本文在涵盖了从弱湍流到强湍流的所有信道条件, 能够表征现有大多数湍流信道的M分布模型下, 采用QPSK调制方式研究了多跳相干OFDM FSO系统的性能。系统在中继辅助链路的发射机和接收机之间使用DF中继协议。考虑大气湍流、路径损耗以及瞄准误差对大气信道衰落模型的联合作用, 分别推导出系统的中断概率和误符号率的Meijer G形式的闭合表达式。通过仿真分析了中继链路长度、中继节点数以及子载波个数等关键因素对系统的中断性能和误符号率性能的影响。本研究为中继系统的实际应用奠定了理论基础。
Abstract:The performance of multi-hop coherent orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) free space optical (FSO) system is studied by using quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation in this paper. A generalized model called M distribution is selected, which is suitable for all categories of turbulence ranging from weak to strong and characterizes other existing statistical models of atmospheric turbulence induced fading as its special case. The system uses decode and forward (DF) relay protocol between the transmitter and receiver of the relay auxiliary link. Considering the joint attenuation effects of atmospheric turbulence, path loss and pointing error on the atmospheric channel fading model, we derive the Meijer G closed-form expressions of outage probability and symbol error rate (SER). Furthermore, the effects of key factors, such as relay link length, the number of relay nodes and subcarriers on the outage and SER performance of OFDM FSO system are analyzed through simulations. This work lays a theoretical foundation for the practical application of the relay system.
Overview: Free space optical (FSO) communication is a bidirectional communication system which is realized by laser signal propagating in atmospheric channel without optical fiber. It can quickly establish communication links in special complex terrain, which is considered as a practical solution to the "last mile problem." Nevertheless, the performance of FSO system is seriously limited by the combined effects of the atmospheric turbulence, atmospheric attenuation, and pointing error. In order to solve this problem, the addition of serial relay technology can effectively alleviate the deterioration of the performance of FSO system. In this paper, we investigate the performance of multi-hop coherent orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) FSO system by using quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation. A generalized model called M distribution is selected, which is suitable for all categories of turbulence ranging from weak to strong and characterizes other existing statistical models of atmospheric turbulence induced fading as its special case. The system uses decode and forward (DF) relay protocol between the transmitter and receiver of the relay auxiliary link. Considering the joint attenuation effects of atmospheric turbulence, path loss and pointing error on the atmospheric channel fading model, we derive the Meijer G closed-form expressions of outage probability and symbol error rate. Furthermore, the effects of key factors, such as relay link length, the number of relay nodes and subcarriers on the outage and SER performance of OFDM FSO system are analyzed through simulations. It can be concluded from the simulation results that increasing the number of relay nodes and subcarriers, longer relay link, and higher atmosphere turbulence intensity will increase the outage probability and SER of the system. According to the analysis, it is suitable that the number of subcarriers and the relay link length are 256 and 1000 m, respectively. In addition, reducing the normalized threshold can reduce the outage probability of the system. Therefore, controlling the appropriate normalized threshold can improve the stability of communication system. At the same time, increasing the average signal-to-noise ratio can improve the system's symbol error performance. It is also known that when a relay node is added to the communication link, the outage probability and SER of OFDM FSO system increase obviously. With the relay node continuing to join, the downward trend of the outage and symbol error performance is getting smaller. Although the outage and symbol error performance is sacrificed with the increase of relay nodes, it solves the design problems of system links, such as making the transmitter and receiver unable to communicate when there are buildings blocking.
表 1 多跳相干OFDM FSO系统参数
Table 1. The parameters of multi-hop coherent OFDM FSO system
系统参数 符号 取值 总散射分量的平均功率 2b0 1.2 接收端半径/m r 0.1 光波束宽度/m wz 2.5 抖动标准差/m δs 0.3 LOS项的平均功率 Ω 0.4 LOS和耦合到LOS散射项的确定相位之差 ${\varphi _{\rm{A}}} - {\varphi _{\rm{B}}}$ π/2 弱大气湍流 $\left( {\delta _{\rm{R}}^2, \alpha , \beta , \rho } \right)$ (4.58, 4.48, 1, 0.75) 中大气湍流 $\left( {\delta _{\rm{R}}^2, \alpha , \beta , \rho } \right)$ (1.02, 4.37, 3, 0.75) 强大气湍流 $\left( {\delta _{\rm{R}}^2, \alpha , \beta , \rho } \right)$ (0.46, 6.30, 5, 0.75) OFDM的符号周期/ms T 10 带宽/MHz B 26 -
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