Multifunctional metasurface image display enabled by merging spatial frequency multiplexing and near- and far-field multiplexing
Abstract:Metasurface can precisely modulate the fundamental properties such as polarization, amplitude, frequency, and phase of optical waves at the subwavelength scale. Based on this background, we propose and experimentally verify a multifunctional metasurface image display technology enabled by merging spatial frequency multiplexing and near- and far-field multiplexing. In near- and far-field multiplexing, the orientation degeneracy of nanostructures is introduced to combine geometric phase modulation and light intensity modulation, which leads to independent coding of near-field grayscale image and far-field holographic image displays by using simulated annealing algorithm. In spatial frequency multiplexing, different spatial frequency components of two images are added together to generate a hybrid image for hologram design. Since people receive different spatial frequency parts when the observation position changes, both high-frequency and low-frequency images can be easily distinguished. In our experiment, three independent images (a grayscale image, a high-frequency image and a low-frequency image) can be displayed simultaneously at different distances, which explains that our multifunctional metasurface has enhanced information storage capacity. This work provides a new path for multifunctional metasurface design, and possesses broad applications in optical encryption, optical anti-counterfeiting, and many other related fields.
Overview: Metasurface, which is capable of flexibly controlling the polarization, amplitude, frequency, and phase of light waves, provides substantial possibilities for the development of high-performance, high-efficiency, and high-integrated optical systems. The precise control of optical properties is achieved mainly by adjusting shapes, geometric parameters, rotation states, multi-atom combination strategies, incident angles, or material refractive indexes of metasurfaces. This feature of multiple design degrees of freedom means that metasurfaces can be utilized for synchronously controlling multiple optical properties, and the information capacity, as well as functionality, can be greatly improved. For example, multiple nanoprinting image switching and encoding can be realized by establishing a coherent pixel design strategy. Near-field nanoprinting and far-field holographic image displays are simultaneously accomplished with a single metasurface, which combines amplitude and phase modulations by introducing orientation degeneracy.
In this paper, we propose and experimentally verify a multifunctional metasurface enabled by merging spatial frequency multiplexing and near- and far-field multiplexing. In near- and far-field multiplexing, the geometric phase modulation and the light intensity modulation are combined by introducing the orientation degeneracy of nanostructures. A “one-to-four” strategy is established to generate four different phase delays while keeping identical light intensity, then near-field nanoprinting and far-field holographic image displays are both successfully achieved with a single-sized metasurface. As is known, people receive different spatial frequency components of an image when the observation distance changes. Based on this principle, we chose the high-frequency component of an image (P1) and the low-frequency component of another image (P2) as the high-frequency and low-frequency images, and designed their hybrid image to be the target holographic image for spatial frequency multiplexing. In our work, SOI material is used to design and fabricate the multifunctional metasurface, and experimental results verify that three images (a grayscale image, a high-frequency image, and a low-frequency image) can be easily observed at different distances. Specifically, a polarizer and an analyzer are employed to realize specific polarization control for the near-field grayscale image decoding. On the other hand, the circularly polarized laser light is used to reconstruct the holographic image in the far-field, and then another two images can be decoded by high- and low-pass filtering. This work provides a new path for multifunctional metasurface design, and possesses broad applications in optical encryption, optical anti-counterfeiting, and many other related fields.
图 2 超表面单元结构及调控原理。(a)纳米结构单元示意图;(b)几何相位延迟量与纳米砖转角的关系;(c)出射光强度与纳米砖转角的关系
Figure 2. Unit-cell structure and optical manipulation principle of the multifunctional metasurface. (a) Illustration of the nanostructure unit-cell; (b) The relationship between geometric phase delay and the orientation angle of the nanobrick; (c) The relationship between the output intensity and the orientation angle of the nanobrick
图 3 人眼观测模型与空间频率复用示例。(a)人眼对正弦波图像的观测示意;(b)对比敏感函数;(c)图像P1;(d)图像P2;(e)取图像P1的高频部分与图像P2的低频部分并进行合成得到混合图像Pi
Figure 3. Observation characteristics of the human eye and an example of spatial frequency multiplexing. (a) Illustration of the human eye's observation of a sine wave image; (b) Contrast sensitive functions; (c) Image P1; (d) Image P2; (e) Merged image Pi generated bycombining the high-frequency part of P1 and the low-frequency part of P2
图 4 多功能超表面设计流程与优化结果。(a)多功能超表面设计流程;(b)多功能超表面纳米砖阵列转角分布优化结果;(c)多功能超表面纳米结构单元的反射率分布; (d-g)不同波长下相位延迟总量与纳米砖转角的关系
Figure 4. Design flow chart and optimization results of the multifunctional metasurface. (a) Design flow chart of the multifunctional metasurface; (b) The final optimized orientation distribution of the multifunctional metasurface; (c) Simulated reflectivity of the cross-polarized and co-polarized parts under a normal circularly polarized light incidence; (d-g) The relationship between the total phase delay and the orientation angle of the nanobrick at different wavelengths
图 6 多功能超表面的近、远场实验装置。(a)近场观测灰度纳米印刷图像的显微镜装置;(b)远场全息实验光路
Figure 6. Experimental setups of the multifunctional metasurface. (a) General sketch and detailed illustration of the microscope to observe the grayscale nanoprinting image in the near-field; (b) The experimental setup to observe the holographic image in the far-field
图 8 远场全息图像设计与实验结果。(a)全息目标图像;(b-e)不同波长下的全息图像实验结果;(f)全息目标图像中提取的高频信息部分;(g-j)不同波长下的全息图像实验结果中提取的高频信息部分;(k)全息目标图像中提取的低频信息部分;(g-j)不同波长下的全息图像实验结果中提取的低频信息部分
Figure 8. Design and experimental results of holographic images in the far-field. (a) Designed holographic image; (b-e) Experimentally captured holographic images at different wavelengths; (f) High spatial frequency components of the designed image; (g-j) High spatial frequency components of experimentally captured holographic images at different wavelengths; (k) Low spatial frequency component of the designed image; (l-o) Low spatial frequency components of experimentally captured holographic images at different wavelengths
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