
陶志勇,李衡,豆淼森,等. 融合多分辨率特征的点云分类与分割网络[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(10): 230166. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230166
引用本文: 陶志勇,李衡,豆淼森,等. 融合多分辨率特征的点云分类与分割网络[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(10): 230166. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230166
Tao Z Y, Li H, Dou M S, et al. Multi-resolution feature fusion for point cloud classification and segmentation network[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(10): 230166. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230166
Citation: Tao Z Y, Li H, Dou M S, et al. Multi-resolution feature fusion for point cloud classification and segmentation network[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(10): 230166. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230166


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 李衡,PaperLH@163.com
  • 中图分类号: TP391.41

Multi-resolution feature fusion for point cloud classification and segmentation network

  • Fund Project: Project supported by Department of Science & Technology of Liaoning Province Application Fundamental Research Project(2022JH2/101300274)
More Information
  • 针对现有网络难以有效学习点云局部几何信息的问题,提出一种融合点云多分辨率特征的图卷积网络。首先,通过k-最近邻算法对点云构建局部图结构,以更好地表示点云的局部几何结构。其次,基于最远点采样算法提出一个并行通道分支,该分支通过对点云进行下采样来获得不同分辨率的点云,然后对其进行分组处理;为克服点云的稀疏特性,提出一种几何映射模块对分组点云执行正态化操作。最后,提出一种特征融合模块对图特征和多分辨率特征进行聚合,以更有效地获得全局特征。实验使用ModelNet40、ScanObjectNN和ShapeNet Part数据集进行评估,结果表明,提出的网络具有良好的分类与分割性能。

  • Overview: In recent years, 3D point cloud analysis has become a hot topic in computer vision and been widely used in mapping, medical imaging, and autonomous driving. As a 3D image representation, point cloud contains rich geometric information. With the development of 3D scanning technologies such as LiDAR, the acquisition of point clouds is becoming more accessible. Since convolutional neural networks (CNN) have greatly improved the results of computer vision tasks, neural networks are becoming a mainstream approach in image processing. Traditional 2D images comprise regular and dense pixels, and CNNs apply to 2D image processing. However, point cloud data are sparse and disordered; each point does not contain additional information (e.g., RGB). Using traditional CNNs for point cloud learning tasks is a challenging task. The graph-like structure can effectively represent non-Euclidean data like point clouds, and this method largely solves the problem of difficulty in learning the local features of point clouds. Since the graph structure construction process is generally based on the k-nearest neighbor algorithm (kNN), the size of the predefined neighborhood limits the effectiveness of the local graph structure. If the value of k is too small, it will lead to an incomplete representation of local information. At the same time, too large a value of k will introduce information redundancy, leading to performance degradation. To this end, we propose a multi-resolution graph convolutional network to perform the point cloud analysis task. The network learns the local features of point clouds by constructing graph structures and then downsamples the point clouds using the farthest point sampling method (FPS) to obtain multi-resolution point cloud data, followed by feature learning for point clouds at different resolutions. To overcome the effect of predefined neighborhoods, we compensate local features with multi-resolution features and efficiently aggregate point cloud features by the feature fusion module. To verify the classification and segmentation performance of the model, we perform classification experiments on ModelNet40 and ScanObjectNN datasets and part segmentation experiments on ShapeNet Part dataset. It is experimentally verified that the compensation of point cloud local graph structure information with multi-resolution features can enhance point clouds' local feature learning ability. The multi-resolution graph convolutional network proposed in this paper can effectively capture the local features of point clouds and achieve good results in classification and segmentation tasks. A large number of ablation experiments verify the effectiveness and robustness of the model.

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  • 图 1  多分辨率图卷积模块算法流程图

    Figure 1.  Multi-resolution graph convolution module algorithm flow chart

    图 2  网络框架。(a)分类网络;(b)分割网络

    Figure 2.  Network framework. (a) Classification network; (b) Segmentation network

    图 3  图卷积操作过程

    Figure 3.  The operation procedure of graph convolution

    图 4  多分辨率点云特征学习过程

    Figure 4.  The process of learning multi-resolution point cloud features

    图 5  特征融合

    Figure 5.  The operation of feature fusion

    图 6  部分分割可视化结果。(a)真实值;(b)本文的分割结果

    Figure 6.  The results of the part segmentation visualization. (a) Groud truth; (b) Ours

    图 7  分割细节对比。(a)真实值;(b)本文方法;(c)基线

    Figure 7.  Comparison of segmentation details. (a) Groud truth; (b) Ours; (c) Baseline

    图 8  噪声鲁棒性测试

    Figure 8.  Noise robustness testing

    表 1  实验参数设置

    Table 1.  Experimental parameter setting

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    表 2  不同方法在ModelNet40数据集上的分类精度对比

    Table 2.  Comparison of classification accuracy with different methods on ModelNet40 dataset

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    表 3  不同方法在ScanObjectNN数据集上的分类精度对比

    Table 3.  Comparison of classification accuracy with different methods on ScanObjectNN dataset

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    表 4  ShapeNet Part数据集上的部分分割结果

    Table 4.  Part segmentation results on the ShapeNet Part dataset

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    表 5  不同k值对模型性能的影响

    Table 5.  Effect of different k values on model performance

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    表 6  多分辨率图卷积模块消融实验

    Table 6.  Ablation experiments of multi-resolution GCN module

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    表 7  不同分辨率点云对网络性能的影响

    Table 7.  The effect of different resolution point cloud on network performance

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    表 8  多种模型的噪声鲁棒性比较

    Table 8.  Comparison of the noise robustness of the several methods

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    表 9  不同数量特征提取模块对网络性能的影响

    Table 9.  The impact of different number of feature extraction modules on network performance

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