
丁梓轩,陈烨,徐飞. 微光纤光学谐振器的原理与应用[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(8): 220006. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.220006
引用本文: 丁梓轩,陈烨,徐飞. 微光纤光学谐振器的原理与应用[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(8): 220006. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.220006
Ding Z X, Chen Y, Xu F. Optical microfiber resonator: principle and applications[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(8): 220006. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.220006
Citation: Ding Z X, Chen Y, Xu F. Optical microfiber resonator: principle and applications[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(8): 220006. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.220006


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 徐飞,feixu@nju.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TN253

Optical microfiber resonator: principle and applications

  • Fund Project: National Natural Science Foundation of China (62135007)
More Information
  • 由传统光纤拉锥形成的直径为几百纳米到几微米的微光纤具有大倏逝场、强光场束缚能力、高光学非线性、易于弯曲的可塑性和兼容现有光纤系统的便利性等优势,为发展小型和功能集成的全光纤器件提供了高自由度的平台。作为基础的光电子器件之一,光学谐振器在光通信、传感、信号处理、量子光学等领域具有很大的研究价值,被广泛应用。传统光学微谐振器多基于光刻技术,制备工艺条件相对复杂。而随着微光纤制备技术的成熟,基于微光纤的光学谐振器也被提出并逐步发展。微光纤光学谐振器是一种基于倏逝场耦合的近场光学耦合器件,具有低插入损耗、高精细度、易于制造以及与光纤系统良好兼容性等诸多优点,可应用于滤波器、传感器、光调制器和光纤激光等诸多领域。本文从微光纤光学谐振器的基本原理、器件制备、应用等方面介绍了该领域的相关进展。

  • Overview: Microfibers tapered from conventional optical fibers with diameters ranging from hundreds of nanometers to several micrometers possess various advantages including large evanescent field, strong light confinement, high optical nonlinearity, flexible configurability, and low-loss connection to other fiberized system, which makes it an open platform for miniaturization and integration of all-fiber devices. Nowadays microfiber can be easily obtained through mature fabrication method like flame-brushing technique. On the other hand, as a fundamental opto-electronic component, optical resonators have got comprehensively researched and widely applied in the fields of optical communication, sensing, signal processing, and quantum photonics, including whispering-gallery-mode cavities like micro-ring, micro-cylinder, micro-toroid, and micro-sphere. These traditional optical resonators are fabricated through lithography which is relatively complicated. With the maturation of microfiber fabrication methods, optical resonators based on optical microfibers have been demonstrated and developed, such as microfiber loop resonators, microfiber knot resonators, and microfiber coil resonator. As an optical coupling device based on evanescent field coupling, the microfiber resonator features in low insertion loss, high Q-factor, high finesse, excellent mechanical stability, easy fabrication process, and compatibility with fiber systems, providing a broad platform for all-fiberized miniatured devices of probing and modulation. Through further integration with exterior functional materials and microfabrication techniques, a microfiber resonator can be utilized in diverse domains of sensor, filter, modulator, and fiber laser, as well as quantum photonics and nonlinear optics, realizing the ‘lab on fiber-ring’. In the field of sensing, the microfiber resonators get exploited as the refractometric sensor, concentration and humidity sensor, temperature and current sensor, mechanical pressure sensor, microfluidic sensor, magnetic field sensor, acceleration sensor, etc., where the devices exhibit high adaptability and excellent sensitivity. As to optical signal processing, the device can be used as the single wavelength or multi-wavelength filter, code-type conversion, and optical modulation. The intensity and phase of light can be tuned to a large scale within broad wavebands, and the modulation response time is also reduced to achieve high-speed modulation. Furthermore, the microfiber resonator can be used as an optical delay line or generator of second harmonic or third harmonic. When applied into fiber laser, the microfiber resonators help build the stable light source with narrow linewidth single frequency or multiwavelength laser with high uniformity. The devices integrated with metal or 2D materials also make the laser operate under conventional soliton mode-locking or dissipative four-wave-mixing mode-locking regime and output sub-picosecond pulsation, broadening the dynamics of ultrafast optics. In this article, we summarize the recent progress in the microfiber resonators research fields, covering fundamental principles and characteristics, fabrication methods, and applications of microfiber resonators.

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  • 图 1  微光纤结构示意图

    Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of a microfiber

    图 2  阶跃光纤截面示意图

    Figure 2.  Cross-section of step-index fiber

    图 3  (a) 不同直径的阶跃型光纤HE11和HE12模的有效折射率;(b) 包层直径分别为80 μm及20 μm时的模场分布[25]; (c) 800 nm波长下微光纤不同高阶模有效折射率随直径的变化

    Figure 3.  (a) Effective refractive index of HE11 and HE12 mode for step-index fiber with varied diameter; (b) Cross-section mode field distribution of fiber with cladding diameter of 80 μm and 20 μm[25]; (c) Variation of effective refractive index for high-order modes in microfiber versus diameter at wavelength of 800 nm

    图 4  微光纤谐振器。 (a) 环形谐振器;(b) 结形谐振器;(c) 线圈形谐振器

    Figure 4.  Microfiber resonators. (a) Microfiber loop resonator; (b) Microfiber knot resonator; (c) Microfiber coil resonator

    图 5  (a) 微光纤线圈的自然坐标系;(b) 柱坐标下的微光纤线圈;(c) 两个相邻线圈的截面

    Figure 5.  (a) Natural coordinate system of MCR; (b) MCR under cylindrical coordinates; (c) Cross-section of adjacent microfibers

    图 6  微光纤谐振器的特征参数。 (a) 群延迟谱;(b) 色散;(c) 透射谱

    Figure 6.  Parameters of microfiber resonator. (a) Group delay; (b) Dispersion; (c) Transmission spectrum

    图 7  微光纤谐振器的Q

    Figure 7.  Roadmap of evolution in Q-factor of microfiber resonator

    图 8  (a) “扫火法”系统示意图;(b)石英材料微光纤的扫描电镜照片

    Figure 8.  (a) Schematic diagram of flame-brushing technique; (b) SEM image of a silica microfiber

    图 9  微光纤谐振器的制备。 (a) MLR的制备;(b) MKR打断式制备;(c) MKR完整式制备;(d) MKR样品实物显微照片;(e) 三圈MCR样品实物显微照片;(f) MCR的制备;(g) 石墨烯集成MCR的制备

    Figure 9.  Fabrication of microfiber resonator. (a) Fabrication of MLR; (b) MKR’s cutting-end fabrication; (c) MKR’s complete fabrication; (d) Microscopic image of MKR; (e) Microscopic image of MCR; (f) Fabrication of MCR; (g) Fabrication of graphene-integrated MCR

    图 10  封装后温度敏感度随微光纤直径的变化

    Figure 10.  Temperature sensitivity as a function of the microfiber radius after package

    图 11  微光纤谐振器传感。(a) 基于MLR的折射率传感器[52];(b) MKR与氧化石墨烯集成的气体传感器[62];(c) 基于MKR的温度传感器[64];(d) 基于石墨烯集成MCR的电流传感器;(e) 混合等离激元MKR;(f) 柔性可穿戴HPMKR传感器;(g) 基于MKR的光纤水听器[39];(h) MCR微流体传感器;(i) 基于MCR的三维立体光栅

    Figure 11.  Sensors based on microfiber resonators. (a) Refractometric sensor based on MLR[52]; (b) Graphene oxide deposited MKR for gas sensing[62]; (c) Temperature sensor based on MKR[64]; (d) Current sensor based on graphene-integrated MCR; (e) Hybrid-plasmonic MKR; (f) Soft and wearable HPMKR sensor; (g) Fiber hydrophone based on MKR[39]; (h) Microfluidic sensor based on MCR; (i) 3D-stereo grating based on a microstructured rod with MCR

    图 12  光信号处理。(a) MCR宽带起偏器[38];(b) 石墨烯集成MCR全光调制器[81];(c) 石墨烯集成MCR全光调制器的偏振相关调制[81];(d) 石墨烯集成MKR全光调制器[82];(e) WS2集成MKR全光调制器[83];(f) MCR光延迟线[84]

    Figure 12.  Optical signal processing.(a) MCR broad band polarizer[38]; (b) Graphene-integrated MCR all-optical modulator[81]; (c) Polarization-dependent modulation of graphene-integrated MCR all-optical modulator[81]; (d) Graphene-integrated MKR all-optical modulator[82]; (e) WS2-integrated MKR all-optical modulator[83]; (f) MCR delay line[84]

    图 13  应用于光纤激光器的微光纤谐振器。(a) 微光纤谐振器的激光应用形式;(b) 基于微光纤谐振器的光纤激光器运转模式

    Figure 13.  Application of microfiber resonators in fiber laser.(a) Application schemes of microfiber-resonator-based fiber laser; (b) Operation regimes of microfiber-resonator-based fiber laser

    表 1  三种热拉伸制备微纳光纤工艺性能对比

    Table 1.  Performance comparison of 3 microfiber fabrication methods

    (633/1550 nm)
    ~ 0.1
    (633 nm)
    ~ 0.02
    (1550 nm)
    (633/1550 nm)
    参考文献[5][41][9, 42]
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    表 2  基于微光纤谐振器的传感器件

    Table 2.  Sensors based on microfiber resonators

    MCR异丙基浓度40 nm/RIU[51]
    17.8 nm/RIU
    109.7 nm/RIU
    MLR海水盐度1000 nm/RIU 或 2 nm/%[53]
    MKRNaCl浓度1.7 nm/%[55]
    MKRNaCl浓度0.2 nm/%[56]
    MKR湿度1.2 pm/% (石英光纤)
    8.8 pm/% (聚合物光纤)
    MLR湿度1.8 pm/%[58]
    MKR湿度5.95 pm/%[59]
    MKR湿度1.53 nm/%[60]
    0.35 pm/ppm
    MCRPb2+离子浓度702 pm/ppm[63]
    MKR温度280 pm/℃[65]
    MKR温度266 pm/℃[64]
    MLR温度0.043 dB/℃[66]
    MKR电流0.0513 nm/A2[67]
    MCR电流220.65 nm/A2[68]
    MCR电流6.7297×104 nm/A2[69]
    MKR压强51.2 pm/kPa[33]
    MKR压强16.02 pm/kPa[71]
    MKR压强−288 dB re (μPa)−1[39]
    MKR加速度29 pm/G[73]
    MKR磁场~ 0.3 pm/Oe[74]
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    表 3  基于微光纤谐振器的光信号处理

    Table 3.  Signal processing based on microfiber resonators

    MKR通信码型转换15500.32~0.64/> 108[77]
    MKR滤波46002~9.610.24~8> 4[80]
    MLR二次谐波产生15507752.4 × 10−75.7[89]
    MLR三次谐波产生1550516.71.8 × 10−55.9[90]
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    表 4  基于微光纤谐振器的光纤激光

    Table 4.  Fiber laser based on microfiber resonators

    MKR15363.2 × 10−4380.9575[94]
    MKR1550.7721660.68 × 103[96]
    MKR15351.1275.3 MHz16.3[103]
    162 GHz
    106.7 GHz
    < 6.17
    MKR15600.33~1.16> 341 GHz~144 GHz6.6[40]
    MLR15550.46> 357.8 GHz3.4[105]
    27.4 GHz
    15.5/140 MHz
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