
汪荣贵,雷辉,杨娟,等. 基于自相似特征增强网络结构的图像超分辨率重建[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(5): 210382. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210382
引用本文: 汪荣贵,雷辉,杨娟,等. 基于自相似特征增强网络结构的图像超分辨率重建[J]. 光电工程,2022,49(5): 210382. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210382
Wang R G, Lei H, Yang J, et al. Self-similarity enhancement network for image super-resolution[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(5): 210382. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210382
Citation: Wang R G, Lei H, Yang J, et al. Self-similarity enhancement network for image super-resolution[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2022, 49(5): 210382. doi: 10.12086/oee.2022.210382


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 杨娟,yangjuan6985@163.com
  • 中图分类号: TP391.4

Self-similarity enhancement network for image super-resolution

  • Fund Project: The National Key Research & Development Program of China (2020YFC1512601)
More Information
  • 深度卷积神经网络最近在图像超分辨率方面展示了高质量的恢复效果。然而,现有的图像超分辨率方法大多只考虑如何充分利用训练集中固有的静态特性,却忽视了低分辨率图像本身的自相似特征。为了解决这些问题,本文设计了一种自相似特征增强的网络结构(SSEN)。具体来说,本文将可变形卷积嵌入到金字塔结构中并结合跨层次协同注意力,设计出了一个能够充分挖掘多层次自相似特征的模块,即跨层次特征增强模块。此外,本文还在堆叠的密集残差块中引入池化注意力机制,利用条状池化扩大卷积神经网络的感受野并在深层特征中建立远程依赖关系,从而深层特征中相似度较高的部分能够相互补充。在常用的五个基准测试集上进行了大量实验,结果表明,SSEN比现有的方法在重建效果上具有明显提升。

  • Overview: Single image super-resolution can not only be directly used in practical applications, but also benefits other tasks of computer vision, such as object detection and semantic segmentation. Single image super-resolution, with the goal of reconstructing an accurate high-resolution (HR) image from its observed low-resolution (LR) image counterpart, is a representative branch of image reconstruction tasks in the field of computer vision. Dong et al. firstly introduced a three-layer convolutional neural network to learn the mapping function between the bicubic-interpolated and HR image pairs, demonstrating the substantial performance improvements compared to those of conventional algorithms. Therefore, a series of single image super-resolution algorithms based on deep learning have been proposed. Although a great progress has been made in image super-resolution methods, existing convolutional neural network-based super-resolution models still have some limitations. First, most CNN-based super-resolution methods focus on designing deeper or wider networks to learn more advanced features of discriminability, but fail to make full use of the internal self-similarity information of the low-resolution images. In response to this problem, SAN introduced non-local networks and CS-NL proposed cross-scale non-local. Although these methods can take the advantage of self-similarity, they still need to consume a huge amount of memory to calculate the large relational matrix of each spatial location. Second, most methods do not make reasonable use of multi-level self-similarity. Even if some methods consider the importance of multi-level self-similarity, they do not have a good method to fuse them, so as to achieve a good image reconstruction effect.

    To solve these problems, we propose a self-similarity enhancement network (SSEN). We embedded deformable convolution into the pyramid structure to mine multi-level self-similarity in the low-resolution images, and then introduced the cross-level co-attention at each level of the pyramid to fuse them. Finally, the pooling attention mechanism was utilized to further explore the self-similarity in deep features. Compared with other models, our network mainly has the following differences. First, our network searches self-similarity using an offset estimator of deformable convolution. At the same time, we use the cross-level co-attention to enhance the ability of cross-level feature transmission in the feature pyramid structure. Second, most models capture global correlation by calculating pixel correlation through non-local networks. However, the pooled attention mechanism is used in our network to adaptively capture remote dependencies with low computational cost, which enhances the deep features of self-similarity, thus significantly improving the reconstruction effect. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets have shown that the SSEN has a significant improvement in reconstruction effect compared with the existing methods.

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  • 图 1  网络结构。

    Figure 1.  Basic architectures.

    图 2  提出的特征增强模块

    Figure 2.  The proposed feature enhancement module

    图 3  感受野模块

    Figure 3.  Receptive field block

    图 4  提出的跨层次协同注意力结构, 其中Fgp表示全局平均池化

    Figure 4.  The proposed Cross-Level Co-Attention architec-ture. "Fgp" denotes the global average pooling

    图 5  池化注意力示意图

    Figure 5.  Schematic illustration of the pooling attention

    图 6  数据集Urban100中“Img048”放大4倍的超分辨率结果

    Figure 6.  Super-resolution results of " Img048" in Urban100 dataset for 4× magnification

    图 7  数据集Urban100中“Img092”放大4倍的超分辨率结果

    Figure 7.  Super-resolution results of " Img092" in Urban100 dataset for 4× magnification

    图 8  数据集BSD100中“223061”放大4倍的超分辨率结果

    Figure 8.  Super-resolution results of " 223061" in BSD100 dataset for 4× magnification

    图 9  数据集BSD100中“253027”放大4倍的超分辨率结果

    Figure 9.  Super-resolution results of " 253027" in BSD100 dataset for 4× magnification

    图 10  跨层次特征增强模块和池化注意力密集块聚合分析每种组合的曲线均基于Set5,放大因子为4,共800 epoch

    Figure 10.  Convergence analysis on CLFE and PADB. The curves for each combination are based on the PSNR on Set5 with scaling factor 4× in 800 epochs.

    图 11  网络中各模块的输出结果。

    Figure 11.  Results of each module in the network.

    表 1  在数据集Set5、Set14、BSD100、Urban100、Manga109上放大倍数分别为2、3、4的平均 PSNR(dB)和SSIM的结果比较

    Table 1.  The average results of PSNR/SSIM with scale factor 2×,3× and 4× on datasets Set5,Set14,BSD100,Urban100 and Manga109

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    表 2  跨层次特征增强模块和池化注意力密集块在数据集Set5放大4倍下结果比较

    Table 2.  The results of cross-level and feature enhancement module and pooling attention dense block with scale factor 4× on Set5

    CLFE × ×
    Cascaded PADB × ×
    PSNR/dB 32.28 32.35 32.37 32.42
    SSIM 0.8962 0.8971 0.8972 0.8982
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    表 3  模型大小和计算量在数据集Set14放大2倍情况下的比较,计算量表示乘法操作和加法操作的数目之和

    Table 3.  Model size and MAC comparison on Set14 (2×), "MAC" denotes the number of multiply-accumulate operations

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