
陈龙,张建林,彭昊,等. 多尺度注意力与领域自适应的小样本图像识别[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(4): 220232. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220232
引用本文: 陈龙,张建林,彭昊,等. 多尺度注意力与领域自适应的小样本图像识别[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(4): 220232. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220232
Chen L, Zhang J L, Peng H, et al. Few-shot image classification via multi-scale attention and domain adaptation[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(4): 220232. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220232
Citation: Chen L, Zhang J L, Peng H, et al. Few-shot image classification via multi-scale attention and domain adaptation[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(4): 220232. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220232


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 张建林,jlin_zh@163.com
  • 中图分类号: TP391.4

Few-shot image classification via multi-scale attention and domain adaptation

  • Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China (62101529)
More Information
  • 小样本图像识别是计算机视觉中的关键问题。针对小样本情况下度量学习方法的类别原型不准确、泛化能力差问题,本文采用以下措施来提高小样本图像识别准确率:第一、为减缓样本稀缺问题,利用掩膜自编码器进行图像扩充,提高样本复杂度。第二、设计多尺度注意力模块,突出类别相关特征,解决类别原型偏差大的问题。第三、提出领域自适应模块,引入间隔损失函数,优化嵌入函数的表征能力,实现新类样本的精确表征,增强模型的泛化能力。通过在多个公开数据集上进行实验表明,本文方法可以有效提升小样本图像识别准确率。

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  • 图 1  5-way 1-shot示意图

    Figure 1.  Diagram of 5-way 1-shot

    图 2  多尺度注意力与领域自适应小样本分类模型结构

    Figure 2.  The framework of few-shot image classification via multi-scale attention and domain adaptation

    图 3  掩膜自编码器复原图像

    Figure 3.  Image restoration by masked autoencoders

    图 4  多尺度注意力模型结构

    Figure 4.  Structure of the multi-scale attention

    图 5  领域自适应模块工作原理。(a) 模型训练阶段;(b) 模型测试阶段

    Figure 5.  Operating principle of the domain adaptation module. (a) Model training process; (b) Model testing process

    图 6  MiniImageNet数据集模型收敛。(a) 5-way 1-shot;(b) 5-way 5-shot

    Figure 6.  Model convergence on the miniImageNet dataset. (a) 5-way 1-shot;(b) 5-way 5-shot

    图 7  MiniImageNet数据集模型损失。 (a) 5-way 1-shot;(b) 5-way 5-shot

    Figure 7.  Model loss on the miniImageNet dataset. (a) 5-way 1-shot;(b) 5-way 5-shot

    图 8  卷积神经网络视觉特征可视化

    Figure 8.  Visualization of features based on convolutional neural network

    图 9  MiniImageNet中5类图像特征向量可视化。(a) Baseline方法;(b) 本文方法

    Figure 9.  Visualization of image features in five classes of miniImageNet. (a) Baseline method; (b) MADA method

    图 10  注意力热图

    Figure 10.  Attention heat map

    图 11  领域自适应模型性能分析。(a) 5-way 1-shot ;(b) 5-way 5-shot

    Figure 11.  Domain adaptation module analysis. (a) 5-way 1-shot; (b) 5-way 5-shot

    表 1  骨架网络的模型结构

    Table 1.  Structure of the backbone

    卷积层142$ \times $42[3×3,64] × 3[3×3,64]
    卷积层221$ \times $21[3×3,160] × 3[3×3,64]
    卷积层310$ \times $10[3×3,320] × 3[3×3,64]
    卷积层45$ \times $5[3×3,640] × 3[3×3,64]
    池化层1$ \times $15×5 Pool5×5 Pool
    参数量50 MB0.46 MB
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    表 2  MiniImageNet数据集置信度95%小样本分类准确率 (episodes为10000)

    Table 2.  Few-shot classification accuracies with 95 confidence interval on the miniImageNet dataset (the number of episodes is 10000)

    模型骨架网络5-way 1-shot5-way 5-shot
    Matching Net [12]Conv443.56±0.8455.31±0.37
    Proto Net [13]Conv449.42±0.7868.20±0.66
    Relation Net [21]Conv450.44±0.8265.32±0.70
    MAML [9]Conv448.70±1.8463.11±0.92
    DN4 [14]Conv451.24±0.7471.02±0.64
    DSN [23]Conv451.78±0.9668.99±0.69
    BOIL [25]Conv449.61±0.1666.45±0.37
    Matching Net [12]ResNet-1265.64±0.2078.73±0.15
    Proto Net [13]ResNet-1260.37±0.8378.02±0.75
    DN4 [14]ResNet-1254.37±0.3674.44±0.29
    DSN [23]ResNet-1262.64±0.6678.73±0.45
    SNAIL [22]ResNet-1255.71±0.9968.88±0.92
    CTM [24]ResNet-1264.12±0.8280.51±0.14
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    表 3  TieredImageNet数据集置信度95%小样本分类准确率 (episodes为10000)

    Table 3.  Few-shot classification accuracies with 95 confidence interval on the tieredImageNet dataset (the number of episodes is 10000)

    模型骨架网络5-way 1-shot5-way 5-shot
    Matching Net [12]ResNet-1268.50±0.9280.60±0.71
    Proto Net [13]ResNet-1265.65±0.9283.40±0.65
    MetaOpt Net [26]ResNet-1265.99±0.7281.56±0.53
    TPN [27]ResNet-1259.91±0.9473.30±0.75
    CTM [24]ResNet-1268.41±0.3984.28±1.74
    LEO [10]ResNet-1266.63±0.0581.44±0.09
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    表 4  CUB数据集置信度95%小样本分类准确率 (episodes为10000)

    Table 4.  Few-shot classification accuracies with 95 confidence interval on the CUB dataset (the number of episodes is 10000)

    模型骨架网络5-way 1-shot5-way 5-shot
    Matching Net [12]Conv460.52±0.8875.29±0.75
    Proto Net [13]Conv450.46±0.8876.39±0.64
    Relation Net [21]Conv461.10±0.7976.11±0.69
    MAML [9]Conv454.73±0.9775.75±0.76
    Baseline++ [28]Conv460.53±0.8379.34±0.61
    DN4 [14]Conv466.63±0.0581.44±0.09
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    表 5  在miniImageNet数据集上置信度95%小样本分类的消融实验 (episodes为10000)

    Table 5.  Ablation study of few-shot classification accuracies with 95 confidence interval on the miniImageNet (the number of episodes is 10000)

    网络MA DA DE5-way 1-shot5-way 5-shot
    Baseline× × ×60.37±0.8378.02±0.75
    MA × ×65.84±0.2381.94±0.34
    MADA ×67.21±0.1882.41±0.48
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