
范辉颖,罗杰. 无反射电磁超构表面研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(9): 230147. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230147
引用本文: 范辉颖,罗杰. 无反射电磁超构表面研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(9): 230147. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230147
Fan H Y, Luo J. Research progress of reflectionless electromagnetic metasurfaces[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(9): 230147. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230147
Citation: Fan H Y, Luo J. Research progress of reflectionless electromagnetic metasurfaces[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(9): 230147. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230147


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 罗杰,luojie@suda.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: O441

Research progress of reflectionless electromagnetic metasurfaces

  • Fund Project: Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (12374293), and Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20221354).
More Information
  • 电磁超构表面是一类由单层或多层亚波长人工微结构组成的平面电磁材料,可以在亚波长尺度下实现对电磁波的振幅、相位、波前、色散、偏振态以及角动量等多个维度的精准调控,其中无反射电磁超构表面为实现高效率电磁器件提供了新理论与新方案。本文综述了无反射电磁超构表面的理论与应用,从惠更斯原理、电磁谐振、布儒斯特效应三个方面阐明了无反射超构表面的基本原理,介绍了相关的重要应用,包括异常折射、偏振操控、超构减反膜、电磁波完美吸收等,并对该领域面临的挑战和发展前景进行了总结与展望。

  • Overview: Electromagnetic devices that manipulate the propagation of electromagnetic waves are ubiquitous in today's society. The high-efficiency control of electromagnetic waves has been a hot topic among researchers in the past few decades. Electromagnetic metasurfaces, as a class of planar electromagnetic materials consisting of single-layer or multilayer subwavelength artificial micro-structures, can precisely control the amplitude, phase, wavefront, dispersion, polarization, and angular momentum of electromagnetic waves in the subwavelength scale. However, the phenomenon of reflection is inevitable in the design and application of metasurfaces. In addition to reflection-based metasurfaces that manipulate electromagnetic waves through reflection, for transmission-based metasurfaces with broad application prospects, their efficiency is mainly limited by losses and reflection. The reflected electromagnetic waves are difficult to be utilized by the system. Therefore, reducing or even eliminating reflection to enhance electromagnetic control efficiency is a key scientific problem in the field of metasurfaces. Designing reflectionless metasurfaces can provide new theories and approaches for achieving high-efficiency electromagnetic devices. The mechanism and design research of reflectionless metasurfaces are one of the important research directions in the field of metasurfaces. This article reviews the theory and applications of reflectionless electromagnetic metasurfaces, elucidating the basic principles of reflectionless metasurfaces from three aspects: Huygens' principle, electromagnetic resonance, and Brewster effect. Specifically, it includes Huygens metasurfaces, multilayer reflectionless metasurfaces, and Brewster metasurfaces. This article also introduces important applications of reflectionless metasurfaces, including anomalous refraction, polarization control, antireflection metasurfaces, and perfect absorption of electromagnetic waves. In addition, this article summarizes and prospects the challenges and development prospects in this field. The future focus will be on reducing reflection to improve the efficiency of metasurfaces, and further exploration of new physical effects and applications is still needed.

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  • 图 1  惠更斯超构表面。(a) 惠更斯超构表面的物理机制示意图[93];(b) 金属结构的惠更斯超构表面[51];(c) 全电介质惠更斯超构表面[92]

    Figure 1.  Huygens’ metasurfaces. (a) Illustration of the physical mechanism of the Huygens’ metasurfaces[93]; (b) Metallic Huygens’ metasurfaces[51]; (c) All-dielectric Huygens’ metasurfaces[92]

    图 2  多层结构的无反射超构表面。(a) ABA型的超构表面结构单元及机理[59]; (b) ABA型的无反射超构表面及对折射波的操控[87]

    Figure 2.  Multi-layered reflectionless metasurfaces. (a) ABA-type metasurface units and the underlying mechanism[59]; (b) ABA-type reflectionless metasurfaces for refracted wave manipulation[87]

    图 3  布儒斯特超构表面。(a) 布儒斯特超构表面的机理及其对折射波的无反射操控[53];(b) 光学布儒斯特超构表面的设计及宽频无反射特性[54]

    Figure 3.  Brewster metasurfaces. (a) The underlying physics of Brewster metasurfaces and their applications for reflectionless manipulation of refracted waves[53]; (b) The design and broadband reflection property of optical Brewster metasurfaces[54]

    图 4  广角无反射超构表面。(a) 对TE波广角无反射的太赫兹超构表面[146]; (b) 对TE波广角无反射的微波超构表面[152]

    Figure 4.  Wide-angle reflectionless metasurfaces. (a) Wide-angle reflectionless terahertz metasurfaces for TE waves[146]; (b) Wide-angle reflectionless microwave metasurfaces for TE waves[152]

    图 5  宽频无反射超构表面。(a) 基于螺旋型微结构单元的宽频无反射微波超构表面[99];(b) 利用优化算法设计的宽带低反射的太赫兹超构表面[157];(c) 由双层微结构单元组成的超宽频无反射超构表面[158]

    Figure 5.  Broadband reflectionless metasurfaces. (a) Broadband reflectionless microwave metasurfaces consisting of double-turn helix units[99]; (b) Broadband low-reflection terahertz metasurfaces based on optimization methods[157]; (c) Ultra-broadband reflectionless microwave metasurfaces consisting of double-layer units[158]

    图 6  异常折射。(a) 微波频段的梯度惠更斯超构表面[51];(b) 近红外波段的梯度惠更斯超构表面[95];(c) 太赫兹频段的无反射的梯度编码超构表面[193]

    Figure 6.  Anomalous refraction. (a) Microwave gradient Huygens’ metasurfaces[51]; (b) Near-infrared gradient Huygens’ metasurfaces[95]; (c) Terahertz reflectionless gradient coding metasurfaces[193]

    图 7  偏振操控。(a) 太赫兹各向异性超构表面偏振转换器[72];(b) 可调控的太赫兹各向异性超构表面偏振转换器[74];(c) 双各向异性超构表面偏振转换器[73]

    Figure 7.  Polarization manipulation. (a) Terahertz anisotropic metasurface as polarization converter[72]; (b) Tunable terahertz anisotropic metasurface as polarization converter[74]; (c) Bianisotropic metasurface as polarization converter[73]

    图 8  超构减反膜。(a) H形金属结构构成的双各向异性超构减反膜[194];(b) S形金属结构构成双各向异性超构减反膜[195];(c)同时消除反射和调控波前的超构减反膜[123]

    Figure 8.  Meta-antireflection coatings. (a) Bianisotropic meta-antireflection coating using H-shaped metallic units[194]; (b) Bianisotropic meta-antireflection coating using S-shaped metallic units[195]; (c) Meta-antireflection coating for simultaneous reflection elimination and wavefront control[123]

    图 9  电磁波完美吸收。(a) 基于谐振型超构表面的电磁波完美吸收[77];(b) 基于非谐振型布儒斯特超构表面的超宽频电磁波完美吸收[56]

    Figure 9.  Perfect electromagnetic wave absorbers. (a) Resonant metasurfaces for perfect electromagnetic wave absorption[77]; (b) Non-resonant Brewster metasurfaces for ultra-broadband perfect electromagnetic wave absorption[56]

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