Abstract:As a new generation of the imaging device, light-field camera can simultaneously capture the spatial position and incident angle of light rays. However, the recorded light-field has a trade-off between spatial resolution and angular resolution. Especially the application range of light-field cameras is restricted by the limited spatial resolution of sub-aperture images. Therefore, a light-field super-resolution neural network that fuses multi-scale features to obtain super-resolved light-field is proposed in this paper. The deep-learning-based network framework contains three major modules: multi-scale feature extraction, global feature fusion, and up-sampling. Firstly, inherent structural features in the 4D light-field are learned through the multi-scale feature extraction module, and then the fusion module is exploited for feature fusion and enhancement. Finally, the up-sampling module is used to achieve light-field super-resolution. The experimental results on the synthetic light-field dataset and real-world light-field dataset showed that this method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in both visual and numerical evaluations. In addition, the super-resolved light-field images were applied to depth estimation in this paper, the results illustrated that the disparity map was enhanced through the light-field spatial super-resolution.
Key words:
- super-resolution /
- light-field /
- deep learning /
- multi-scale feature extraction /
- feature fusion
Overview: As a new generation of imaging equipment, a light-field camera can simultaneously capture the spatial position and incident angle of light rays. However, the recorded light-field has a trade-off between spatial resolution and angular resolution. Especially the limited spatial resolution of sub-aperture images limits the application scenarios of light-field cameras. Therefore, a light-field super-resolution network that fuses multi-scale features to obtain super-resolved light-field is proposed in this paper. The deep-learning-based network framework contains three major modules: multi-scale feature extraction module, global feature fusion module, and up-sampling module. The design ideas of different modules are as follows.
a) Multi-scale feature extraction module: To explore the complex texture information in the 4D light-field space, the feature extraction module uses ResASPP blocks to expand the perception field and to extract multi-scale features. The low-resolution light-field sub-aperture images are first sent to a Conv block and a Res block for low level feature extraction, and then a ResASPP block and a Res block are alternated twice to learn multi-scale features that accumulate high-frequency information in the 4D light-field.
b) Global feature fusion module: The light-field images contain not only spatial information but also angular information, which implies inherent structures of 4D light-field. The global feature fusion module is proposed to geometrically reconstruct the super-resolved light-field by exploiting the angular clues. It should be noted that the feature maps of all the sub-images from the upstream are first stacked in the channel dimension of the network and then are sent to this module for high-level features extraction.
c) Up-sampling module: After learning the global features in the 4D light-field structure, the high-level feature maps could be sent to the up-sampling module for light-field super resolution. This module uses sub-pixel convolution or pixel shuffle operation to obtain 2 spatial super-resolution, after feature maps are sent to a conventional convolution layer to perform feature fusion and finally output a super-resolved light-field sub-images array.
The network proposed in this paper was applied to the synthetic light-field dataset and the real-world light-field dataset for light-field images super-resolution. The experimental results on the synthetic light-field dataset and real-world light-field dataset showed that this method outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in both visual and numerical evaluations. In addition, the super-resolved light-field images were applied to depth estimation, and the results illustrated the parallax calculation enhancement of light-field spatial super-resolution, especially in occlusion and edge regions.
表 1 不同超分辨算法在合成数据上的性能比较
Table 1. Performance comparison of different image super resolution algorithms on synthetic data
Method Buddha Mona Papillon PSNR/dB SSIM PSNR/dB SSIM PSNR/dB SSIM Bicubic 33.0865 0.9208 32.6579 0.9301 33.4031 0.9365 GBSR 35.7463 0.9568 38.1479 0.9769 38.7855 0.9802 FALSR 34.9493 0.9373 34.8104 0.9412 34.7569 0.9504 ResLF 35.4988 0.9689 34.3314 0.9614 35.1983 0.9754 Proposed 39.8095 0.9807 41.5483 0.9865 41.0616 0.9852 表 2 不同超分辨算法在真实数据上的性能对比
Table 2. Performance comparison of different image super resolution algorithms on real-world data
Method Fence Cars Flowers PSNR/dB SSIM PSNR/dB SSIM PSNR/dB SSIM Bicubic 30.8720 0.9541 31.3657 0.9401 30.2619 0.9194 FALSR 35.1476 0.9639 31.5821 0.9422 31.5795 0.9192 ResLF 34.9172 0.9844 31.6191 0.9722 31.3748 0.9538 Proposed 31.5522 0.9816 35.2929 0.9800 40.6967 0.9874 -
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