
刘光辉,杨琦,孟月波,等. 一种并行混合注意力的渐进融合图像增强方法[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(4): 220231. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220231
引用本文: 刘光辉,杨琦,孟月波,等. 一种并行混合注意力的渐进融合图像增强方法[J]. 光电工程,2023,50(4): 220231. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220231
Liu G H, Yang Q, Meng Y B, et al. A progressive fusion image enhancement method with parallel hybrid attention[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(4): 220231. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220231
Citation: Liu G H, Yang Q, Meng Y B, et al. A progressive fusion image enhancement method with parallel hybrid attention[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2023, 50(4): 220231. doi: 10.12086/oee.2023.220231


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 刘光辉,guanghuil@163.com
  • 中图分类号: TP391.4

A progressive fusion image enhancement method with parallel hybrid attention

  • Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China (52278125) and Key Research and Development Project of Shaanxi Province (2021SF-429)
More Information
  • 针对低照度图像增强过程中出现的色彩失真、噪声放大和细节信息丢失等问题,提出一种并行混合注意力的渐进融合图像增强方法(progressive fusion of parallel hybrid attention,PFA)。首先,设计多尺度加权聚合网络(multi-scale weighted aggregation,MWA),通过聚合不同感受野下学习到的多尺度特征,促进局部特征的全域化表征,加强原始图像细节信息的保留;其次,提出并行混合注意力结构(parallel hybrid attention module,PHA),利用像素注意力和通道注意力并联组合排列,缓解不同分支注意力分布滞后造成的颜色差异,通过相邻注意力间的信息相互补充有效提高图像的色彩表现力并弱化噪声;最后,设计渐进特征融合模块(progressive feature fusion module,PFM),在三个阶段由粗及细对前阶段输入特征进行再处理,补充因网络深度增加造成的浅层特征流失,避免因单阶段特征堆叠导致的信息冗余。LOL、DICM、MEF和LIME数据集上的实验结果表明,本文方法在多个评价指标上的表现均优于对比方法。

  • Overview: In many scenes in real life, collecting high-quality images is one of the key factors to achieve high accuracy in object detection, image segmentation, automatic driving, medical surgery, and other works. However, images and videos collected by electronic devices are very vulnerable to various environmental factors, such as poor lighting, resulting in low image brightness, color distortion, more noise, effective details, and texture information loss, which brings many difficulties to subsequent tasks and works. The enhancement of low-illumination images generally restores image clarity by increasing brightness, removing noise, and restoring image color. In recent years, the depth neural network has had a strong nonlinear fitting ability, which has achieved good results in low illumination enhancement, image deblurring, and other fields. However, the existing low illumination image enhancement algorithms will lead to color imbalance when improving image brightness and contrast, and easily ignore the impact of some noises. Based on the above questions, this paper proposes an image enhancement method with parallel mixed attention step-by-step fusion. With the aid of the limited correlation between local features extracted by weighting different multi-scale branches, the local image details under multiple receptive fields can complement each other, and use parallel mixed attention to focus on color information and lighting features at the same time, which effectively improves the detail representation of the network and reduces noises. Finally, shallow feature information is fused in multiple stages. In order to alleviate the model confusion caused by the weakening of color information expression and single-stage feature superposition caused by the increase of network depth. The ablation experiment, module multi-stage experiment, and multiple evaluation indexes are compared with the existing advanced methods on four commonly used datasets, which fully proves that the method proposed in this paper is superior to the comparison methods on multiple evaluation parameters, and can effectively improve the overall brightness of the image, adjust the image color imbalance and remove noises. Combining the follow-up research task of the subject and analyzing the shortcomings of the network, a way to simplify the model and improve the operation speed will be the key direction of the follow-up research task.

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  • 图 1  本文方法结构图

    Figure 1.  Structure and principle diagram of this method

    图 2  多尺度加权聚合模块

    Figure 2.  Multi-scale weighted aggregation module

    图 3  并行混合注意力结构图

    Figure 3.  Parallel hybrid attention structure diagram

    图 4  通道注意力结构图

    Figure 4.  Structure diagram of channel attention and pixel attention

    图 5  像素注意力结构图

    Figure 5.  Structure diagram of pixel attention

    图 6  (a) 渐进特征融合模块;(b) 各阶段融合单元

    Figure 6.  (a) Progressive feature fusion module;(b) Fusion unit at each stage

    图 7  在LOL数据集上的实验对比效果

    Figure 7.  Experimental comparisons on the LOL data set

    图 8  在MEF数据集上的实验对比效果

    Figure 8.  Experimental contrast effect on MEF dataset

    图 9  在DICM数据集上的实验对比效果

    Figure 9.  Experimental contrast effect on DICM data set

    图 10  在LIME数据集上的实验对比效果

    Figure 10.  Experimental comparisons on LIME datasets

    图 11  渐进特征融合在不同阶段增强效果与细节展示

    Figure 11.  Progressive fusion enhances the effect and details at different stages

    表 1  在LOL数据集上与先进的图像增强方法进行量比较

    Table 1.  Compares the amount of LOL data set with advanced image enhancement methods

    MethodsSSIM$ \uparrow $PSNR$ \uparrow $ /dBLPIPS$ \downarrow $GMSD$ \downarrow $FSIM$ \uparrow $UQI$ \uparrow $
    EnGAN [23]0.651517.48280.39030.10460.92260.8499
    (上箭头$ \uparrow $和下箭头$ \downarrow $分别表示随着指标数值变大或减小,并将最优结果加粗标出)
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    表 2  在LIME、DICM、MEF数据集上与先进的图像增强方法进行量比较

    Table 2.  Compares the values of Lime, DICM and MEF data sets with those of advanced image enhancement methods

    EnGAN [34]3.65742.91743.5373
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    表 3  在LOL数据集上加入不同网络模块后的量化比较

    Table 3.  Quantitative comparison after adding different network modules to LOL data set

    w/o PHA、PFM,with MWA19.070.78
    With PHA,w/o MWA、PFM20.530.84
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    表 4  渐进特征融合在不同阶段增强后的量化结果

    Table 4.  Quantitative results of progressive fusion after enhancement in different stages

    With 1 , w/o 2、320.080.76
    With 1、2, w/o 320.910.83
    With 1、2、321.530.87
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    表 5  各方法的平均增强时间

    Table 5.  Average enhancement time of each method

    Runningtime $ \downarrow $LIME[30]GLAD[36]Enlighten-GAN[34]KinD[33]Zero-DCE[35]Retinex-Net[32]BIMEF[37]Ours
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