
张寿俊,曹暾,田震. 基于硫属化物相变材料的可重构太赫兹超表面器件的研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(9): 230142. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230142
引用本文: 张寿俊,曹暾,田震. 基于硫属化物相变材料的可重构太赫兹超表面器件的研究进展[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(9): 230142. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230142
Zhang S J, Cao T, Tian Z. Progress on reconfigurable terahertz metasurface devices based on sulfide phase change materials[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(9): 230142. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230142
Citation: Zhang S J, Cao T, Tian Z. Progress on reconfigurable terahertz metasurface devices based on sulfide phase change materials[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(9): 230142. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.230142


  • 基金项目:
    国家自然科学基金项目(62235013);天津市杰出青年基金项目(20JCJQJC00190); 深圳市自然科学基金重点基金项目(JCYJ20200109150212515);深圳市国际合作研究项目(GJHZ20210705142401004)
    *通讯作者: 曹暾,caotun1806@dlut.edu.cn 田震,tianzhen@tju.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: O441.4

Progress on reconfigurable terahertz metasurface devices based on sulfide phase change materials

  • Fund Project: Project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62235013), Tianjin Municipal Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (20JCJQJC00190), Key Fund of Shenzhen Natural Science Foundation (JCYJ20200109150212515), and International Science and Technology Independent Cooperation Project of Shenzhen (GJHZ20210705142401004)
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  • 超表面在控制电磁波的强度、相位、偏振和复杂波前等方面发挥了重要的作用,通过与各种主动调控手段结合可实现动态可调谐器件。本文分析总结了近期基于Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST)的太赫兹超表面器件的研究进展,介绍了GST在太赫兹波段的光谱特性和可逆相变条件,重点回顾了GST与超表面设计相结合用于实现对太赫兹波的振幅、偏振以及波前的非易失、可重构、和多级操纵的前沿研究工作,并讨论展望了未来的发展前景和需要解决的问题。

  • Overview: We review the process on reconfigurable terahertz metasurface devices based on sulfide phase-change materials. Currently, most existing reconfigurable metasurfaces are limited by their volatile properties and single functionality, which hinder their applications in advanced photonics. The chalcogenide phase-change material Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST) exhibits non-volatility, reconfigurability, and large optical contrast, which can be used to realize tunable metasurface devices.

    Firstly, the reversible phase transition of GST was realized in the terahertz band, its terahertz spectral characteristics were tested, and a multi-level memory device was realized.

    One-dimensional or multi-dimensional dynamic modulation of the amplitude, phase, and polarization of terahertz waves can be achieved by combining GST with metasurfaces. Multilevel modulation of Fano resonances can be achieved by combining GST with asymmetric split-ring resonators and inducing phase transitions of GST. Using electrical excitation, a spatial light modulator with 2×2 pixels can be realized. The use of metasurfaces to achieve electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) has attracted widespread attention, and placing GST at the openings can achieve multi-level modulation of the transmission amplitude. Extraordinary optical transmission (EOT) on metasurfaces is an important research area for controlling the amplitude of terahertz waves. The subwavelength gold hole array plays an important role in the coupling of surface plasmons on the gold surface, and the resonant coupling of EOT can be controlled by placing the GST under the gold hole. In the amorphous state, the conductivity is low, which has little effect on EOT. In the crystalline state, the conductivity is high, which reduces the transmission. By incorporating GST, tunable plasmonic dimers are proposed. The structure consists of two trapezoidal metal rings connected by GST islands. Near-field coupling occurs between the two metal rings, and the active modulation of the resonant mode can be achieved by changing the conductivity of the GST islands.

    The use of metasurfaces to realize the modulation of the polarization of terahertz waves has important application fields. Chiral switching can be achieved by combining GST with a bilayer structure. Realizing the polarization conversion of linear polarization is of great significance for the realization of applications such as terahertz polarizers. Combining the phase-change characteristics of GST can further realize the switching of dual functions. Combined with flexible substrates, flexible polarization conversion devices can also be realized.

    The modulation of terahertz wavefront by metasurface structures is of great significance for the realization of terahertz wave anomalous deflectors, focusing lenses, and vortex devices. The phase modulation of the terahertz wave can be realized by using the metal structure, and the wavefront modulation of the terahertz wave can be realized by combining the phase-change characteristics of GST, including two-dimensional modulation of intensity and phase.

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  • 图 1  GST的太赫兹光谱特性和可逆相变[57]

    Figure 1.  Terahertz spectral properties and reversible phase transition of GST[57]

    图 2  十六进制存储记忆[53]

    Figure 2.  Hexadecimal storage memory devices[53]

    图 3  非易失可重构的太赫兹波振幅调制器件。(a-c) Fano调制器件[54];(d-g) EIT器件[55];(h-k) EOT器件[56];(l-o) 二聚体器件[57]

    Figure 3.  Nonvolatile and reconfigurable terahertz wave amplitude modulation devices. (a-c) Fano modulation devices[54]; (d-g) EIT devices[55]; (h-k) EOT devices[56]; (l-o) Dimer devices[57]

    图 4  非易失可重构的太赫兹波偏振调制器件。(a-d)手性调制器件[59];(e-h)偏振转换双功能器件[58];(i-k)柔性线偏振转换器件[61]

    Figure 4.  Nonvolatile reconfigurable terahertz wave polarization modulation devices. (a-d) Chiral modulation devices[59]; (e-h) Polarization conversion bifunctional devices[58]; (i-k) Flexible linear polarization conversion devices[61]

    图 5  非易失可重构的太赫兹波前调制器件。(a-d)太赫兹波多级开关调制器件[60];(e-h)太赫兹波功能切换器件[63];(i-l)太赫兹波无光刻调制器件[62]

    Figure 5.  Nonvolatile reconfigurable terahertz wavefront modulation devices. (a-d) Terahertz wave multi-level switching modulation devices[60]; (e-h) Terahertz wave function switching devices[63]; (i-l) Terahertz wave non-lithographic modulation devices[62]

    图 6  易失性太赫兹波调制器件。(a-c)光泵浦Fano调制器件[54];(d-f)柔性超快太赫兹波调制器件[64]

    Figure 6.  Volatile terahertz wave modulation devices. (a-c) Optically pumped Fano modulation devices[54]; (d-f) Flexible ultrafast terahertz wave modulation devices[64]

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