
王玉,边启慧,廖军,等. 惯性稳定万向架中基于SBG惯导的捷联控制技术[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(5): 220238. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220238
引用本文: 王玉,边启慧,廖军,等. 惯性稳定万向架中基于SBG惯导的捷联控制技术[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(5): 220238. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220238
Wang Y, Bian Q H, Liao J, et al. Strapdown inertial stabilization technology based on SBG inertial navigation in inertial stabilization gimbal[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(5): 220238. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220238
Citation: Wang Y, Bian Q H, Liao J, et al. Strapdown inertial stabilization technology based on SBG inertial navigation in inertial stabilization gimbal[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(5): 220238. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220238


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 唐涛,tangtao24@163.com
  • 中图分类号: TH824.3;TP273

Strapdown inertial stabilization technology based on SBG inertial navigation in inertial stabilization gimbal

  • Fund Project: Sichuan Province Science and Technology Support Program (2021JDJQ0028)
More Information
    *Corresponding author: tangtao24@163.com
  • 轻小型SBG惯性导航系统具有体积小重量轻的特点,可以用于光电跟踪系统的直接及捷联位置稳定。本文研究了万向架中基于轻小型SBG惯导的五种惯性稳定控制方法,并进行了理论分析及实验验证。经典位置捷联稳定技术由于位置带宽的限制扰动抑制能力有限,难以满足高精度稳定要求。本文提出了一种基于SBG的位置速度双扰动前馈的稳定方法,并通过引入高通滤波器实现扰动前馈的解耦,可以进一步提升系统扰动抑制带宽以及稳定能力。理论分析和实验结果表明:在不考虑应用条件的限制时,虽然受到带宽的限制,基于SBG的陀螺直接稳定控制方法扰动抑制效果较好;而在平台体积重量受到限制的情况下,所提出的基于SBG的双扰动捷联稳定可以进一步提升系统扰动抑制能力,获得更好的稳定精度。

  • Overview: Inertial sensors are often used to maintain inertial stabilization and compensate disturbance in moving platform gimbal systems, which are widely used in engineering applications such as vehicles, satellites, ground-based equipment, and other moving platforms. Maintaining the line of sight (LOS) toward a target is challenging when the gimbal systems work in an environment with severe disturbance or when the target is highly dynamic. According to the installation methods of the sensors, the control methods can be divided into two types: direct stabilization and strapdown inertial stabilization. In direct stabilization method, the inertial sensors are directly mounted on the LOS axes to compensate the disturbance, which is simple to achieve but the disturbance suppression capability is limited by the closed-loop bandwidth of the system. However, the closed-loop bandwidth of the system is limited by the resonant frequency of the platform, which is difficult to improve, resulting in limited system disturbance surpression capability. The lightweight SBG inertial navigation system, produced by SBG Systems company, has the characteristics of being small and lightweight, which can be used for the direct and strapdown stabilization of the electro-optical tracking system. In this paper, five inertial stabilization control methods based on lightweight SBG navigation system in gimbals are studied, and theoretical analysis and experimental validation are performed. The classical position strapdown stabilization technique has limited disturbance suppression capability due to the limitation of position bandwidth, which makes it difficult to meet the requirement of high-precision stabilization. A SBG-based position-rate dual strapdown feedforward stabilization method is proposed, and the decoupling of the strapdown feedforward is achieved by introducing a high-pass filter, which can further improve the perturbation rejection bandwidth as well as the stabilization capability of the system. Theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the SBG-based gyro direct stabilization control method is better at disturbance suppression when the application conditions are not considered, although it is limited by the bandwidth. Under the limitations of platform volume and weight, the proposed SBG-based dual disturbance strapdown stabilization can further improve the system's disturbance rejection capability and obtain better stabilization accuracy.

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  • 图 1  惯性稳定万向架组成结构示意图

    Figure 1.  Inertial stablization gimbal schematic

    图 2  基于SBG位置直接稳定框图

    Figure 2.  Direct position stabilization block diagram based on SBG

    图 3  基于SBG反馈的速率反馈稳定

    Figure 3.  The rate feedback based on SBG feedback

    图 4  基于陀螺的角速率前馈框图

    Figure 4.  Angular rate feedforward block diagram based on gyro

    图 5  基于SBG位置捷联稳定框图

    Figure 5.  Strapdown stabilization block diagram based on SBG position

    图 6  基于SBG双扰动捷联控制框图

    Figure 6.  Dual disturbancetrapdown control block diagram based on SBG

    图 7  惯性稳定万向架实验平台示意图

    Figure 7.  Inertial stabilization gimbal experimental platform diagram

    图 8  不同频率扰动下三种直接稳定方法的系统误差

    Figure 8.  Stabilization errors under different disturbance frequencies

    图 9  系统扰动抑制频率响应曲线

    Figure 9.  Disturbance suppression frequency response curves

    图 10  不同频率扰动下系统稳定误差及其傅里叶变换

    Figure 10.  Stabilization errors and Fourier transform under under different frequency disturbance

    图 11  不同频率下系统稳定误差

    Figure 11.  System errors at different disturbance frequencies

    图 12  系统扰动抑制频率响应曲线

    Figure 12.  Disturbance suppression frequency response curves

    表 1  三种直接稳定方法的均方根误差对比

    Table 1.  RMS errors of three direct stabilization methods

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    表 2  两种捷联稳定方法的均方根误差对比

    Table 2.  RMS errors of three direct stabilization methods

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    表 3  五种控制方法总结

    Table 3.  Summary of 5 control methods

    方法扰动抑制能力3 Hz5 Hz优缺点适用场景
    1 SBG直接稳定 −30 dB −26 dB 1)扰动抑制能力低,稳定精度差;
    2 基于SBG反馈的速率反馈稳定 −42 dB −36 dB 1)扰动抑制能力较高,并且低频性能高;
    3 基于SBG反馈的速率前馈稳定 −42 dB −36 dB 1)扰动抑制能力较高;
    4 基于SBG的位置捷联稳定 −32 dB −30 dB 1)扰动抑制带宽低,稳定精度较差;
    5 基于SBG双扰动捷联稳定 −34 dB −32 dB 1)扰动抑制带宽高,稳定精度好;
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