Percentage of training dataset samples; (b) Batch size; (c) Model input size; (d) Epoch

    表 1  三个数据集的训练集,验证集,测试集的详细统计数据

    Table 1.  Numbers of training set, validation set and testing set for the three datasets

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    表 2  不同数据集上不同方法的精度对比实验结果

    Table 2.  Experimental precision results of different comparative methods on different datasets

    数据集方法 指标
    Recall/%Precision/% Accuracy/%mAP/%
    SF-datasetCelik 等[19]38.4569.5472.1241.58
    Demirel 等[2]42.2873.6578.5447.15
    Zhang 等[20]40.1272.7773.1545.4
    D-fireCelik 等[19]35.9065.7868.4239.65
    Demirel 等[2]40.6873.1278.2745.85
    Zhang 等[20]38.6770.4570.8643.94
    FIRESENSECelik 等[19]33.756.0760.2136.48
    Demirel 等[2]38.5564.2869.4442.66
    Zhang 等[20]36.9661.5862.3840.36
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    表 3  SF-dataset上不同方法的速度对比实验结果

    Table 3.  Experimental speed results of different comparative methods on SF-dataset

    方法 指标
    Flops/GParameter/MSpeed/(f/s)Infer time/msmAP/%
    Fire-YOLO[21]45.126228 32.17 69.38
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    表 4  消融实验的实验结果

    Table 4.  Experimental results of Ablation experiments

    71.7652.9812.6 98
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