
张宝华,朱思雨,吕晓琪,等. 软多标签和深度特征融合的无监督行人重识别[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(12):190636. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190636
引用本文: 张宝华,朱思雨,吕晓琪,等. 软多标签和深度特征融合的无监督行人重识别[J]. 光电工程,2020,47(12):190636. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190636
Zhang B H, Zhu S Y, Lv X Q, et al. Soft multilabel learning and deep feature fusion for unsupervised person re-identification[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(12): 190636. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190636
Citation: Zhang B H, Zhu S Y, Lv X Q, et al. Soft multilabel learning and deep feature fusion for unsupervised person re-identification[J]. Opto-Electron Eng, 2020, 47(12): 190636. doi: 10.12086/oee.2020.190636


  • 基金项目:
    *通讯作者: 张宝华, E-mail: zbh_wj2004@imust.edu.cn
  • 中图分类号: TP391.4

Soft multilabel learning and deep feature fusion for unsupervised person re-identification

  • Fund Project: Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (61962046, 61663036, 61841204), Inner Mongolia Jieqing Cultivation Project (2018JQ02), Inner Mongolia Grassland Talents, Inner Mongolia Youth Science and Technology Innovation Talent Project (Level 1), Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Natural Science Fund (2015MS0604, 2018MS06018), Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Higher Education Science Funded by the Technical Research Project (NJZY145)
More Information
  • 跨摄像头场景中依赖面向标签映射关系的学习以提高识别精度,有监督行人重识别模型虽然识别精度较好,但存在可扩展问题,诸如算法识别精度严重依赖有效的监督信息,算法实时性差等;针对上述问题,提出一种基于软多标签的无监督行人重识别算法。为了提高标签匹配精度,首先利用软多标签逼近真实标签,通过计算参考数据集和参考代理在软多标签函数中的损失函数,预训练参考数据集,并构建预训练与训练结果的映射模型。再通过生成数据和真实数据分布的最小距离的期望即简化的2-Wasserstein距离计算相机视图中软多标签均值和标准差得到损失函数,解决跨视域标签一致性问题。为了提高软多标签对未标记目标数据集的有效性,计算联合嵌入损失,挖掘不同类别间的相似对,纠正跨域分布错位。针对残差网络训练时长和无监督学习精度低的问题,通过结合压缩激励网络(SENet)和多层级深度特征融合改进残差网络的结构,提高训练速度和精度。实验结果表明,该方法在标准数据集下的首位命中率和平均精度均值优于先进相关算法。

  • Overview: People re-identification is mainly used to retrieve pedestrians of interest in the images taken by the camera, and then retrieve targets similar to the people's image. This technology can save a lot of time and manpower in finding the images of the suspect in the pedestrian database, and has good application prospects in intelligent security, criminal investigation, and image retrieval. The supervised person re-identification model has better recognition accuracy, but there are scalability problems. For example, the accuracy of algorithm identification relies heavily on effective supervised information. When adding a small amount of data in the classification process, all data needs to be reprocessed, resulting in poor real-time performance. Aiming at the above problems, an unsupervised person re-identification algorithm based on soft multilabel is proposed. By learning the feature of the target, and then comparing it with the labeled reference datasets, each unlabeled target gets a soft multilabel. In this learning process, in order to obtain more accurate soft multilabel, we introduce the concept of reference agents and in order to reduce the difference between reference agents and labeled reference datasets, we pre-trained the reference datasets. Using a reference agent instead of a labeled reference dataset to compare with an unlabeled target. We also use three loss functions, which are used to mine hard negative pair information, make the cross-camera labels of the same target consistent, and correct cross-domain distribution misalignment. In these three loss functions, the purpose of mining hard negative pair information is to determine negative pairs more accurately and push the distance of negative pairs farther away; The cross-camera label consistency is to reduce the gap between multilabel for the same target under different camera distributions. Using the simplified 2-Wasserstein distance, the mean and standard deviation vectors of soft multilabel in different camera views are calculated; In order to further improve the effectiveness of the reference agent and solve the problem of cross-domain distribution misalignment, for each reference agent, find unlabeled people close to it and design a loss function. In the process of feature extraction, we use multi-level deep feature fusion to complement deep features with shallow features to achieve the purpose of improving feature robustness and thereby improving the recognition accuracy. We also tried to integrate squeeze-and-excitation networks (SENet) into the residual network to achieve a function similar to the attention mechanism to improve the learning speed. Experimental results show that rank-1 and mAP in this paper are superior to advanced correlation algorithms.

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  • 图 1  软多标签学习损失函数

    Figure 1.  Soft multilabel learning loss function illustrate

    图 2  ResNet-50结构图

    Figure 2.  ResNet-50 illustrate

    图 3  SE_ResNet网络结构图

    Figure 3.  SE_ResNet illustrate

    图 4  实验模型结构图

    Figure 4.  Experimental model illustrate

    图 6  对 SE_ResNet-50 进行调参实验结果。 (a) 调纪元数 epoch 参数实验结果曲线图; (b) 调学习率 learning rate 实验结果曲线图; (c) 调权重衰减 weight decay 实验结果曲线图

    Figure 6.  Results of adjusting hyperparameters for SE_ResNet-50. (a) Adjusting the experimental results of the epoch parameters; (b) Adjusting the learning rate experimental results; (c) Adjusting the weight decay experimental results

    表 1  预训练对训练结果的影响

    Table 1.  The effect of pre-trained on training results

    Train Pre-train Market
    R1 R5 R10 mAP
    ResNet50 ResNet50(loss_total=0.622) 66.627 81.977 86.609 39.361
    ResNet50 ResNet50, imageNet=None 61.401 77.316 82.245 33.930
    ResNet50 None 42.548 60.778 69.032 22.139
    SE_ResNet50 SE_ResNet50 51.989 69.893 77.078 28.330
    SE_ResNet50 ResNet50(loss_total=0.622) 64.371 81.621 86.461 38.236
    SE_ResNet50 None 35.362 51.425 58.462 17.403
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    表 2  特征融合实验结果

    Table 2.  Feature fusion experimental results

    Methods Market
    R1 R5 R10 mAP
    ResNet50+layer1+layer3 52.049 69.567 76.395 28.279
    ResNet50+layer1+layer4 66.330 81.473 86.520 39.581
    ResNet50+layer2+layer3 51.306 69.240 76.306 28.113
    ResNet50+layer2+layer4 62.500 77.316 83.254 35.884
    ResNet50+layer3+layer4 67.102 81.977 86.876 40.036
    ResNet50+layer1+layer3+layer4 68.973 82.601 86.995 41.188
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    表 3  消融实验

    Table 3.  Ablation study

    Methods Market-1501 DukeMTMC-reID
    R1 R5 R10 mAP R1 R5 R10 mAP
    w/o LCML 60.0 75.9 81.9 34.6 63.2 77.2 82.5 44.9
    w/o LRAL 59.2 76.4 82.3 30.8 57.9 72.6 77.8 37.1
    w/o LCML & LRAL 53.9 71.5 77.7 28.2 60.1 73.0 78.4 40.4
    ResNet50+LMAR 66.627 81.977 86.609 39.361 67.1 79.8 84.2 48.0
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    表 4  与相关方法无监督行人重识别精度对比

    Table 4.  Comparison of unsupervised person recognition accuracy with related methods

    Methods Reference Market Duke
    R1 R5 mAP R1 R5 mAP
    CAMEL[5] ICCV’17 54.5 73.1 26.3 40.3 57.6 19.8
    PUL[6] ToMM’18 45.5 60.7 20.5 30.0 43.4 16.4
    TJ-AIDL[7] CVPR’18 58.2 74.8 26.5 44.3 59.6 23.0
    PTGAN[8] CVPR’18 38.6 57.3 15.7 27.4 43.6 13.5
    SPGAN[9] CVPR’18 51.5 70.1 27.1 41.1 56.6 22.3
    HHL[10] ECCV’18 62.2 78.8 31.4 46.9 61.0 27.2
    MMFA[22] BMVC’18 45.3 - 24.7 56.7 - 27.4
    DECAMEL[23] SCI’18 60.24 - 32.44 - - -
    ARN[24] CVPRW’19 70.3 80.4 39.4 60.2 73.9 33.4
    BUC[25] AAAI’19 66.2 79.6 38.3 47.4 62.6 27.5
    MAR[11] CVPR’19 67.7 81.9 40.0 67.1 79.8 48.0
    The proposed method This work 68.97 82.6 41.2 68.6 80.6 50.1
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